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Artificial Intelligence for Universal Networking Language (UNL) (Perspective Bengali Language) By Deen Islam Muslim ID: 200720851 Ariful Hoque Tuhin ID:

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Presentation on theme: "Artificial Intelligence for Universal Networking Language (UNL) (Perspective Bengali Language) By Deen Islam Muslim ID: 200720851 Ariful Hoque Tuhin ID:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Artificial Intelligence for Universal Networking Language (UNL) (Perspective Bengali Language) By Deen Islam Muslim ID: 200720851 Ariful Hoque Tuhin ID: 200710698 Shohanur Rahman ID: 200720100 Under the Supervision of Md. Ahsan Arif, Sr. Lecturer Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Asian University of Bangladesh

2 Technical Terms  UNL – Universal Networking Language  IAS - Institute of Advanced Studies UW – Universal Words UW – Universal Words UNLKB – UNL Knowledge Base UNLKB – UNL Knowledge Base UNLKCIC – UNL Key Concept in Context UNLKCIC – UNL Key Concept in Context LS – Language Servers LS – Language Servers

3 Contents 1. Introduction 2. Overview Of UNL System 3. Mechanism of Conversion of UNL 4. System Workings 5. UNL Expression 6. UNL Structure 7. Existing Problems 8. Recommended Solution 9. Conclusion

4 4 What is UNL? Universal Networking Language (UNL) is a computer language that enables computers to process information and knowledge across the language barriers. Universal Networking Language (UNL) is a computer language that enables computers to process information and knowledge across the language barriers. It is an artificial language that replicates the functions of natural languages in human communication. It is an artificial language that replicates the functions of natural languages in human communication. It expresses information or knowledge in the form of semantic networks. It expresses information or knowledge in the form of semantic networks. Unlike natural languages, UNL expressions are unambiguous. Unlike natural languages, UNL expressions are unambiguous. Although the UNL is a language for computers, it has all the components of a natural language. Although the UNL is a language for computers, it has all the components of a natural language. It is composed of UNL Expressions, Universal Words (UWs), Relations, Attributes. It is composed of UNL Expressions, Universal Words (UWs), Relations, Attributes.

5 5 Overview Of UNL System It Consists Of Language Resources: UNLKB (Knowledge Base) – Linguistic Knowledge on concepts that are common to every language. UNLKB (Knowledge Base) – Linguistic Knowledge on concepts that are common to every language. Universal Word Dictionary, analysis and generation rules. Universal Word Dictionary, analysis and generation rules. Language Servers: DeConverter - automatically deconverts UNL into native languages. DeConverter - automatically deconverts UNL into native languages. EnConverters - automatically or interactively enconverts natural languages text into UNL. EnConverters - automatically or interactively enconverts natural languages text into UNL. Software tools: UNL Editors - used to make UNL documents. UNL Editors - used to make UNL documents. UNL Explorers - used to view/manage UNL document by accessing UNL language servers, UNLKB & UNL Documents. UNL Explorers - used to view/manage UNL document by accessing UNL language servers, UNLKB & UNL Documents.

6 6 UNL Verifiers – verifies UNL expression for correctness. UNL Verifiers – verifies UNL expression for correctness. UNL Proxy servers – Provides communication with language servers. UNL Proxy servers – Provides communication with language servers. Concept Definitions – Defines concepts in connection with other concepts. Concept Definitions – Defines concepts in connection with other concepts. UNL Documents - the documents in which UNL expression is described for each sentence of natural language. UNL Documents - the documents in which UNL expression is described for each sentence of natural language. UNL SYSTEM

7 7 Mechanism of Conversion of UNL Expressions ( Language Servers ) Data Flow Control Flow

8 8 System Workings People with access to the Internet can en-convert text written in their own language into UNL expressions using UNL editor. And likewise, any UNL expressions can be de-converted into a variety of native languages using the UNL viewer (Explorer). People with access to the Internet can en-convert text written in their own language into UNL expressions using UNL editor. And likewise, any UNL expressions can be de-converted into a variety of native languages using the UNL viewer (Explorer).

9 9 System Workings Cont.. When developing home page in Arabic, the UNL Editor recognizes the contents as Arabic and sends a request to the Arabic Language Server to “EnConvert” the text.. Once the Arabic text is “EnConverted” to UNL, the Arabic Language Server sends the result back to the UNL Editor. When developing home page in Arabic, the UNL Editor recognizes the contents as Arabic and sends a request to the Arabic Language Server to “EnConvert” the text.. Once the Arabic text is “EnConverted” to UNL, the Arabic Language Server sends the result back to the UNL Editor.

10 10 System Workings Cont.. Home page designer can now embed UNL into their pages. Home page designer can now embed UNL into their pages.

