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Global Environmental Issues

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1 Global Environmental Issues
May 11, 2011 Objectives: To develop an understanding of Global Environmental Issues. NO FIRST 5 Agenda: NOTES

2 What is the Environment?
The environment encompasses the whole of life on earth and the complex interactions that link the living world with the physical world In a general sense, this covers everything contained within the air, land and water Time also is a key factor as historic issues have an influence on the status of the environment - locally and globally, both now and in the future.

3 Environmental Change Sudden and dramatic natural changes to the environment have occurred in the distant past, but only relatively recently has one species had the potential to upset the whole balance of the Earth's ecosystem The global population has risen dramatically during the last century The rise of industry and its rapid expansion has been a major source of pollution. This has caused changes in the balance of our environment

4 Global Environmental Issues
From Global Warming Ozone Layer Depletion Acid Rain Deforestation Loss of Biodiversity Water Pollution Desertification Waste disposal

5 Global Warming Greenhouse gases help to maintain the earth’s temperature at a level suitable to support life Human activities are increasing the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmposphere, which cause more heat to be trapped Predicted effects of global warming include: Higher sea levels Higher temperatures Variable climatic conditions These changes are expected to cause a significant impact on agriculture and ecosystems.

6 Ozone Layer Depletion The ozone layer protects the earth from harmful ultraviolet (UV) light The use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and other ozone depleting substances as refrigerants, solvents and insulation is destroying the ozone layer A ‘hole’ is observed over Antarctica every autumn Depleted ozone levels cause the following impacts: Increased penetration of UV light to earth Increased risks of skin cancer and eye diseases Damage to agricultural crops Disruption to marine food chains

7 Development of Ozone Hole

8 Consequences of Ozone Layer Depletion
caused by chlorofluorohydrocarbons (e.g. freon) effect is 30 years delayed lets more uv light in causes rise in skin cancer, cataracts weakens immune system harms photosynthesizers

9 Ozone Level in North Americal

10 Acid Rain The burning of fossil fuels leads to atmospheric emissions of NOx and SO2 These gases react with water and oxygen to make sulfuric and nitric acids. Sunlight increases the rate of these reactions Rain, snow and fog can be polluted with these acidic compounds, which is then deposited at the earths surface The deposition of acids can: Damage forests and soils Causesacidification of lakes and other waterbodies Disturb wildlife Cause the decay of building and other structures Impact on human health

11 Diagram of Acid Rain

12 Acid Rain Effects in U.S.

13 Acid Rain Effects in Europe

14 Effects of Acid Rain Acidification of lakes, streams, and soils
direct and indirect effects (release of metals, e.g. Al; wash away of nutrients) Kill of wildlife (trees, crops, aquatic plants, and animals) Decay of building materials and paints, statues, and sculptures (e.g. Maya Ruins in Yucatan) Health problems (respiratory, burning skin and eyes)

15 Deforestation The deforestation of tropical rainforests is a major global problem-each year millions of hectares are lost Deforestation rates in some countries continue to increase despite worldwide pressures Rainforests are destroyed for wood products, and to make way for agricultural activities, mining and dams The impacts of deforestation include: Loss of livelihood for local inhabitants Variable environmental conditions (susceptability to flood, aggravated droughts, soil erosion etc) Loss of biodiversity and disturbance to ecosystems Loss of carbon sink

16 May 12, 2011 Objectives: To develop a better understanding of Environmental Issues. Question: What is an effect of the depletion of the ozone? Agenda: Notes/Article Review on Water Dumping

