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STARS in the Classroom: Behavior Expectation Examples

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1 STARS in the Classroom: Behavior Expectation Examples

I WILL… S BE SAFE T BE A TEAM PLAYER A ACT RESPONSIBLY R BE RESPECTFUL SOLVE PROBLEMS PEACEFULLY Classroom Keep hands, feet, and objects to myself Use materials (e.g. pencils, scissors, etc.) appropriately Become an active participant (i.e. listen, communicate, cooperate) Follow adult directions Do expected work Ask for help when needed Take care of materials Wait turn to speak Treat others as I would want to be treated Treat the belongings of others respectfully Use calm down strategies Use problem-solving strategies to find safe and fair solutions Maintain a bully-free Zone Lunch Keep hands, feet, and objects (i.e. lanyards) to myself WALK at all times Eat only my food Sit at table with feet on floor Let an adult know when I have a spill Line up quietly and wait for an adult to give me instructions Offer help to others Clean up my entire area and put trash in recycle/trash can Clean tray, return to its proper place Make good food choices Be nice and use kind words Be courteous (say please and thank you) Stay in my seat and raise my hand Use my inside voice Bathroom Keep hands, feet and objects to myself Wash my hands Use bathroom structures appropriately Only spend the time I need in the bathroom Limit trips to only when necessary Make sure all trash is in the trash can Use paper produces appropriately Flush Respect personal space and privacy of others Limit conversations Use problem solving-strategies to find safe, fair solutions Immediately report problems I cannot solve to an adult 1. S.T.A.R.S. SOCIAL SKILLS 2. NATURAL CONTEXTS 3. BEHAVIOR EXAMPLES

3 Expectations Across Routines
The following slides show examples of how to teach your students how your 3- 5 positively-stated class expectations look in different classroom routines and procedures.

4 STARS within Class Routines Matrix
Rules Entering Seat Work Group Work Time Leaving Class S—Be Safe T—Be a Team Player A—Act Responsibly R—Be Respectful S—Solve Problems Peacefully *

5 Solve Problems Peacefully
Immediately report problems I cannot solve to an adult Use problem-solving strategies to the group find safe and fair solutions Use problem-solving strategies to find safe and fair solutions Maintain bully-free zone Solve Problems Peacefully Raise hand & wait to be called on Work quietly Accept others’ opinions Use indoor voices when talking Raise hand before speaking Say nice things Be Respectful Stay on task Use time wisely Follow directions Have 3 sharpened pencils ready Be on time Bring your homework Act Responsibly Do your best on all assignments Set a good example for others by doing your own work Listen to others’ ideas Help everyone in your group participate Participate/do your share of the work Set a good example Listen when others talk Be a Team Player Stay in your area Remain seated unless permitted to be up Stay with your group Remain seated unless you have permission to be up Keep self to self Sit with four chair legs on the floor Keep area neat Be Safe Independent Work Group Work All the Time

6 Solve Problems Peacefully
All the Time Arrival Computers Be Safe Follow directions the first time Keep self to self Be in your seat when the bell rings One person per station Hands off electric cords Be a Team Player Be an active participant (i.e. communicate and cooperate) Help others get settled and get started Wait your turn 15 minutes per station Act Responsibly Have materials ready before activities begin Follow adult directions Bring your homework, pencil, and paper Return to log-in screen when finished Be Respectful Treat others as I would want to be treated Use indoor voice if talking before bell rings Raise your hand before speaking Use headphones Solve Problems Peacefully Use problem-solving strategies to find safe and fair solutions Maintain a bully-free Zone Immediately report problems I cannot solve to an adult Immediately report computer problems to an adult *



9 STARS Reflection Form How do I feel: What happened:
Now I feel: Next time I can try to follow the STARS rules by: My role in the solution is: Possible solutions are: The STARS rule I had trouble following was: S--BE SAFE T--BE A TEAM PLAYER A--ACT RESPONSIBLY R--BE RESPECTFUL S--SOLVE PROBLEMS PEACEFULLY What happened: How do I feel:

10 S.T.A.R.S.: Act Responsibly and Be Respectful Homework Chart
Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun Act Responsibly: Start my homework without reminders Complete homework and put things away before free time Be Respectful: Ask for help politely Remember to say “thanks” * *

11 S.T.A.R.S. at Home… S—Be Safe T—Be a Team Player A—Act Responsibly
Use my words S—Solve Problems Peacefully End the day with nice words and thoughts Remember please and thank you; Use a napkin Respect others things Ask politely for help Say “Thanks for the ride” “Have a good day” R—Be Respectful Brush teeth and go to bed w/o reminders Set the table Put dishes away Clean up after self; Play quietly Clean up after yourself Make bed; Remember your backpack, lunch, etc. A—Act Responsibly Go to bed on time when asked Offer to help set and clear table Offer to share Help clean up without extra reminders Get up on time; Dressed & ready to leave on time T—Be a Team Player Get to bed on time, so I am well rested Chew food slowly, so you don’t choke Make sure an adult knows where I am Keep toys, etc., off the floor so no one trips Wash up and brush teeth to stay healthy S—Be Safe Bedtime Mealtime Time to relax Clean up time Ready for school STARS Behavior Expectations

12 The following slides have other examples for you to use in creating your own STARS examples for other areas or routines not included in the original matrix.