11 11 System Workings Cont.. When Spanish read this page, the UNL Viewer recognizes the contents as UNL and sends a request to the Spanish Language Server to “DeConvert” the UNL. When Spanish read this page, the UNL Viewer recognizes the contents as UNL and sends a request to the Spanish Language Server to “DeConvert” the UNL.

12 12 System Workings Cont.. Once UNL is “DeConverted” to Spanish, the Spanish Language Server sends the result back to the UNL Viewer. Once UNL is “DeConverted” to Spanish, the Spanish Language Server sends the result back to the UNL Viewer.

13 13 System Workings Cont.. If UNL is embedded in a home page, it can be read in variety of If UNL is embedded in a home page, it can be read in variety of languages. languages.

14 14 UNL Expression John is reading a novel. John is reading a novel. UNL Hypergraph UNL Hypergraph read(icl>do) John(iof>person) novel(icl>book) @entry.@present.@progress agtobj UNL Expression UNL Expression[UNL] agt(read(icl>do), John(iof>person)) agt(read(icl>do) @entry.@present.@progress, John(iof>person)) obj(read(icl>do), novel(icl>book)) obj(read(icl>do) @entry.@present.@progress, novel(icl>book)) [/UNL]

15 15 Universal Words (UWs) A UW represents simple or compound concepts. There are two classes of UWs: A UW represents simple or compound concepts. There are two classes of UWs: Labels defined to express unit concepts, called UWs (Universal Words) Labels defined to express unit concepts, called UWs (Universal Words) compound structures of a set of binary relations grouped together ( indicated with Compound UW-Ids) compound structures of a set of binary relations grouped together ( indicated with Compound UW-Ids) A UW is made up of a character string (an English-language word) followed by a list of constraints. A UW is made up of a character string (an English-language word) followed by a list of constraints. ::= [ ] ::= [ ]

16 16 Structure of UNL As a matter of example, the English sentence ‘The sky was blue?!’ can be represented in UNL as follows: As a matter of example, the English sentence ‘The sky was blue?!’ can be represented in UNL as follows:

17 17 Structure of UNL Cont.. In the example above, "sky(icl>natural world)" and "blue(icl>color)", which represent individual concepts, are UWs; "aoj" (= attribute of an object) is a directed binary semantic relation linking the two UWs; and "@def", "@interrogative", "@past", "@exclamation" and "@entry" are attributes modifying UWs. In the example above, "sky(icl>natural world)" and "blue(icl>color)", which represent individual concepts, are UWs; "aoj" (= attribute of an object) is a directed binary semantic relation linking the two UWs; and "@def", "@interrogative", "@past", "@exclamation" and "@entry" are attributes modifying UWs.

18 18 Structure of UNL Cont… Attributes Attributes It represent information that cannot be conveyed by UWs and relations. Normally, they represent information on tense (".@past", "@future", etc), reference ("@def", "@indef", etc), modality ("@can", "@must", etc), focus ("@topic", "@focus", etc), and so on. It represent information that cannot be conveyed by UWs and relations. Normally, they represent information on tense (".@past", "@future", etc), reference ("@def", "@indef", etc), modality ("@can", "@must", etc), focus ("@topic", "@focus", etc), and so on. Relations Relations Relations are expected to represent semantic links between words in every existing language. They can be ontological (such as "icl" and "iof" referred to above), logical (such as "and" and "or") and thematic (such as "agt" = agent, "ins" = instrument, "tim" = time, "plc" = place, etc). There are currently 46 relations in the UNL Specs, and they define the syntax of UNL. Relations are expected to represent semantic links between words in every existing language. They can be ontological (such as "icl" and "iof" referred to above), logical (such as "and" and "or") and thematic (such as "agt" = agent, "ins" = instrument, "tim" = time, "plc" = place, etc). There are currently 46 relations in the UNL Specs, and they define the syntax of UNL.

19 19 Existing Problem Spell Checking Spell Checking Absence of Spell Checker Program. Absence of Spell Checker Program. for example: for example: A simple English sentence in a right spelling form: A simple English sentence in a right spelling form: “ I live in Bangladesh “ “ I live in Bangladesh “ UNL En-conversion: UNL En-conversion: aoj(live(icl>inhabit>be,aoj>living_thing,plc>place).@entry. @present,i(icl>person)) plc(live(icl>inhabit>be,aoj>living_thing,plc>place).@entry. @present,bangladesh(iof>asian_country>thing)) Here “Bangladesh” is assigned to the UW of “Asian_Country”.

