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Preservation vs. Conservation ●Conservation: preservation of the natural resources in the area ●Preservation: keeping something from harm/damage.

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4 Preservation vs. Conservation ●Conservation: preservation of the natural resources in the area ●Preservation: keeping something from harm/damage

5 Aubrey Eneas Founded Solar Motor Company of Boston. Replaces steam engine with solar power engined vehicles. Is considered the father of solar energy.

6 Gifford Pinchot Tree Hugger Tree Lover Tree Protector ●Extensively preserved the American forest. ●Established a home (Grey Towers) in NE Pennsylvania. ○ Now a historic site operated by the U.S. Forest Service

7 John Muir ●Environmentalist ●Founded Sierra Club ●"The Father of our National Parks," "Wilderness Prophet," and "Citizen of the Universe." ●took adventures to Sierra, Nevada and even went out to glaciers in Alaska ●Yosemite, Sequoia, Mount Rainier, Petrified Forest, and Grand Canyon National Parks ●inspired President Theodore Roosevelt's innovative conservation programs, including establishing the first National Monuments by Presidential Proclamation, and Yosemite National Park by congressional action


9 ●Founded by John Muir May 28, 1892 ●One of the most influential environmental organizations in US ●Mission: To explore, enjoy, and protect the wild places of the earth; To practice and promote the responsible use of the earth's ecosystems and resources; To educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment; and to use all lawful means to carry out these objectives.

10 American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society 1895 : Society/Organization is established : serves to: - Protect natural scenery - Preserve landmarks - Erecting memorials - Promote appreciation of beautiful scenery


12 ●Forest Reserve Act in 1891 - Over 17.5 million acres set aside by 1893. ●Rivers and Harbors Act - March 3 1899. ●Forest Management Act 1897 - authorizes commercial use of forests in the United States. ●1913 - Migratory Bird Act to regulate hunting, spring hunting and marketing of hunted birds prohibited; treaty with Canada in 1918 solidifies regulations. Act also ends “millinery murder” for women fashion.

13 STORY TIME! 1902, Nov. 14 — While on a hunting trip in Onward, Mississippi, President Theodore Roosevelt declines to shoot a young bear that had been tied to a tree to give him an easy shot. The incident was depicted in a cartoon two days later in the Washington Post (“Drawing the line in Mississippi”) and when an enterprising New York shopkeeper created a “Teddy” bear, the idea caught on.

14 MLA Cited Works "Gifford Pinchot." The Forest History Society. Forest History Society, n.d. Web. 10 Oct. 2013. < Pinchot.aspx>. "List of National Parks of the United States." Wikipedia. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Wikipedia. Web. 10 Oct. 2013. < List_of_national_parks_of_the_United_States>. "Theodore Roosevelt and the Environment." N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Oct. 2013. < tr-environment/>.

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