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Dairy Cattle Production ( APGS 311) Lesson I : introduction to dairy production.

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1 Dairy Cattle Production ( APGS 311) Lesson I : introduction to dairy production

2 learning objective:  at the end of this lesson students will b e able to :  define dairy science  describe how dairy science come to existence  describe why veterinary students need to take dairy science course  describe contribution of dairy for national economy  describe the trend of world leading milk producing countries development in milk production.

3  Dairy production is one of animal science specialties,  Which deals about The production, collection, handling and Marketing of milk in its many forms to the consuming public.  What is dairy production?

4 Q = How dairy science come to existence ?  at first there were only animal science.  Animal science is simply the collective of study of animals.  Animal science includes study of every aspect of animal from conception to death.

5  As animal scientists have learned more and more about animals ;  the accumulated wealth of information has become too large for any one to completely comprehend (i.e. grasp mentally or understand )

6  Thus as a means of creating manageable pieces;  Animal science divided into disciplines or specialties, Thus dairy production has become to existence as one of animal science specialties? can you name some more animal science specialties ?

7  Some specialties of animal science Animal nutrition Veterinary Animal breeding and genetics Beef cattle production Others Dairy cattle production

8 Is there any unclear things up to now? fill free to ask at all time !!

9 Brainstorming  why we veterinary students need to take dairy cattle production course ?  Think of it individually for 2 minutes

10  Discuss in pairs why vet students need to take dairy production course Why we take dairy ? Because… Time allowed 4 minutes

11 It is time to report your pair discussion result.

12  Conclusion on why vet students take dairy ?  Animals become normal and behave normally if and only if they managed normally  Our farmers consider any abnormalities as diseases coursed by pathogens and  bring that abnormally behaving animal to vet clinic..

13  However the root cause of abnormality of that animal may not only disease  This might be purely due to faulty management or interaction of faulty management and diseases at their sub-clinical state

14  Thus, the objective of giving vet student common courses in general and dairy cattle production in particular is make them able to solve such complex abnormalities or  Abnormalities caused by faulty management, and /or  Abnormalities caused by interaction between disease and faulty management.

15 Do you have any question on this concussion?

16  The Place of Dairy in the National Economy  What is the contribution of dairy to the national economy of Ethiopia?  Form group of three and list possible contributions for 5 minutes

17  The Place of Dairy in the National Economy  What is the contribution of dairy to the national economy of Ethiopia?  Report your finding with you representative while seated = total allowed time 5 minutes

18  conclusion  According to World Bank, 1995 report,  about 85 % of population of Ethiopia engaged in agriculture.  the contributions of agriculture to the country’s GDP is about 60 % To export earning 90 %

19  The livestock sub sector contributes approximately;  12 - 15 % to total GDP (McDaC, 1999)  38% of agricultural GDP  Dairy comprises 20 to 25% of livestock contribution.

20  Milk production  the total milk production from all species is about 2.73 million tons (CSA 2003).  of which milk from cattle comprises 2.59 million tons

21 Question?

22 Brainstorming ( for 2 minutes) What are the leading milk producing countries in the world? Think of it individually and list names of five counties you suppose to be the top five milk producing countries in the world ( use piece of paper)

23  Compare your assumption to the following !  World wide 557 million tones of milk are produced each year.  of which the contribution of Ethiopia is only 0.5%.

24 World's Top Milk Producers Countries 19981997 1996 India747168 US71 70 Russian Federation 333436 Pakistan222120 Brazil222119 World ( includes others ) 557549542 Source: Dairy India Yearbook as accessed on September 22/2010

25  The top five African milk producing countries in terms of milk volume are ;  Sudan,  Egypt,  Kenya,  South Africa and  Algeria. Meanwhile, the first four countries alone produce 52% of total African milk

26 Brainstorming 1.Why these countries have became the leading milk producing? 2. what are possible options of increasing milk production that might have used by these countries ? Think of it individually for 2 minutes

27 Pair work The option of increasing milk production that might have used by these countries are... Do you think these works for Ethiopia ? Discuss in pairs for 4 minutes

28 Students report = total 10 minutes Options of increasing milk production

29 Summery: trend of milk production in US

30 Note:  the number of cows had declined from 1950-1979 is,  However, the milk production per cow was increasing.  After reaching the maximum productivity per cow, they also start to increase the number of cows slightly from 1979 to 1983.

31  option of increasing milk production? 1.Total replacement of the existing population with pure exotic dairy cattle 2.increasing the existing population 3.improving the existing population productivity through  Breeding (selection & crossing)  Proper feeding  Proper heath care & other improved management  Which of the above the best option for Ethiopia?

32 Do you have any question on this concussion?

33  Check whether the objectives had set have achieved.  By now students are able to :  define dairy science  describe how dairy science come to existence  describe why veterinary students need to take dairy science course  describe contribution of dairy for national economy  describe the trend of world leading milk producing countries development in milk production.

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