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E NERGY M ATERIALS I NDUSTRIAL R ESEARCH I NITIATIVE Bridging the Innovation Gap for Energy Materials Industrial Technologies Conference, Aahrus 20 th.

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Presentation on theme: "E NERGY M ATERIALS I NDUSTRIAL R ESEARCH I NITIATIVE Bridging the Innovation Gap for Energy Materials Industrial Technologies Conference, Aahrus 20 th."— Presentation transcript:

1 E NERGY M ATERIALS I NDUSTRIAL R ESEARCH I NITIATIVE Bridging the Innovation Gap for Energy Materials Industrial Technologies Conference, Aahrus 20 th June 2012

2 E NERGY M ATERIALS I NDUSTRIAL R ESEARCH I NITIATIVE 2 EMIRI Workshop programme Introduction to EMIRI – Peter Rigby, Managing Director EMIRI Industrial case studies PV Pastes an example for industrial leadership in Europe – Dr. Michael B. Joerger, VP Thick film materials division, Heraeus (15 minutes) Building a new solid oxide fuel cell industry through an integrated materials and components development programme – Dr. Klaus Rissbacher, Programme Manager, Plansee (15 minutes) How Korea created a strategic rechargeable battery industry – Dr. Fabrice Stassin, Manager EU Government Affairs, Umicore (15 minutes) Panel discussion EMIRI – Bridging the innovation gap for energy materials – Aahrus, 20 th June 2012

3 E NERGY M ATERIALS I NDUSTRIAL R ESEARCH I NITIATIVE 3 Introduction to EMIRI - Agenda The opportunity and the need for European industrial driven research and innovation EMIRI goals & status Rationale for EMIRI The SET Plan Materials Roadmap Structure of EMIRI Milestones / targets / action plan EMIRI – Bridging the innovation gap for energy materials – Aahrus, 20 th June 2012

4 E NERGY M ATERIALS I NDUSTRIAL R ESEARCH I NITIATIVE 4 Agenda The opportunity and the need for European industrial driven research and innovation EMIRI goals & status Rationale for EMIRI The SET Plan Materials Roadmap Structure of EMIRI Milestones / targets / action plan EMIRI – Bridging the innovation gap for energy materials – Aahrus, 20 th June 2012

5 E NERGY M ATERIALS I NDUSTRIAL R ESEARCH I NITIATIVE 5 Source: Advanced Value Added Materials (VAM) is a traditional European strength with a very high market potential (Circa 1 trillion € by 2050). Energy and Environment represent the two key materials sectors in terms of growth potential and absolute value (>50%) Europe must ensure that the advanced materials sector continues to be a key industrial capability for the foreseeable future. We will only achieve this by using all our collective resources in the same direction Value Added Materials importance as an industrial sector EMIRI – Bridging the innovation gap for energy materials – Aahrus, 20 th June 2012

6 E NERGY M ATERIALS I NDUSTRIAL R ESEARCH I NITIATIVE Europe is excellent in science and funding, but lags the rest of the world, and the USA in particular, in bringing added value products to market Source KET HLEG report – June 2011 6 1 EMIRI – Bridging the innovation gap for energy materials – Aahrus, 20 th June 2012

7 E NERGY M ATERIALS I NDUSTRIAL R ESEARCH I NITIATIVE Source KET HLEG report – June 2011 The valley of death could be one of the main contributing factors. Crossing it requires a high level of industry involvement and commitment along the full development path 7 EMIRI – Bridging the innovation gap for energy materials – Aahrus, 20 th June 2012

8 E NERGY M ATERIALS I NDUSTRIAL R ESEARCH I NITIATIVE 8 Agenda The opportunity and the need for European industrial driven research and innovation EMIRI goals & status Rationale for EMIRI The SET Plan Materials Roadmap Structure of EMIRI Milestones / targets / action plan EMIRI – Bridging the innovation gap for energy materials – Aahrus, 20 th June 2012

