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“Medieval Times”.  Medieval Towns Medieval Towns often grew up around a church or town fair with no planning. The streets were narrow and rarely cleaned.

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Presentation on theme: "“Medieval Times”.  Medieval Towns Medieval Towns often grew up around a church or town fair with no planning. The streets were narrow and rarely cleaned."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Medieval Times”

2  Medieval Towns Medieval Towns often grew up around a church or town fair with no planning. The streets were narrow and rarely cleaned. The sewer was often the nearest river.

3  Medieval Markets Medieval Markets were held a few times a year and were like carnivals. Minus the elephant ears.

4   Medieval towns had a curfew (a time when everyone had to be in their homes) no town had a police force to deal with those who broke the law. No town had street lights - the only choice was candles but in a wooden city or town, these ‘street lights’ could prove disastrous Crime

5   Under Medieval law, animals could be tried and sentenced for crimes, just as though they were people. There are records of farm animals being tried for injuring or killing people. Animals were charged with smaller crimes, too. Some mice were taken to court for stealing part of the harvest, and, in another case, a flock of locusts was convicted --in absentia--of eating crops. Fun Fact

6  The Feudal System

7  ature=related How did it work? Feudal Worksheet

8  Castles

9  Center of the Community Looks Romantic Doesn't It? Toilets were built into the walls and emptied directly into the moats. One more reason why you might not want to just dive in when storming a castle.

10  Defense The entrance to a castle often had two iron gates. In between the gates were murder holes were built into the ceiling. In case of an attack molten lead or oil would be poured through the holes onto the enemy.

11  The Great Room The Great Room was heated and lit by an enormous fireplace, big enough to stand in. The Great Room was where all of the eating, drinking, debating, politicking, and merry making and other business was conducted

12   M M Castles Video

13   What was the main purpose of the Castle?  A. For Kings and Queens to live lavishly  B. For safety and defense of the people  C. For the townspeople to come together and socialize Fact Check

14  Farming and Technology

15   New technology created more efficient farming tools  More food was produced by farming  Europe's population increased Farming and Technology

16   The people of the Middle Ages harnessed water and wind power to do jobs once done by humans and animals Farming and Technology

17   Many new devices were made from iron mined in different parts of Europe  An example is the heavy wheeled plow Farming and Technology

18   New farming and technology caused _____________ in Europe to increase?  A. Population  B. Hunger  C. Battles Fact Check

19   Which of the following are advances in technology that helped farmers grow more food?  A. Electricity  B. The axe  C. The heavy wheeled plow Fact Check

20  Trade

21   In Italy mercantile fleets (trading ships) transported goods from city to city Trade Expanded

22   As trade increased, so did the demand for gold and silver. This created a money economy - where people began to trade with money instead of bartering Trade Expanded

23   The expansion of trade and a money economy created a commercial revolution- an economic system in which people invested in trade and goods to make money. Trade Expanded *How can trade lead to the interdependence of societies?

24   A money economy is when a group of people begin trading with money instead of bartering  A. True  B. False Fact Check

25  The Church

26  Power of the Church The community center of the Middle Ages was your local church

27  Power of the Church During the Middle Ages (500-1200) the church held enormous power, wealth, and land. Often the church owned more land than kings. The church was like a lord with their own peasants and towns who paid taxes directly to the church.

28  Fun Fact Gargoyles were nothing more than really fancy drain spouts. The name in French means 'to gargle' and refers to the water that poured out of the mouth of the gargoyle during a rainstorm.

29   The Church was very powerful during the Middle Ages.  A. True  B. False Fact Check

30  Plague

31   The bubonic plague was the most common from of the Black Death. The Plague

32   The plague was a disease spread by rats infested with fleas carrying a deadly bacteria. The Plague CORNERS REPORT renaissance/videos #coroners-report- plague

33   Italian merchants brought the plague with them, historians know this because the path of the Black Death followed trade routes. The Plague

34   One third to one half of the population died due to the Black Death The Plague

35   What wiped out one third of Europe’s population during the Middle Ages?  A. The Black Plague  B. The Bubonic Plague  C. All of the Above Fact Check

36  War

37   The Hundred Years War began in England and France  Most violent struggle in Middle Ages  Turning point in the nature of warfare War

38   English soldiers were armed with longbows- greater striking power, longer range, and more rapid firing power than crossbows which the French used War

39  The End of the Middle Ages

40   Just as the Middle Ages reached a high point, war, disease, and conflict within the Church brought suffering and dark times to Europe. The End of the Middle Ages

41   A story of two popes…  East vs. West  The existence of two popes caused a great schism  Peoples faith in the church began to fail and the church began to lose its authority over the people Religious Differences *What makes an effective leader?

42   The Great Schism what to happen?  A. People became disgusted with the church  B. The church began to lose its power over the people  C. All of the above Fact Check

43   Beginning of Middle Ages:  Improvements in farming due to new technology  Increase in population  Expansion of trade  End of Middle Ages:  Disease  War  Conflict within the church brought instability and the decline of the church as a power of authority The Big Picture

44   THE DARK AGES CRASH COURSE THE DARK AGES CRASH COURSE  ature=relmfu ature=relmfu Review

45   Worst jobs part 1   Weird weapons of the Middle Ages  mDER4qovS8 mDER4qovS8 MORE INFO

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