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Knowledge Interconnection Virtual Environmental Science Information Library (VESIL) Rasha Ahmed Shehata.

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Presentation on theme: "Knowledge Interconnection Virtual Environmental Science Information Library (VESIL) Rasha Ahmed Shehata."— Presentation transcript:

1 Knowledge Interconnection Virtual Environmental Science Information Library (VESIL) Rasha Ahmed Shehata

2 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Thank you The following course work and project proposal was created as part of the „KEN Practitioner Certification Course“ delivered at RITSEC, Cairo in April and May 2005 in collaboration with Entovation Internation Ltd. The Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology was developed and is copyrighted by Debra M. Amidon ( A special thank you for their support is given to (alphabetically listed by given name): –The Egyptian Ministry of Administrative Development –RITSEC Management Effat El-Shooky Hisham Sherif Mahmood Rezk –RITSEC Staff Amin Lotfy (Local project management and facilitation) Ahmed Sobky (Local project management and facilitation) Neven Noshy (Local IT support) Sophia Korayem (Local project management) –International supporters Debra Amidon, Entovation International Ltd (Content expert) Oliver Schwabe, Eurofocus International Consultants Ltd, (Facilitator) –and the whole participant group

3 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Executive Summary Establishing a virtual library to help in spreading the awareness for environmental science which is considered a common share in many fields.

4 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Project Description Problem: –Availability of environmental publications. –Availability of these publications in a digital form. –Availability of some recourses in Arabic language. Solution: Establishing a virtual library providing downlodable digital publications with mutula cooperation among involved parties.

5 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Expected Financial Value Publications purchasing. Cost reduction (paper & printing). Fast spreading of digital publications. Facilitate researches and references in lowest costs and shortest time.

6 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Expected Non-Financial Value Increasing environmental awareness. Availability of information. Helping researchers. Overcoming language barriers. Integrated related fields to environmental science. Using IT in communication. Spreading knowledge among public.

7 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Measurement of Non-Financial Value Emphasizing the cooperation, collaboration, and data sharing among all involved parties. Increased number of visitors to the virtual library. Utilization of provided feedback. Increase of publications added to the library. Increase of publications translated into Arabic language.

8 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Project Activities 1.Data collection. 2.Approvals and copyrights. 3.Data converting. 4.Categorization. 5.Languages used. 6.Fees. 7.Access method. 8.Virtual library construction. 9.Advertising. 10.Following up.

9 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Resources Required Digital publications. Interpreters. Equipments and tools needed for converting printed publications to a digital form and securing them. IT staff. Technical equipments and tools needed for establishing the library.

10 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Time Required 3-4 years

11 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Organizational Readiness Many organizations have their publications or an ordinary library. The resources nearly exist. Some effort will be needed in: –Gathering. –Categorization. –Translation (if needed). –Converting data to digital form (if needed).

12 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Success Criteria Environmental awareness will be raised. Having no language obstacles, many people will benefit from the information provided. Increase of researches in the environmental science or related fields. Using technology as an educating tool. Availability of information and easiness of search and accessibility.

13 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Projected Start Date 3 – 5 months (tactical)

14 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. The Assessment Results

15 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. The Detailed Results Current RatingDesired Rating Collaborative Process 0.677.11 Performance Measures 2.408.10 Education / Development 1.177.75 Learning Network 1.118.33 Market Positioning 2.008.11 Products/Services 1.007.40 Market Penetration 0.507.10 Market Image 2.907.70 Leadership / Leverage 1.798.07 Technology / Internet 1.448.13

16 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Recommendations for the overall project The project is important for increasing environmental awareness among different sectors of the public and it is essential for students in schools, institutes, colleges, and research centers.

17 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Recommendations for the overall project The project can be implemented in phases: –Establishment of a network coordination for information gathering. –Categorization, translation, and converting to digital form. –Upgrading and assessment.

18 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Recommendations for the overall project Developing a fund raising process for project implementation including partnership of stakeholders and donors assistance.