9 E NERGY M ATERIALS I NDUSTRIAL R ESEARCH I NITIATIVE 9 EMIRI’s value proposition EMIRI is an ‘industrially’ driven association comprising leading companies and R&D stakeholders representing the full economic value chain throughout Europe providing guidance, focus, direction and commitment to succeed in commercialising value added materials programmes for strategic low carbon energy applications fully in line with the SET Plan Materials Road Map EMIRI – Bridging the innovation gap for energy materials – Aahrus, 20 th June 2012

10 E NERGY M ATERIALS I NDUSTRIAL R ESEARCH I NITIATIVE 10 1.EMIRI is an ‘industrially’ driven association comprising leading companies and R&D stakeholders representing the full economic value chain throughout Europe and provides guidance, focus, direction and commitment to succeed in commercialising value added materials programmes for strategic low carbon energy applications fully in line with the SET Plan materials road map. 2.EMIRI is a grass roots, European industry driven association 3.EMIRI will be based on the cross cutting enabling SET Plan Materials Roadmap 4.EMIRI will integrate the full value chain to ensure fully appropriate materials’ cost – performance ratio 5.EMIRI will be incorporated as a legal entity (AISBL) in 2 nd quarter 2012 with circa 30 founding members from industry, research and universities with a goal to triple active membership by the end of 2012 6.EMIRI’s preferred route at present is to develop and implement a long term public – private partnership arrangement in the framework of the Horizon 2020 programme that will also be inclusive of regional and members state funding sources EMIRI goals & status EMIRI – Bridging the innovation gap for energy materials – Aahrus, 20 th June 2012

11 E NERGY M ATERIALS I NDUSTRIAL R ESEARCH I NITIATIVE 11 Agenda The opportunity and the need for European industrial driven research and innovation EMIRI goals & status Rationale for EMIRI The SET Plan Materials Roadmap Structure of EMIRI Milestones / targets / action plan EMIRI – Bridging the innovation gap for energy materials – Aahrus, 20 th June 2012

12 E NERGY M ATERIALS I NDUSTRIAL R ESEARCH I NITIATIVE 12  Climate change  Affordable and reliable energy Society’s Grand Challenges: SET Plan EMIRI – Bridging the innovation gap for energy materials – Aahrus, 20 th June 2012

13 E NERGY M ATERIALS I NDUSTRIAL R ESEARCH I NITIATIVE 13 SET Plan 1.Fuel Cells 2.Nuclear fission 3.Energy Efficient Buildings 4.Fossil fuels / CCS 5.Solar PV 6.Solar Thermal 7.Geothermal 8.Wind 9.Electrical storage 10.Electrical grid / distribution 11.Bio Energy EMIRI – Bridging the innovation gap for energy materials – Aahrus, 20 th June 2012

14 E NERGY M ATERIALS I NDUSTRIAL R ESEARCH I NITIATIVE 14 1.Fuel Cells 2.Nuclear fission 3.Energy Efficient Buildings 4.Fossil fuels / CCS 5.Solar PV 6.Solar Thermal 7.Geothermal 8.Wind 9.Electrical storage 10.Electrical grid / distribution 11.Bio Energy SET Plan Materials Road Map - 2011 SET Plan Materials Road Map - 2011 roadmap

15 E NERGY M ATERIALS I NDUSTRIAL R ESEARCH I NITIATIVE 15 Fossil Fuel / CCS Energy Efficient Buildings (Has PPP already) Bio Energy Electrical Storage Electricity Grid Fuel Cells / H 2 Nuclear Fission Solar PV Solar Thermal Wind Geothermal Complementary to SET Plan e.g. catalysts for: CO 2 conversion (linked to RES) Exhaust gas (reduction of rare earths) SET Plan

16 E NERGY M ATERIALS I NDUSTRIAL R ESEARCH I NITIATIVE 16 Agenda The opportunity and the need for European industrial driven research and innovation EMIRI goals & status Rationale for EMIRI The SET Plan Materials Roadmap Structure of EMIRI Milestones / targets / action plan EMIRI – Bridging the innovation gap for energy materials – Aahrus, 20 th June 2012

