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2 HOMO HABILIS Discoverers: The first Homo Habilis was the first Early Man to be found. The first discoverers are named Mary and Louis Leakey, they found them on the Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania. They named it Handy man because it was found with stone tools, and found no clothing. Where they Lived: They were so called to live in Georgia, East Africa where it was warmer. They were found near where they lived and they didn’t look like they were buried.

3 Food: The Homo Habilis ate many different small animals, plants like fruit, berries, egg's eaves, roots and meat. It is being debated whether they hunted for their meat or if they scavenged it from dead carcasses. Shelter: Homo Habilis lived in Huts made out of leaves and also lived in Tents build of very strong leaves used today. So named because: They were so named Homo Habilis because they were the first to be discovered with tools and also because of their growing intelligence.

4 Tools: The tools Homo Habilis used were Branches, Hammer, Stone hand axes, side scrapers, choppers, borer, arrow head and beckof lack. Appearance: Homo Habilis have huge back teeth being larger than the front teeth, large brain, short with an average male height of 5 feet tall and weighing around 100 pounds, a bulge in the Brocca's area which means they could be capable of speech. When where they alive: Homo Habilis lived about 2 million years ago and existed about 100 years.

5 Homo Erectus Discoverers: Homo Erectus was the second Early Man discovered. The first fossils found were discovered by Davidson Black and Eugene Dubious. They found them throughout Africa, China, and Java. They were so named Java Man because most of the fossils were found in Java. Where they lived: Homo Erectus lived in a part of Jaba Island, and migrated throughout Germany, Chaukoutien China and England.

6 Food: Homo Erectus ate many different foods like red meat from other animals, roots, berries, shellfish, honey, and bird eggs. They would kill an animal then eat that too. They would also chew on the bones. Homo erectus people would go to the lake or river if there was and drink water from there. Shelter: Homo Erectus sometimes used caves as shelters, they often built shelter's out of tree branches, with their chopping tools they hacked branches from young trees, probably trimming off the twigs, and then they poked the branches into the ground in rough circle, holding them in place by piling rocks against them. The tops of the branches were probably bent and twisted together so that the finished hut was more or less tent shaped. the remains of such a hut has been found holes made by branches that were pushed into the ground, rocks that were once piled against these branches, and a circle of stones in the center where a fire was kept burning. but although these people could build crude huts, they did not live together in villages.

7 So named this because: Tools: Appearance:
Homo Erectus was named this because they were discovered with many different tools then the Homo Habilis and they were taller than most Hominids. Tools: Homo Erectus had many different tools a few of them are Spears, Bran Branches, Torch, and Hand axes. Appearance: Homo Erectus similar to homo sapiens, but their teeth were larger. There brains was about cc smaller than ours. They were also on average a little shorter than us. There jaw protruded a little more than ours similar but not exactly like a monkeys.

8 When were they alive: Behavior: Clothing:
Homo Erectus lived about 1.25 million years ago and they lived for about 1 million years. Behavior: Homo Erectus is smarter than Homo Habilis and most others. They could make tools and fires better than other hominids. Clothing: Homo Erectus Clothes do tend to disintegrate, leaving nothing for us to see. However, the best information is that Homo erectus did not wear clothes.

9 Neanderthal Discoverers: Neanderthal was the third Early Man to be discovered. The discoverer was Mr. Beckershoff. The fossils were found in Washington DC in 1988 and another place was in Texas in 2000, one year before the specimen began to wreak havoc in the United States. Where they lived: They migrated throughout Africa, Asia, Europe and Germany.

10 Food: Shelter: So named because:
Neanderthals ate vegetables, animal meat such as wooly mammoth or bear meat, and berries. Shelter: Neanderthals lived in caves decorated with skulls of the animals they killed and art drawings they drew on the walls of the cave. They also lived in Huts with bones from the animals they killed they used them to hold the skins down on the shelter. So named because: The name "Neanderthal" comes can be broken into two words: "Neander" and "Tal". "Neander" comes from Joachim Neander, theologian and homely-looking cousin to Brunzwick Albatross, a 80's Brit Pop sensation and the discoverer of the first Neanderthal remains. Tal comes from the German, and means "ugly oedipal male."

11 They lived 130,000 years ago and they existed for over 200,000 years .
Tools: Neanderthals had many more tools then homo habilis and homo erectus, they had Blades, Borers, Early hand axes, Later hand axes, Choppers, Pebble tools, Fire, Knives, and spear-shapers. Appearance: Neanderthals were 6 feet tall, had dark ridged eyebrows, and wore clothing made out of woolly mammoth hide and bear hide. To tie the clothing together they used animal sinew. When were they alive: They lived 130,000 years ago and they existed for over 200,000 years .

12 Behavior: For Neanderthal time the men from the tribe would go out and hunt for weeks well the women and children stay home and cook clean and keep the fire going even guarding the cave from intruders. Language: Also under scrutiny is the language of Neanderthals. Neanderthals lacked muscular ligatures in the face and throat critical for the formation of certain vowel sounds that make up the base of modern English, and Latin based languages. There is disagreement whether or not this lack would debilitate Neanderthal language to such an extent that communication would be impossible. In a recent study, government sponsored linguists concluded, "If they lack the capacity to speak English, don't let them across the border."

13 Cro-Magnon Discoverers:
The French geologist Louis Lartet discovered the first five skeletons of this type in March 1868 in a rock shelter named Abri de Cro-Magnon. Similar specimens were subsequently discovered in other parts of Europe and neighboring areas. Where they lived: Anatomically modern humans evolved in East Africa, Eurasia, with one group rapidly settling coastal areas around the Indian Ocean and one group migrating north to steppes of Central Asia.

14 Food: Shelter: So named because:
Cro-Magnons ate Carrots, beets, onions, celery, turnips, berries, cabbages, apples, bananas, and many other foods that we eat today. Shelter: Cro-Magnons live in Caves and large holes in the ground made from bears that were driven out by smoke on torches. So named because: They were named Cro-Magnon because of where they were found in the Cro-Magnon caves.

15 Tools: Cro-Magnons had Bone implants, Fire, Chisel, Hand axes, Bone needles, choppers, and Knives. Appearance: Cro-Magnon were anatomically modern, straight limbed and tall compared to the contemporary Neanderthals. They are thought to have been 166 to 171 cm (about 5'5" to 5'7") tall. They also differ from modern day humans in having a more robust physique and a slightly larger cranial capacity. The Cro-Magnons had long, fairly low skulls, with a wide face, a prominent nose and moderate to no pragmatism, similar to features seen in modern Europeans.

16 When were they alive: Culture:
Cro-Magnons lived about 24 000 years ago and scientist believe that if Cro-Magnons were to dress in Modern clothing they wouldn’t attract any attention. Culture: Finds of spun, dyed, and knotted flax fibers among Cro-Magnon artifacts show they made cords for hafting stone tools, weaving baskets, or sewing garments, and suggest that they knew how to make woven clothing. Apart from the mammoth bone huts mentioned, they constructed shelter of rocks, clay, branches, and animal hide/fur. These early humans used iron oxides to paint pictures and may have created the first calendar around 15,000 years ago.

17 Behavior: Cro-Magnons lived in groups and hunted in groups, Men would go out and hunt well the women stayed and keep the cave warm by keeping the fire going, cared for the children, made the clothing and cooked the food. Pictures: 1. Homo habilis 2. Homo erectus 3. Neanderthal 4. Cro-Magnon 5. Homo Sapiens

18 Thanks for watching!!!!

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