19 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Activities: Collaborative Process Urgent (address immediately) –There is not an identified contact person for the overall innovation process in my organization. –There has to be a cross-organizational leadership support for this contact person. –The innovation process within my organization needs a collaborative venture involving all levels of personnel.

20 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Activities: Collaborative Process Urgent (address immediately) –The criteria for measuring the success of innovations within my organization is not clearly defined. –My organization’s innovation process is not capable of supporting the development of innovation from idea creation through commercialization. –The is no resources and tools allocated to the innovation process within my organization.

21 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Activities: Collaborative Process Urgent (address immediately) –No involvement of my organization’s stakeholders (investors, customers, suppliers) in the innovation process. –My organization’s business strategies are not aligned to maximize results of a successful innovation process. –There has to be an explicit innovation process exists within my organization.

22 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Ideas for Collaborative Process Encouraging individuals to propose their ideas (and that their suggestion won’t be a burden upon them). Having a contact person between individuals and decision makers to demonstrate the proposed new ideas. Fulfilling good ideas that can be implemented may encourage others to propose with their ideas.

23 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Collaborative Process Minor Project Description Some employees may have the ability of creativity that may evolve new ideas which can be applied through out the organizational system. In order to make use of these ideas, a coordinator or a contact person is needed to be assigned as a link between the individuals who have the ideas and the managers who will supervisors the implementation process.

24 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Activities: Performance Measures Urgent (address immediately) –There is not an identified person who is responsible for performing the Assessment of Knowledge Innovation within the organization. –The instrumentation needed to ensure proper, consistent calibration over time is not in place. –The measurement process has to be perceived as a learning activity.

25 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Activities: Performance Measures Urgent (address immediately) –Incentives have to be in place within the organization which promote idea creation, responsible risk-taking, and application of inventions or concepts into development of products/services. –The organization has to apply a reward system for idea creation, responsible risk- taking, and development of innovations into products/services.

26 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Activities: Performance Measures Urgent (address immediately) –Processes need to be put in place within the organization to measure the organization’s intangible assets. –The organization’s measurement systems needs to provide a means to promote value in the eyes of customers and stakeholders.

27 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Activities: Performance Measures Important (address within 3 months) –This business strategy needs to be clearly communicated within all levels of the organization. –The organization’s performance measures are not quite designed to gauge both tangible and intangible indices.

28 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Ideas for Performance Measures The organization has to have a way to measure the performance and this way or standards have to be well known to all workers. The results from measuring should help in improving the performance and adjusting or fixing the problems resulting from bad performance. There has to be some rewards for new ideas that can enhance the organization performance, products, or services.

29 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Performance Measures Minor Project Description To examine if the outcome of the organization matches the requirements or not, a performance measure should be established to detect the status of the whole organization.

30 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Activities: Education / Development Urgent (address immediately) –Teaching strategies used in the organization’s educational programs needs adjustments to provide for dynamic dialogue among participants. –Mechanisms are needed to be established within the organization to capture “fugitive” or “tacit” knowledge. –Mechanisms exist within the organization have to evaluate the usefulness of “fugitive” / “tacit” knowledge to the organization.

31 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Activities: Education / Development Urgent (address immediately) –Educational programs and processes within the organization are not learner-centered. –The organization’s educational programs have to be designed to include a variety of teaching strategies. –Allocation of organizational resources for education has to be seen by management as an investment in the future value of the organization.

32 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Activities: Education / Development Urgent (address immediately) –All employees within the organization need to view learning as an integral, day-to-day responsibility. –Systems have to be in place within the organization to capture knowledge. –Systems have to be in place within the organization to track the flow of knowledge.

33 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Activities: Education / Development Urgent (address immediately) –Systems have to be in place within the organization to incorporate knowledge in planning business strategy. –The expanding global community needs to be utilized as a learning resource for personnel within the organization.

