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Timeout! Draw a quick sketch of a mosque in your notes.

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3 Timeout! Draw a quick sketch of a mosque in your notes.


5 Timeout Activity! Get into groups of ____ Look at the map on the following slide. How would you get water from the river to the three towns? You cannot use any electricity!

6 10 miles, uphill 13 miles, flat ½ mile, downhill

7 Here’s how they did it:

8 Water Wheel The power of the river turns the water wheel. Small buckets pick up water as they pass through the river. They dump their water into an aqueduct when they tip over.

9 Math and Science

10 The Islamic Empire became a world center for learning. They studied medicine, space and invented algebra. People traveled from all over the world to study in Baghdad.


12 Muslim Merchants The Islamic Empire was the center of the spice trade. If the Roman Empire and China wanted to trade, they had to go through Arabia first. This meant the Islamic Empire could control much of the trade.

13 Roman Empire Islamic Empire China Barbarians! Scary! The Spice Trade

14 Timeout! I need 3 volunteers!

15 So what? Traders who came through Arabia often learned the Arabic language. Traders who became Muslim were more accepted by the Islamic Empire. Arab traders going to Rome and elsewhere spread Islam as they went.

16 The Bazaar

17 The Bazaar » A bazaar is a large, open-air market where many things are sold. (like the Roman forum) The closest thing today would be a swap meet. Most towns would have one.

18 Timeout! Answer this question: Why would it be dangerous to cross Arabia alone?

19 Desert Trade Traveling across the desert was very dangerous. Bandits and enemy tribes were a constant threat. Water was very hard to find. Wells were dug but were often not shared among tribes.



22 Spreading Islam

23 Muhammad’s ideas were not accepted peacefully. He was kicked out of Mecca. While away he built an army. He returned to Mecca and fought for 3 years before conquering them and destroying their idols.

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