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Treatement in the „Wieliczka” Salt Mine. TREATMENT METHOD In the „Wieliczka” Salt Mine an innovative method of treatment – subterraneotherapy – is conducted.

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Presentation on theme: "Treatement in the „Wieliczka” Salt Mine. TREATMENT METHOD In the „Wieliczka” Salt Mine an innovative method of treatment – subterraneotherapy – is conducted."— Presentation transcript:

1 Treatement in the „Wieliczka” Salt Mine

2 TREATMENT METHOD In the „Wieliczka” Salt Mine an innovative method of treatment – subterraneotherapy – is conducted.

3 MICROCLIMATE exceptional bacteriological purity lack of allergens (fungi, pollens, mites) high concentration of salt aerosol: NaCl and Mg, Mn, Ca ions; constant low temperature (12 °C); high air humidity (60-80%) air free of pollutants

4 PROFILE OF TREATEMENT bronchial asthma COPD recurrent nose, sinuses, pharynx and larynx conditions chronic bronchitis and pneumonia allergic dieseases

5 TREATMENT PROGRAM Pulmonary rehabilitation Specialist medical consultation Health education Recreation

6 FORMS OF TREATMENT Active pulmonary rehabilitation in subterraneotherapy conditions is provided as: Daytime stays Healthy sleep

7 TREATMENT FACILITIES Specialistic medical consultations Diagnostic tests Physiotherapy Biological renewal

8 2011: By the decision of the Minister of Health the "Wieliczka" Salt Mine achieved the status an underground health resort SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION Scientific research projects in cooperation with the Jagiellonian University

9 Take a deep breath!

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