13 Typical Contexts/ Routines Classroom-Wide Rules/Expectations
Respect Others Respect Property Respect Self All Use inside voice. Raise hand to answer/talk. Recycle paper. Put writing tools inside desk. Do your best. Ask. Morning Meeting Eyes on speaker. Give brief answers. Put announcements in desk. Keep feet on floor. Put check by my announcements. Homework Do own work. Turn in before lesson. Put homework neatly in box. Touch your work only. Turn in lesson on time. Do homework night/day before. Transition Keep hands to self. Put/get materials first. Have plan. Go directly. “I Need Assistance” Raise hand or show “Assistance Card”. Wait 2 minutes & try again. Have materials ready. Ask if unclear. Teacher Directed Use materials as intended. Independent Work Return with done. Use time as planned. Problem to Solve Stop, Step Back, Think, Act

14 During Teacher-Led Instruction
Expectations for All During Teacher-Led Instruction Be Safe Sit with your chair on all 4 legs Stay in your seat Keep body and objects to self Be Responsible Take notes when asked Try your best Stay on topic Be Respectful Listen to the teacher Raise your hand to share Use appropriate language Keep electronics stored and turned off with buds out of ears * *

15 During Independent Work Time
Expectations for All During Independent Work Time Be Safe Sit with your chair on all 4 legs Stay in your seat Keep body and objects to self Be Responsible Try your best Complete all your work Stay focused on your own work Be Respectful Listen to the teacher Raise your hand to ask for help Voices are off Electronics can be on “low” * *

16 During Project/Lab Time
Expectations for All During Project/Lab Time Be Safe Sit with your chair on all 4 legs Keep body and objects to self Use lab/project materials as directed Be Responsible Try your best Complete all your work Stay focused on your own work Be Respectful Listen to the teacher Raise your hand to ask for help Voices are at a quiet conversational volume Electronics can be on “low” * *

17 Expectations for All Entering Class
Be Safe Walk Keep body and objects to self Be Responsible Put materials where they belong Quickly and quietly go directly to your seat Listen for directions Be Respectful Voices are at a quiet whisper Use appropriate language Keep all electronics out of sight * *

18 Expectations for All Leaving Class
Be Safe Walk in the halls Keep body and objects to self Wait until dismissed to leave Be Responsible Put materials away where they belong before leaving Line up quickly and quietly Keep all electronics out of sight Be Respectful Voices are completely off or at a quiet whisper Use appropriate language Take off hoods and hats * *

19 Expectations for All In the Hallways
Be Safe Walk in the halls Keep body and objects to self Be Responsible Keep all electronics turned off and out of sight Quickly and quietly walk directly to your location Be Respectful Voices are completely off or at a quiet whisper Use appropriate language Hoods and hats are off * *

20 Expectations for All Problem Solving Time
Be Safe Walk Keep body and objects to self Be Responsible Go directly to CST/ your destination Use time wisely Speak with an available adult about the issue (Mr. Murray, Ms. Kelly, Ms. Jaccodine, Mrs. Haller) Be Respectful Use appropriate language If adult from list isn’t immediately available, student can take time to calm, but can’t disturb other adults Keep all electronics at a low volume while waiting and keep them out of sight while speaking to adults * *

21 Expectations for All On the Bus
Be Safe Walk on and off the bus Enter and exit bus in an orderly manner Keep body and objects to self Be Responsible Store materials under the seat/ where they belong Keep area clean and graffiti-free Be Respectful Voices are at a quiet whisper or kept to a conversational level Use appropriate language Use manners with drivers and bus assistants * *

22 Conferencing with Staff
Expectations for All Conferencing with Staff Be Safe Keep body and objects to self Be Responsible Be on time Use discussion time wisely Be Respectful Use appropriate language Try to accept others’ opinions Keep all electronics turned off and out of sight * *

23 Expectations for All In the Cafeteria
Be Safe Keep body and objects to self Be Responsible Clean up after yourself Wait until dismissed to leave or sign out to leave the area before the end of lunch Be Respectful Use appropriate language Use manners with cafeteria staff (please, thank you, etc.) Wait your turn in line Keep all electronics out of sight * *

24 In the Weight Room/During PE
Expectations for All In the Weight Room/During PE Be Safe Keep body to self Be Responsible Use equipment properly and put it away when finished Be Respectful Use appropriate language * *

25 Expectations for All Computer/Ipad Use
Be Safe Keep body and objects to self Be Responsible Access approved web sights only When using the internet, keep your personal information private Be Respectful Computer/Ipad should not be in use during teacher-led instruction (unless otherwise specified by teacher) * *

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