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ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT How to protect and destroy it Hegerová Lucie, Lacinová Eva.

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Presentation on theme: "ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT How to protect and destroy it Hegerová Lucie, Lacinová Eva."— Presentation transcript:

1 ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT How to protect and destroy it Hegerová Lucie, Lacinová Eva

2 Introduction  air pollution -greenhouse effect -ozone hole  water pollution  damage of forests  references

3 Air pollution  the biggest problem in large cities and in areas with concentrated industrial production  emission of sulphur dioxide nitrogen oxide carbon dioxide → climate changes

4 Greenhouse effect  greenhouse gases:water,water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen oxide, and chlorofluorocarbons  fossil fuels, domestic animals, agriculture, disforesting disforesting-odlesňování


6 increase of temperature on earth:  melting of glacier  floods of coastal areas  spreading of deserts glacier-ledovec

7 Ozone layer  30 - 65 km  max. amount of O 3 - 50 km  O 2 → O + O  O 2 + O → O 3 + 24 kcal  in stratosphere absorbed UV irradiation  fall to the earth about 1% of UV irradiation

8 Ozone hole  decrease of amount of ozone in the atmosphere  substances destroying ozone layer: freons, halogenides  the most over Antarctica, North Pole  visual disorder and skin cancer, lower yield of crop, threating of animal and fytoplankton, corrosion of surfaces visual disorder-poškození zraku crop-plodina yield-výnos

9 Problem solving  using alternative sources of energy(solar, water, wind, geothermal, tidal energies)  encourage of railway and public transport  using unleaded petrol and autocatalyst  instalation of flue gas desulphurisation plants at some power station  encourage tree planting tidal-příliv flue gas desulphurisation - odsiřování

10 Water pollution result from:  harmful industrial processes and households  substandard sewage treatment plants  agriculture:pesticides,fertilizers →nitrates can pollute inland waters  waste disposial sites  ships fertilizers-hnojiva waste disposial sites-skládky sewage treatment plants-čistička odpadních vod

11 Problem solving  control water from industrial processes  more sewage treatment plants  change farming practices (using environmentally friendly pesticides)

12 Damage of forests  acid rain  tree felling for firewood, building materials and soil  forest fire felling-kácení

13 References:   Jana Chudá,Tomáš Chudý:Topics for English Conversation. Fragment,Havlíčkův Brod 1997  Demek, J., Voženílek, V., Vysoudil, M.:Geografie pro střední školy. SPN, Praha 2001  Galan, M.:Tajemství podnebí.Velryba, Praha1997


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