17 E NERGY M ATERIALS I NDUSTRIAL R ESEARCH I NITIATIVE 17 We believe that the SET Plan is an exciting concept for the following reasons: It identifies one of the essential challenges for society as well as an integrated vision for solutions It provides a fabric for European research and industry actors to work together more effectively as a coherent whole, better able to compete in a highly aggressive global environment More effective use of resources at a European scale that avoid unnecessary duplication of intellectual efforts and infrastructure will allow to go beyond critical mass to support cutting edge research and innovation programmes The SET Plan Materials road map highlights the necessity and desirability for a cross cutting enabling capability organised on a European scale for advanced energy materials applications EMIRI – Bridging the innovation gap for energy materials – Aahrus, 20 th June 2012

18 E NERGY M ATERIALS I NDUSTRIAL R ESEARCH I NITIATIVE 18 There are many synergies between applications for different materials. Organising materials research and development on a cross-cutting basis makes sense to be more effective and further enhance the level of excellence and strength of the sector. Source: SET Plan Materials Road Map, 2011 EMIRI – Bridging the innovation gap for energy materials – Aahrus, 20 th June 2012

19 E NERGY M ATERIALS I NDUSTRIAL R ESEARCH I NITIATIVE 19 Agenda The opportunity and the need for European industrial driven research and innovation EMIRI goals & status Rationale for EMIRI The SET Plan Materials Roadmap Structure of EMIRI Milestones / targets / action plan EMIRI – Bridging the innovation gap for energy materials – Aahrus, 20 th June 2012

20 E NERGY M ATERIALS I NDUSTRIAL R ESEARCH I NITIATIVE 20 The technology readiness scale is a very useful tool for communicating in a normalised manner the necessary phases required to move from basic research through to implementation in the market EMIRI – Bridging the innovation gap for energy materials – Aahrus, 20 th June 2012

21 E NERGY M ATERIALS I NDUSTRIAL R ESEARCH I NITIATIVE The RDI effort and financing needs increase exponentially as development projects move through their natural development cycle RDI Effort 21 EMIRI – Bridging the innovation gap for energy materials – Aahrus, 20 th June 2012

22 E NERGY M ATERIALS I NDUSTRIAL R ESEARCH I NITIATIVE Each group of stakeholders has an important complementary role to play. The key is to ensure that all skills are used in an optimally effective manner. RDI Effort EMIRI scope 22 EERA scope University scope Industrial partners scope Actors EMIRI – Bridging the innovation gap for energy materials – Aahrus, 20 th June 2012

23 E NERGY M ATERIALS I NDUSTRIAL R ESEARCH I NITIATIVE 23 Universitie s EERA EMIRI industrial focus VAM Markets Early industry involvement in programmes to provide market relevant guidance and feedback EMIRI’s value proposition is to be an industrially driven pragmatic implementation mechanism that provides guidance, focus, direction and commitment to achieve commercially successful value added materials programmes for low carbon energy applications Market Value € EMIRI – Bridging the innovation gap for energy materials – Aahrus, 20 th June 2012

24 E NERGY M ATERIALS I NDUSTRIAL R ESEARCH I NITIATIVE 24 Funding Effort MS / Regions EC - Horizon 2020 EIB / Private investors Industry Funding sources vary as projects evolve Industry commits to be involved throughout the process Ultimately it will be industry that will make the major part of the total project investment particularly for scaling up and going to market (levels 7,8 & 9) Funding - schematic EMIRI – Bridging the innovation gap for energy materials – Aahrus, 20 th June 2012

