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Barriers in Communication DR/FATMA AL-THOUBAITY Surgical Consultant & Associate professor.KAUH.

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Presentation on theme: "Barriers in Communication DR/FATMA AL-THOUBAITY Surgical Consultant & Associate professor.KAUH."— Presentation transcript:

1 Barriers in Communication DR/FATMA AL-THOUBAITY Surgical Consultant & Associate professor.KAUH.

2 Barriers in Communication The common barriers in communication are: 1.E nvironmental barriers 2.p ersonal barriers 3.p atient barriers 4.a dministrative and financial barriers 5.t ime barriers

3 Environmental barriers Crowded,noisy enviroment. People taking,music playing. Privacy. The presence of an assisstant. Telephone call.

4 Personal barriers Lake of confidence. Personal shyness. Internal conversation or internal monologue (self talk). Lack of objectivity. Culture differences. Discomfort in sensitive situations. Values and believe.

5 Patient barriers Patient perception on the health care professional : Perceive the health professional as not being lnowledgeable so they do not ask or listen to the advice. Perceive that you do not want to talk with them.

6 Patient barriers Their belief that the health care is impersonal and considered them as cases. They will make patient less willing to talk.

7 Patient barriers Alter negative patient perceptions by: Teaching them that you sincerely want to communicate with them and by actually doing so.

8 Patient barriers Patient believe and perception of their medical condition. Correct their perceptions about their conditions or medications.

9 Administrative and financial barriers Administrative decisions. Management stratagy. Financial support. Number of staff.

10 Time barriers Lack of time. Inappropriate time to talk.

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