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What is a Mobile Computing Monitor? A Mobile Computing Monitor is wireless monitor that access's a remote computer. MCM design will be like that of a laptop.

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Presentation on theme: "What is a Mobile Computing Monitor? A Mobile Computing Monitor is wireless monitor that access's a remote computer. MCM design will be like that of a laptop."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is a Mobile Computing Monitor? A Mobile Computing Monitor is wireless monitor that access's a remote computer. MCM design will be like that of a laptop computer.

2 MCM will help users to access their computers from anywhere in the world while using monitors instead of having the whole computer with them. Mobile Computing

3 Use of monitors for remote access is advantageous than having laptop or having a computer at home in that several people can use the same computer at the same time and from remote locations all over the world provided they have different accounts. Sharing A Computer

4 Public Account will provide a different way of accessing information other than through web sites. The computer can have a public account dedicated to public for monitors to access and files can be in any form, like in a desktop. Public Account

5 Most laptop users back up their information in a desktop computer or in an account otherwise they stand to lose much in the event that they lose the laptop or if it gets damaged. MCM offers a better solution in that in case you lose or damage your monitor while travelling with it, you would only damage or lose a monitor while leaving the computer and the information saved intact. Duplication Of Space & Work

6 The MCM will help put computer resources into better use. For example a Pentium 4 processor, 3GHz 600mb front bus and 120Gbytes of hard drive memory is sometimes used only to access a remote database, email or a web site. This computer can support up to thirty users at the same time through monitors. Better use of Computer Resources

7 Poor use of Computer Resources

8 Better use of Computer Resources

9 Maximizing use of Computer Resources

10 MCM will also provide computer services to people without computers by subscribing to a Computer Service Provider. The Computer Service Provider can led monitors to customers who would be paying monthly payment for computer services. Customers should then return the monitors after the contract is over. In the same token people in research fields might get access to a super computer through the monitors if they subscribe to a provider who has a super computer. Public Libraries and public institutions would find a way to provide computer services to their members for little fee or for free by lending them monitors. Affordable & Powerful Computer

11 Mobile Computing Monitor Design Transceiver Middleware

12 TECHNICAL BACKGROUND The MCM is basically a regular monitor, the only difference is that there is no cable connection between the monitor and the computer. Instead the connection is done by transceivers and middleware imbedded in both the monitor and the computer.

13 Transceiver IEEE 802.11b Transceiver stand for transmitter and receiver. Since transceivers will be used for communicating between many computers and monitors the design for these transceivers should take great care in order to avoid Interference. Operating in the 2.4 GHz Industrial Scientific Medical (ISM) band, interference can occur between the transceivers and other devices such as wireless local area networks (LAN) services and appliances such as microwave ovens.

14 Transceiver continued …. To help the transceivers operate successfully in the crowded environment of the ISM band, modulation is based on frequency-shift keying (FSK). FSK modulation is used because it has reduced susceptibility to interference. To make things even better use of Bluetooth's technology of employing a spread-spectrum frequency-hopping scheme.

15 Transceiver continued …. Operating at 1.6 khops/sec in a pseudorandom sequence, the transmitter alternates among 79 carrier frequencies over the range 2.4 to 2.4835 GHz, with channels spaced 1 MHz apart. This eliminates the need to perform rigorous radio planning and improves link reliability in the presence of other ISM spectrum users.

16 Transceiver continued …. At 3 dB baseband bandwidth, the transceiver has 1M symbols/s base rate data throughput. The asynchronous channel supports an asymmetric link of 721 kb/s, maximum, in either direction while enabling 57.6kb/s in the return direction. The alternative is a 432.6 kb/s symmetric link.

17 Transceiver continued …. Regarding to power the transmitter output should range from 0.25 to 100 Mw. The maximum permissible level is Class 1 at 100 Mw (+20 dBm). At this power level, transmitting and receiving range is approximately 100 meters.

18 Middleware provide a link between two devices or applications. Transforming: Taking one language and transforming it to another language. Security: Making the necessary adjustments for securing the traffic from end to end. MIDDLEWARE Middleware Technology Incorporate Several Tasks:

19 Identification of wireless device: Automatically identifying which MCM is communicating and adjusting the content according to the MCM attributes: display size, keys, color and multimedia. Database application. Communicating directly to a database application whenever necessary and making the necessary adjustment for the MCM. Middleware continued ….

20 Base stations are radio transmitters with antennas mounted on either free-standing masts or on buildings. Radio signals are fed through cables to the antennas and then launched as radio waves into the area (cell) or to a satellite. in addition the MCM system will use Laser beam to transmit and receive signals from a GEO satellite. Base Stations

21 Base Stations continued ….

22 So when a monitor sends a request signal to a remote computer it does it through a Radio Frequency to a Base Station equipped with a Laser antenna which then transmits the signal through a laser beam to a geo satellite. Use of laser for transmission for the large part of this communication will enhance security due to the fact that laser cannot be intercepted. Laser Transmission

23 A GEO (Geosynchronous Equatorial Orbit) satellite is a satellite orbiting the earth from at an altitude of 22,300 miles from earth above the equator. At that distance, it takes the satellite a full 24 hours to circle the planet. Since it takes Earth 24 hours to spin on in its axis, the satellite and Earth move together. So, a GEO satellite in always stays directly over the same spot on Earth and that why this kind of satellite is better than a LEO (Low Earth Orbit) or a MEO (Medium Earth Orbit) for laser transmission since Laser travels in straight line. Geo Satellites

24 GEO Satellite Links

25 Individual Access is situation where one person with one monitor access a remote computer. Advantage here is accessing your computer wherever you are. Access Group access is where several people access one remote computer using monitors. This could be a family a company or an institution where members use one computer through the monitors. The computer might be a desktop computer or a super computer. Advantage here is sharing one computer instead of buying a computer for each individual and possibility of affording a very powerful computer like a super computer.

26 This new concept of a computer service provider will allow an individual or a company to provide a virtual computer to customers through the wireless monitor anywhere in the world. The provider might be having a super computer and through the wireless monitor provide access to customers for a fee. The computer service provider might even provide the monitor to be returned when the service ends like cable box. Advantage is having access to a very powerful computer where otherwise you would have none at the same time you don’t have to worry about security and updates. Computer Service Provider

27 Conclusion MCM provide more secure way of computing through Computer Service Provider. Affordable computer services. A better way of providing mobile computing. Sharing and maximizing computer resources.

28 Questions END

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