34 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Activities: Education / Development Important (address within 3 months) –The location / locations where knowledge is created within the organization needs to be more identified.

35 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Ideas for Education / Development Employees have to appreciate the value of learning new things and how this can affect their way of thinking and work efficiency. The organization has to have an identified system or program for knowledge follow- up and utilization.

36 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Ideas for Education / Development Teaching techniques should have space for individual opinions that may help in developing and improving these techniques. The organization should have a training system to teach the employees using new systems and methods.

37 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Education / Development Minor Project Description In order to have progress, a training system should be implemented. Also encouraging individuals to learn more and use what they learn in their daily work.

38 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Activities: Learning Network Urgent (address immediately) –All participants in the “network” have to share a common vision. –There has to be mechanisms in place to document the economic wealth of the network. –The geographic centers need to provide opportunities for dialogue and learning. –Communication systems has to be in place to effectively promote cross-fertilization of knowledge between centers.

39 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Activities: Learning Network Urgent (address immediately) –All participants in the “network” have to have a shared purpose. –There have to be incentives in place which encourage participation in the network. –Communication within the network needs to be facilitated by computer/communications technology. –Centers of Excellence which recognize and leverage complementary competencies needs to be established within the network.

40 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Ideas for Learning Network All branches should be connected to the organization to have the opportunity of sharing knowledge. Every branch should work as if it is a small organization as the big one through out its geographic area. The main organization should have frequent feedback for the branches work to have an overview of all the activities and how these results can be useful.

41 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Ideas for Learning Network Facilitating the connection between the organization and the branches by using communication technologies. Helping employees to use the communication technologies in sharing knowledge for better results.

42 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Learning Network Minor Project Description The organization can benefit from being connected with its branches to share knowledge and communicate. This can be done by using computer/communication technology to make it easer and faster utilization.

43 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Activities: Market Positioning Urgent (address immediately) –The organization’s intelligence-gathering system requires to be linked to the corporate library / information system. –Data obtained by the organization’s intelligence-gathering system is not quickly integrated (fed-forward) into the day-to-day operations of all personnel who have a need to know. –The role of “Information Technology Manager” has to be re-defined as “Knowledge Manager,” or a comparable title.

44 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Activities: Market Positioning Urgent (address immediately) –Techniques demand developed within the organization to prioritize new business opportunities within the context of current strategy. –These techniques need to be applied consistently so that insights can be compared and contrasted with validity in the marketplace. –The organization’s intelligence-gathering mechanisms are not sufficiently sensitive to capture critical information from non-traditional sources.

45 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Activities: Market Positioning Important (address within 3 months) –The organization’s range of vision needs to be consistently and accurately capturing signals from diverse competitors (both current and future). –The organization has to define mechanisms and/or systems in place to align the internal environment with the external environment. –These mechanisms and/or systems have to be integrated into organizational strategies and policies.

46 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Ideas for Market Positioning Obtaining, analyzing, and providing data that should flow in a system which can be used for any information needed. Any data that individuals may need should be ready upon demand. There has to be defined individuals to gather data from different resources that can be useful in the information system.

47 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Market Positioning Minor Project Description Building and integrated system that can be fed with data and analyzes it in order to provide information whenever needed. This system has to link all organization departments and branches so as to give a full picture and support to decision makers.

48 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Activities: Products / Services Urgent (address immediately) –The organization needs to follow product design principles and processes which emphasize the development of products and services which have embedded knowledge support. –The organization has to set aside investment capital to fund and nurture a sufficient percentage of new ideas to stay ahead of the competition. –The organization requires to develop a sufficient percentage of new products and services each year to stay ahead of the competition.

49 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Activities: Products / Services Urgent (address immediately) –The organization nearly has the ability to create products and services to meet the unarticulated needs of the marketplace. –The organization nearly has the ability to create products and services to meet the unarticulated needs of the marketplace ahead of the competition. –The organization needs to have the ability to create products and services to meet the unserved needs of the marketplace.