17 Loss of Biodiversity Biodiversity has three key components:
Genetic diversity Species diversity Ecological diversity Approximately 2.1 million species are known to exist, but up to 50 million still to be discovered Biodiversity is important for food, drugs, maintaining ecological stability, aesthetic and cultural benefits Natural causes and human activity can threaten biodiversity The loss of biodiversity means ecosystems are destabilised, vital resources are lost and genetic variation is reduced Components of biodiversity: Genetic diversity-measure of the variety of different versions of the same genes within an individual species 2. Species diversity-number of different kinds of organisms within individual communities or ecosystems ecological dieversity-richness and complexity of a biological community, such as niches, trophic levels energy process, food webs, recycling systems The currently known number od species in the world is small compared to what is possibly still undiscovered. It is thought that there are between 3-50 million species still unknown, particulalrly in hot spots, such as tropics. Beneifts of biodiversity Food sources Drugs and mediceines. Most medicines contain some natural products Ecological benefits-the earths ecosystems are all interdependent. Huma life is linked to ecological services offered by other organisms, such as soil formation, waste decomposition, air and water purification, nutrient cycling, hydrological cycles etc Aesthetic benefits-fishing, hiking, outdoor activities. Plus spritual, religious and emotional connections for some cultures Extinction threatens biodiversity. This can occur naturally-mutation, natural selection, evolution etc. human impact can cause extinction-habitat destruction, hunting, commercial products, pest control, exotic species introduced, disease, pollution

18 Water Pollution A change in water quality that impacts on living organisms Types and effects of water pollution include: Infectious agents, such as typhoid, cholera Nutrients and eutrophication Toxic materials, through mining Organic chemicals Sediments can disrupt aquatic ecosystems Infectious agents-bacteria, viruses and parasites, primarilly sourced from untreated human and animal waste which can lead to numerous diseases such sdtyphoid, cholera, dysentry, polio, hepatitis, etc. Nutrients-human activitiy can accelerate eutrophication. Increased nutrient flows from farming, runoff, etc Toxic materials through mining, processing,, disposal of waste minerals are concentrated by the hydrological and biological cycles, making them hazardous to natural ecosystems and human health. Eg lead poisoning, mercury poisoning, arsenic poisoning, etc Organic chemicals-improper disposal of household and industrial waste, and runoff from farms, golf courses etc. many chemicals accumulate to dangerous levels in birds fish etc. resulting in health problems similar to those of heavy metals Sediments-erosion rates in many areas have been accelerated by human activities, leading to increased sediments in waterways. This add nutrients to the system, and also limits the amount of light available for plant growth and smothering other organisms. Consequently,aquatic ecosystems can be destryed.

19 Desertification Removing ground cover and degrading fertile land initiates desertification Water washes away nutrients, the land becomes inhospitable The process is accelerated by expanding populations and the need to overuse fragile areas of land

20 Waste Disposal Waste disposal methods include:
Open dumping and landfill Ocean dumping Exporting waste Waste to energy plants Minimising the waste stream: 3R’s: reduce, reuse, recycle Composting Waste to energy Hazardous waste disposal Needs to be safely handled and disposed of to minimise threats to the environment and human health Open dumps are unregulated areas of waste disposal. Giant piles of rubbish, exposed to wind, rain, rats flies etc. the waste disposed in this manner can contaminate ground water, making it undrinkable. Illegal dumping of waste is likely to become more common as acceptable waste disposal sites become scarce and costs increase. Landfills are controlled areas of waste disposal that have fewer environmental and health problems than open dumps Ocean dumping-municipal refuse, industrial waste, seweage and sludge is often disposed of to the ocean. Harms the marine environment, although full extent of risk is not known. Exporting waste is attractive due to the low costs in comparison to local disposal in many developed countries.

21 Environmental Management
Environmental pollution is a serious burden on our ecosystems and finances world-wide Administrations, commercial organizations and individuals are affected by environmental change and its associated dangers, long-term effects and liabilities Both legislative obligations and voluntary mechanisms can address the environment and to integrate it into the mainstream of business activity Consequently, environmental management is a crucial part of all organizations’ operations

22 Ozone layer thickness measured in Dobson Units
Ozone Layer Depletion Ozone layer thickness measured in Dobson Units Animation sourced from:

23 Final 5 What are some problems with loss of biodiversity?

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