20 20 But if we if we type the “Bangladesh” word in wrong spelling like “Banladesh” then it convert that word in such form: But if we if we type the “Bangladesh” word in wrong spelling like “Banladesh” then it convert that word in such form: aoj(live(icl>inhabit>be,aoj>living_thing,plc>place).@entry.@pre sent,i(icl>person)) plc(live(icl>inhabit>be,aoj>living_thing,plc>place).@entry.@pre sent,banladesh) aoj(live(icl>inhabit>be,aoj>living_thing,plc>place).@entry.@pre sent,i(icl>person)) plc(live(icl>inhabit>be,aoj>living_thing,plc>place).@entry.@pre sent,banladesh) It does not define any UW for “Bangladesh”. It does not define any UW for “Bangladesh”. There for wrong conversion can be occurred. There for wrong conversion can be occurred. Existing Problem Cont….

21 21 Existing Problem Cont.. Maintaining Exact Grammatical Pattern Maintaining Exact Grammatical Pattern According to Russian Language Server, for a single sentence or like some compound sentences it works fine. But we have found some crucial problems when en-converting and de-converting some multiple sentences. According to Russian Language Server, for a single sentence or like some compound sentences it works fine. But we have found some crucial problems when en-converting and de-converting some multiple sentences. For An example, using this sentence: For An example, using this sentence: I like rice and I play football. I like rice and I play football. After performing the En-conversion and De-conversion process this will remain same: I like rice and I play football. I like rice and I play football. But, Problem occurs when using some multiple sentences like: But, Problem occurs when using some multiple sentences like: We play football. We try to win our every match. We play football. We try to win our every match.

22 22 En-converting this sentence in UNL forms: En-converting this sentence in UNL forms: agt(try(icl>attempt>do,agt>person,obj>uw).@entry.@present,we(icl>group ):01.@pl) pos:01(match(icl>contest>thing),we(icl>group):02) fictit(try(icl>attempt>do,agt>person,obj>uw).@entry.@present,every(icl>qu antity,per>thing)) obj:01(win(icl>prize>do,agt>thing,obj>thing,scn>thing).@entry,match(icl>c ontest>thing)) obj(try(icl>attempt>do,agt>person,obj>uw).@entry.@present,:01) After De-converting this UNL form back to English: After De-converting this UNL form back to English: We Play Football. We try win we match. We Play Football. We try win we match. Existing Problems Cont…

23 23 Existing Problems Cont… Lack of Exact Rules and Absence of AI Lack of Exact Rules and Absence of AI For an example, we can use this sentence : For an example, we can use this sentence : I don’t like play football I don’t like play football According to Russian Language Server, en-conversion takes this sentence in UNL form like this way: aoj(like(icl>please>be,equ>enjoy,obj>uw,aoj>person).@entry.@not.@present,i( icl>person)) obj:01(play(icl>compete>do,agt>thing,obj>uw,ptn>thing).@entry,football(icl>fi eld_game>thing)) obj(like(icl>please>be,equ>enjoy,obj>uw,aoj>person).@entry.@not.@present,: 01) After De-convert this UNL in natural language (English): I not like play football I not like play football

24 24 Existing Problems Cont… There are some more example that occurs similar results : My name is Casper and I don't like to play football. This is Rosy and This is her School Bag. I have so many friends and among of them beauty is my best friend.

25 25 Existing Problems Cont... Verb Representation Problem: Verb Representation Problem: Let take a look at this example: I am a good boy. En-converted UNL form: aoj(boy(icl>child>person,ant>girl).@entry.@in def.@present,i(icl>person)) mod(boy(icl>child>person,ant>girl).@entry.@i ndef.@present,good(icl>adj,ant>bad)) De-Converted English: I Be a good boy.

26 26 Recommended Solutions Implementation of a good spell checker. Implementation of a good spell checker. Rearrange the Sentence in Exact Grammatical Pattern. Rearrange the Sentence in Exact Grammatical Pattern. Implementation of AI and Exact Rules. Implementation of AI and Exact Rules. Determine the Exact Form of Verb Representation. Determine the Exact Form of Verb Representation.

27 27 References United Nations University United Nations University United Nations University, Institute of Advanced Studies United Nations University, Institute of Advanced Studies Universal Networking Language Russian Universal Networking Language Russian http://w Book of Universal Networking Language Book of Universal Networking Language Official UNL Specification (unicode version) Official UNL Specification (unicode version) German UNL Homepage German UNL Homepage Italian UNL Homepage Italian UNL Homepage Spanish UNL Homepage Spanish UNL Homepage Thai UNL Homepage Thai UNL Homepage Arabic UNL Homepage Arabic UNL Homepage Latvian UNL Homepage Latvian UNL Homepage it632, 2005. Pushpak Bhattacharyya. Language Technology for the Web. it632, 2005. Pushpak Bhattacharyya. Language Technology for the Web. Anupama Dutta. Multilingual and meaning based search engines. Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India, November 2003. Anupama Dutta. Multilingual and meaning based search engines. Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India, November 2003.

28 28 Thank You

29 29 Question and Answer

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