50 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Activities: Products / Services Urgent (address immediately) –The organization needs to have the ability to create products and services to meet the unserved needs of the marketplace ahead of the competition. –Unrealized competencies exist within the organization (i.e., content and process) can be used to develop unique, highly marketable products and services.

51 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Activities: Products / Services Urgent (address immediately) –Products and services which are currently being marketed to customers as part of the normal business sale could be either “unbundled” or “bundled,” and marketed at a premium. –Methods to be established within the organization to standardize some customized services, so that the revenues can be optimized.

52 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Ideas for Products / Services The products/services provided have to meet the customer needs and may be more. The organization has to have the ability to change or enhance the products/services when ever needed. The development process should continue till reaching optimized products/services. Studying of new ideas proposed to the organization aiming to develop the products/services provided.

53 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Products / Services Minor Project Description Making use of feedback provided by customers or individuals for developing the products/services. Some ideas could be useful to enhance the products/services provided and improve the organization performance.

54 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Activities: Market Penetration Urgent (address immediately) –The organization have to use alternative channels of distribution for its products and services. –The organization’s strategic alliance process needs to define new rules of participation. –The organization has strategies that needs to be adjusted in place for capturing learning from partner interactions, in addition to reaping the traditional return on investment.

55 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Activities: Market Penetration Urgent (address immediately) –Within its network of strategic alliances, the organization needs to maintain a balance between cooperative and collaborative relationships. –The organization has to adjust the strategies to be in place to monitor the strategic alliances of its partners. –The organization has to adjust strategies to be in place to monitor the strategic alliances of its competitors.

56 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Activities: Market Penetration Urgent (address immediately) –The organization’s strategic has to adjust the process that defines measurable activities and standards of performance. –The organization has to define a map of its existing network of strategic alliances. –The organization has to define its plans for future evolution. –The organization’s view of the “enterprise” includes stakeholders, partners, and customers.

57 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Ideas for Market Penetration The organization can use its branches in distributing the products and services. The organization has to have a defined standard to measure the activities and performance. Planning flexible strategies for existing and future projects, in which any step could be changed according to any variations.

58 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Market Penetration Minor Project Description The organization plans (existing and future plans) should have some flexibility. This will help in improving and changing the present (if there is something wrong) position to a better one.

59 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Activities: Market Image Urgent (address immediately) –The organization has strategies in place to assess receptivity to new, untested ideas within the marketplace ahead of the competition. –Within the organization, the difference between a marketing strategy and an advertising campaign is clearly defined. –The organization’s advertising messages are based upon knowledge-based competencies, instead of product attributes.

60 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Activities: Market Image Urgent (address immediately) –The organization’s advertising tries to convey a balanced message regarding its current position and its future direction. –The organization’s image campaign needs to be more sufficient multifaceted to create new markets. –The organization’s image campaign is based upon its inherent capabilities. –The organization’s image campaign needs to be more sufficient multifaceted to penetrate existing markets.

61 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Activities: Market Image Important (address within 3 months) –The organization’s competencies requires supporting its marketing messages. –The organization’s culture requires supporting its marketing messages. –The organization’s advertising needs to emphasize its uniqueness in the marketplace.

62 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Ideas for Market Image The organization has to have a defined strategy to assess the response for new products/services provided. The organization strategy has to include plans for market penetration and creating new markets. The advertising methods have to serve the organization strategies.

63 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Market Image Minor Project Description Assessing new products/services acceptation to know to what extend these new ideas are successful and why. Also if they were not successful as expected, what are the reasons behind and how can we make use of them and improve these products/services.

64 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Activities: Leadership / Leverage Urgent (address immediately) –As an organization leader, you have to put mechanisms in place to legitimize employees’ sharing of knowledge and expertise. –As an organization leader, you have to put mechanisms in place to encourage employee’s sharing of knowledge and expertise. –As an organization leader, you have to put mechanisms in place to reward employees for sharing knowledge and expertise.