25 E NERGY M ATERIALS I NDUSTRIAL R ESEARCH I NITIATIVE 25 Added Value Innovation Research, Development & Innovation, Private € Public € The EMIRI partnership is an implementation mechanism to bring added value innovation in the SET Plan energy materials roadmap Industry together with the research community in partnership with public authorities will be able to define research priorities and implementation in line with market needs and long term public industrial policy goals The public authorities ideally need to devise a clear European wide strategic funding mechanism that will invest in a common vision and allow pooling of resources for optimal return on public funding investment by: Avoiding needless duplication of RDI Permit critical mass investment and deployment for strategically critical areas EMIRI – Bridging the innovation gap for energy materials – Aahrus, 20 th June 2012

26 E NERGY M ATERIALS I NDUSTRIAL R ESEARCH I NITIATIVE 26 EMIRI Scope Component Material System Designer / installer Plant Operator Power Plant Product Needs / Specifications – Performance criteria The value chain hierarchy requires fully integrated involvement EMIRI – Bridging the innovation gap for energy materials – Aahrus, 20 th June 2012

27 E NERGY M ATERIALS I NDUSTRIAL R ESEARCH I NITIATIVE 27 Founding Members of EMIRI The 30 founding members comprise a good balance between leading materials oriented industry and research organisations. 10 different EU countries are so far represented. EMIRI – Bridging the innovation gap for energy materials – Aahrus, 20 th June 2012

28 E NERGY M ATERIALS I NDUSTRIAL R ESEARCH I NITIATIVE 28 Materials are a key enabler to all SET Plan chapters Starting May 2012, EMIRI will broaden its membership base by sector and by position in the value chain so as to effectively represent the advanced materials sector for all SET Plan energy chapters EMIRI – Bridging the innovation gap for energy materials – Aahrus, 20 th June 2012

29 E NERGY M ATERIALS I NDUSTRIAL R ESEARCH I NITIATIVE Membership Categories 3 categories with interest in performing research into advanced materials for energy applications: 1.Industrial organisations 2.Research organisations 3.Associations Open membership – Organisations with research activities in Europe in advanced materials for energy applications are eligible for membership 29 EMIRI will be organised so that an industry driven agenda is ensured EMIRI – Bridging the innovation gap for energy materials – Aahrus, 20 th June 2012

30 E NERGY M ATERIALS I NDUSTRIAL R ESEARCH I NITIATIVE 30  18 th November: Formally communicated EMIRI position paper to Commissioners Geoghegan-Quinn & Oettinger. Positive response received in February 2012  28 th November: EMIRI concept presented at SET Plan conference (Warsaw)  First Founding Members’ meeting for EMIRI stakeholders – 2 nd March 2012  2Q2012 – formally establish EMIRI as a non profit making legal entity  Explore support and implementation mechanisms in the course of 2012 that will enable the achievement of EMIRI’s goals  Funded programmes: 2014 – 2020 Horizon 2020 / MS / regions Overall Milestones EMIRI – Bridging the innovation gap for energy materials – Aahrus, 20 th June 2012

31 E NERGY M ATERIALS I NDUSTRIAL R ESEARCH I NITIATIVE 31 1.EMIRI is an implementaion mechanism that will provide guidance, focus, direction and commitment to achieve commercially successful value addded materials programmes for energy technologies. 2.Europe has a world class materials industry able to compete on a global scene, but today materials are not sufficiently emphasised at EU level and we need to close this gap. 3.Early inclusion of industry in an R&D programme provides a better guarantee of having a final material/product fit for market and deployment. 4.EMIRI is industry driven, EU in scope and will bring economic value, scientific leadership and employment as well as particpating in resolving two of society’s key future challenges (i.e. climate change and access to sustainable affordable energy). 5.EMIRI is inclusive, i.e. EMIRI will be working with all interested parties to ensure a successful implementation of the SET plan materials road map for the success of the EU industry and EU competitiveness. Key Messages

32 E NERGY M ATERIALS I NDUSTRIAL R ESEARCH I NITIATIVE 32 Thank you for your attention For further information please contact: Peter Rigby +39 0341 542 390 +39 334 815 773 EMIRI – Bridging the innovation gap for energy materials – Aahrus, 20 th June 2012

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