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Presentation by UNDP Kasper Koefoed Portfolio Manager Montreal Protocol Unit - UNDP United Nations Development Programme.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation by UNDP Kasper Koefoed Portfolio Manager Montreal Protocol Unit - UNDP United Nations Development Programme."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation by UNDP Kasper Koefoed Portfolio Manager Montreal Protocol Unit - UNDP United Nations Development Programme

2 UNDP Focal Areas UNDP is the UN’s Development Organization and promotes the Sustainable Human Development. UNDP’s work in divided in 5 focal areas: Poverty Reduction Democratic Governance Crisis Prevention and Recovery Environment and Environment HIV AIDS Cross cutting themes: Women’s empowerment Capacity Development

3 Environment and Energy UNDP is one of the 4 Implementing Agencies under the Montreal Protocol UNDP is one of the three founders of the GEF, and was the largest Implementing Agency in the GEF IV. UNDP has a large portfolio of Climate Change projects (mainly funded by the GEF) and several Energy Efficiency projects are highly complementary to the MP: Standards and Labels Early retirement programmes Energy Efficiency in buildings Etc.

4 UNDP structure UNDP is a decentralized organization with Country Offices in 136 countries and on the ground in 166 countries UNDP Barbados covers all small islands in the eastern Caribbean Country sub-offices in Belize and Suriname Country Offices in Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica and T&T. UNDP implements projects through the National Implementation Modality.

5 HPMP preparations in the region UNDP is the lead agency for the HPMP preparation in: Jamaica Trinidad and Tobago Both HPMPs will be submitted to ExCom 64 in July UNDP is the cooperating agency in following approved HPMPs: Belize Guyana

6 Thank you very much

7 ODS Waste Management MOP and ExCom decisions Kasper Koefoed Portfolio Manager Montreal Protocol Unit - UNDP United Nations Development Programme

8 MOP decision XX/7 Environmentally Sound Management of Banks of Ozone Depleting substances. To invite Parties, international funding agencies, including the Multilateral Fund and the Global Environment Facility, and other interested agents to enable practical solutions for the purpose of gaining better knowledge on mitigating ozone-depleting substance emissions and destroying ozonedepleting substance banks, and on costs related to the collection, transportation, storage and destruction of ozone depleting substances, notably in Parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5 of the Montreal Protocol; ……………………….

9 ExCom 57 – Decision 57/7 Following the MOP XX/7 the ExCom took the decision to approve PRP funds for 7 countries: Brazil (UNDP) Ghana (UNDP) Indonesia (World Bank) Mexico (UNIDO) Philippines (World Bank) Turkey (UNIDO) Regional Asian Pacific (Japan) The ExCom requested the MLFS to prepare draft guidelines for ODS Waste Management pilots for ExCom 58.

10 ExCom 58 Decision 58/19 The Executive Committee approved interim guidelines for the funding of demonstration projects for the disposal of ODS in accordance with decision XX/7 (2) of the Meeting of the Parties.

11 ExCom 58 The Multilateral Fund will fund a limited number of demonstration projects under the following conditions: A limited number of demonstration projects for ODS disposal related to decision XX/7 (2), covering aspects not yet covered by other demonstration projects, will be considered only at the 59th Meeting for project preparation funding; The funding would be limited to a maximum level of up to US $13.2/kg of ODS to be destroyed for non-LVC countries, on the understanding that this would be based on expectation of high start-up cost for these new activities, and would not constitute a precedent. Should the project not foresee activities related to all three areas (transport, storage and destruction), this threshold would be adjusted accordingly; No funding would be available for the collection of ODS, except as a contribution to the monitoring of the sources of the ODS for an already existing, separately funded, collection effort for CFCs; For the disposal of halon and for the disposal of CTC, funding would be provided for a maximum of one demonstration project each, provided the respective projects have an important demonstration value;

12 ExCom 59 At the 59 th meeting the following PRP request got approved: Algeria (UNIDO) China (UNIDO) Colombia (UNDP) Cuba (UNDP) Nepal (UNEP) Nigeria (UNIDO) – ExCom 60 Lebanon (UNIDO) – ExCom 61 India (UNDP) – ExCom 61

13 ExCom 62 At the 62nd meeting the first ODS Waste Management Project got approved for Cuba.

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