65 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Activities: Leadership / Leverage Urgent (address immediately) –As an organization leader, you have to define your sphere of influence within the world community. –As an organization leader, you have to use the knowledge gained from external leadership activities to develop new internal business strategies. –As an organization leader, you have to perceive external leadership activities as integral to the business.

66 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Activities: Leadership / Leverage Urgent (address immediately) –As an organization leader, you need to use multiple strategies to enhance your own intellectual leadership. –As an organization leader, you have to develop internal mechanisms to capture expertise in ways that enhance the organization’s business performance. –As an organization leader, you have to develop internal mechanisms to codify expertise in ways that enhance the organization’s business performance.

67 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Activities: Leadership / Leverage Urgent (address immediately) –As an organization leader, you have to develop internal mechanisms to feed-forward expertise in ways that enhance the organization’s business performance. –As an organization leader, you need to define your sphere of influence across sectors (e.g., government, industry, education, or non- profit).

68 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Activities: Leadership / Leverage Urgent (address immediately) –As an organization leader, you have to put effective strategies in place to disseminate your knowledge to the marketplace. –As an organization leader, you have to put effective strategies in place to apply your competencies in the marketplace.

69 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Activities: Leadership / Leverage Important (address within 3 months) –As an organization leader, you need to define your sphere of influence within the industry.

70 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Ideas for Leadership / Leverage Stating the legislations that will encourage employees to share knowledge and expertise. Determine a reward mechanism for employees knowledge sharing and expertise. The organization leader has to enhance his intellectual leadership.

71 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Ideas for Leadership / Leverage Benefiting from similar experiences. Benefiting from feedback provided to the organization in improving and progressing the organization activities.

72 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Leadership / Leverage Minor Project Description Defining the rules for the organization employees to practice knowledge sharing in between. These rules have to include a rewarding mechanism in which it which it encourage employees to share knowledge and expertise.

73 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Activities: Technology / Internet Urgent (address immediately) –Within the organization, roles are needed to be clearly defined to motivate optimal innovation. –Within the organization, career paths have to be developed to motivate optimal innovation. –Within the organization, incentives/rewards needs to be built into the system to motivate optimal innovation. –Within the organization, innovative ideas have to be well-received.

74 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Activities: Technology / Internet Urgent (address immediately) –Collaboration and interaction of employees across organizational boundaries require tracking. –Collaboration and interaction of employees across organizational boundaries has to be measured in terms of value-added contributions. –The organization needs to use cyberspace as a learning tool. –Within the organization, technology have to be perceived as an enabler, rather than an end in itself.

75 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Activities: Technology / Internet Urgent (address immediately) –Within the organization, the locus for project initiation needs to be clearly identified. –Technology has to be used within the organization to promote collaboration between employees who work in different areas. –Within the organization, a well-defined managerial infrastructure has to be defined. –The organization needs sufficient flexibility to capitalize on the benefits of current information technology. –The most current advances in information technology have to be in use within the organization.

76 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Activities: Technology / Internet Important (address within 3 months) –Within the organization, well-defined technical infrastructure needed to be adjusted. –A network of expertise needs to be enhanced within the organization to provide assistance to employees in the areas of technology, organizational behavior, and general information about the business. –The persons comprising the network are not easily identified by employees.

77 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Ideas for Technology / Internet Defining a technical infrastructure to the whole organization. Making use of information technology benefits. Using the network in communication and connection within the organization and with other branches. Using the network in providing the assistance needed for employees.

78 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Ideas for Technology / Internet Encouraging employees to be innovative by well receiving them and by using a reward system. Using the network in knowledge sharing between employees and encouraging collaboration within the organization itself and across its branches. Using information technology as a learning tool.

79 Created based upon the Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology © ENTOVATION International Ltd. Technology / Internet Minor Project Description Making use of technology in learning for employees to improve work quality and encourage knowledge sharing.

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