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CALL in Teachers Training Program Neny Isharyanti GloCALL 2007.

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1 CALL in Teachers Training Program Neny Isharyanti GloCALL 2007

2 Outline

3 Background Pilot research On-going, action research Comments and suggestions welcome! Perspectives of pre-service student teachers with more on them being a student

4 Research Questions What are student teachers’ expectations of CALL course? What did they think they learn? What did they think important for being a teacher? What did they think not important for being a teacher? What topics do they want?

5 The course 14 weeks elective course in Fall semester 2007/2008 Only junior/senior can take it

6 Subjects 26 students Junior/senior Have done or in the process of taking Teaching Practicum Familiar with computer usage esp. microsoft production tools (intermediate users or above) and use Internet on daily basis

7 facilities In a computer lab, internet-enabled (30 workstations) Pentium IV, audio, video Internet Connection using LAN (shared with about 2000 other PCs) No installation policy

8 Methodology Teacher decided on the topics (Volker, 2004, with adaptation) Students filled in pre- and post-course questionnaire Presented in Moodle Forum Analysis on responses Descriptive statistic

9 Results Expectations What learnt? What is important? What is not important? More topics?


11 Course Expectations Computer savvy “honestly, I’m a little bit ‘gaptek’… I join this class ^_^” (Yustin) Interests in computer “I enrolled this class because it has ‘computer’ in it. I always interested in computer, and want to learn and know everything from a computer’” (Alfaliyan)

12 Course Expectations Get a better job (teaching or others) “well, over all, I came to this class because that I guess CALL is one of the useful elective I should select that will be considered as my additional value when I apply for a job later on.” (Yulia) Computer to teach English “I enroll this class to learn how to use new technologies, internet, to advance my teaching language skill. I am interested since I often use computer and use internet to learn language. So, I hope someday I could be a person who have an internet web that full of language teaching material.” (Yudea)

13 Course Expectations Web development “I expect to get new informations about web developing so that I can create my own educated site. ” (Ianita)

14 Analysis: Course Expectations Economic reasons Computer savvy  get a better job Knowledge on CALL-related teaching skills  get a better job Interest reason Likes computer Social reasons Friends Teacher Fun “cool”

15 Analysis: Course Expectations Achievement reasons Required course Retaking for good grade Easy class Other reasons Class condition “Free” internet access


17 What is learnt? Production tools Web development

18 Analysis: What is learnt? Focus more on (in reversed priority order): practical topics: Production tools Web development Assessment Analytical topics Mailing list lurking activity Web evaluation New emerging technologies

19 Analysis: What is learnt? Theoretical topics What is CALL Lesson plan



22 Analysis: Importance topicsimportantnot important assessment14n/a lesson plan101 web development82 production tools7n/a web evaluation71 mailing list lurking activity63 new emerging technologies5n/a what is call21

23 Analysis: Importance Consistent importance: Assessment Production tools New emerging technologies Quite consistent: Lesson plan (important) Web evaluation (important) What is CALL (not so important) Web development? Mixed feeling… Interests? Coolness?

24 To sum up… A continuum of topics to learn Practical  analytical  theoretical Importance? Similar Practical  analytical  theoretical Some interests of advancing Web development Flash files creation M-learning Computer games Being a ‘hacker’!

25 Hmm… Student teachers tend to focus more on things that are applicable and tangible for their teaching What to teach? Cases for including theoretical matters?

26 Questions/Suggestions? Please do….

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