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Health eDecisions RI/ Pilots Sub-Workgroup April 1st, 2013 10/11/20111.

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Presentation on theme: "Health eDecisions RI/ Pilots Sub-Workgroup April 1st, 2013 10/11/20111."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health eDecisions RI/ Pilots Sub-Workgroup April 1st, 2013 10/11/20111

2 Agenda Announcements Review and Revisit of Goals Review of RI/Pilot Sub-WG Timeline Pilot project presentations CDC Updates on Licensing HeD Schema Framework Tool Vendor Engagement Review Updates On IG Applied Pathways Training Session – 1 of 2 Review Action Items, Next Steps

3 Announcements We will be continuing our work … Next meeting April 8th, 2013 (plan for a 90 minute meeting) Continue to work on pilot activities Continue Applied Pathways training 10/11/20113

4 Pilots 10/11/20114 OrganizationPilot LeadEmailOrganization’s Role Wolters Kluwer HealthSue Johnson/Steve Claypool/Howard Strasberg/Christy May Service Supplier/Artifact Supplier OpenCDSDavid Shieldsdavid.shields@opencds.orgService Supplier Zynx Health Claude Nanjo (primary) Bernadette Minton Victor Lee (primary) Service Supplier/Artifact Supplier Medexter Healthcare Klaus-Peter Adlassnig Karsten Fehre Service Supplier newMentor Julie Scherer Matt Pfeffer Service Supplier/Artifact Supplier CDC Shu McGarvey Laura Conn lbk1@cdc.govGovernment /Service Supplier/Artifact Supplier NextGen Dr. Sarah Corley Dr. Jeff Friedlin Gary Wietecha,, EHR Vendor Practice Fusion Lauren Fifield Michael Poremba EHR Vendor AllScripts Douglas Gentile Robin Williams (primary) (primary)EHR Vendor Design ClinicalsDewy Howelldeweyhowell@designclinicals.comEHR Vendor SuccessEHSClaude Ouimet EHR Vendor Applied PathwaysPaul Arnonepaul.arnone@appliedpathways.comService Supplier

5 Support Team Support Team: Pilots Lead: Jamie Parker: Pilot Support: Christina Arenas: Subject Matter Expert: Aziz Boxwala: Subject Matter Expert: Bryn Rhodes: Use Case 1: Dave Shevlin: Implementation Guide: Lynette Elliot: SDO Support: Anna Langhans: 10/11/20115

6 HeD Pilots Goal Goal The goal of this initiative is to produce, consume and where feasible, execute implementable CDS interventions. 1.Event Condition Action Rules (ECA Rules) 2.Order Sets 3.Documentation Templates Pilot Scope 1.Health eDecisions will apply defined aspects of the Implementation Guide in a real-world setting. 2.Modify the Implementation Guide to ensure it is usable 3.The real-world pilots evaluate not only the technology, standards and model (VMR), but also provide a test bed to evaluate the interaction of technology, implementation support, and operational infrastructure required to meet Health eDecisions use case 1 objectives at the stakeholder or organization levels. 4.Demonstrate intent of artifact (specifically structures and semantics) are communicated either by direct execution or by translation to native format 5.Ensure Completeness and consumability of artifact

7 Timeline 10/11/20117 Goal & Activities WeekDatesDeliverables Kickoff /Establish Goals & Partnerships: - Review HeD Initiative Goals - Review Piloting Process & Resources - Define Value Statement - Define HeD Pilot Goals & Success Metrics - Establish & Approve Pilots - Develop Pilot Briefs 1-2 (4wks) 1/07-2/25 (we missed 2 meetings in January pushing our Dates back) -Wiki Capturing Pilot Deliverables -Established Partnerships -Documented Value Statements and Success Metrics -Documented Pilot Briefs Pilot Configuration: - Establish Pilot Test Environment & Resources - Establish Pilot Implementation & Testing Process - Develop & Review Pilot Configuration 3-4 (2 wks.) 2/25-3/25 -Use Case is Updated with HL7 Comments (3/4) -Approved Pilot Briefs -Committed Pilot Resources -Documented & Reviewed Pilot Configuration Guide -Weekly Feedback on Use-Cases & IG Alignment Pilot Development : - Setup & Develop Pilot Prototypes - Review prototypes 5-10 (6 wks. or less depending on Pilot activity) 3/4 – 4/15 -Use Case is Updated with HL7 Comments (3/4) -Weekly Pilot Development Status Updates -Weekly Feedback on Use-Cases & IG Alignment -Updates to Pilot Configuration Guides Pilot Testing & Showcase : - Complete Testing - Prepare Solution Showcase 11-12 (2wks) 4/15-5/6-Weekly Pilot Testing Updates & KPIs -Showcase -Prepare for HL7 Pilot Wrap-up : - Develop Lessons Learned an ONC Feedback - Review Initiative Goal Alignment - Establish Next-Steps 13-14 (2 wks.) 5/13-5/29-Documented ONC Feedback - Next Steps Action Plan We are Here

8 Update on IG We have finished the draft IG All ballot comments have been integrated Schemas have been updated 10/11/20118

9 Licensing –HeD Schema Framework Tool We have requested an update/guidance on this issue. There is some confusion if this should be licensed through ONC or HL7 We will continue to monitor this and update you all as we get final word 10/11/20119

10 Vendor Engagement Discussion What we can do to help the vendors implement HeD Artifacts What do the vendors need from us the support team? What do the vendors need from the content suppliers? Which content suppliers can meet this need? Are we ready to start matching content suppliers to vendors? 10/11/201110 EHRArea of InterestPotential Match Design ClinicalsOrder SetsZynx AllScriptsECA Rules –NQMF Rule (for Ambulatory Setting) NewMentor (have catalog for rules in ambulatory setting) Practice FusionAnything MU centered CDC (also may need Artifact supplier to help) Wolters Kluwer NewMentor (MU rule as example) Success EHS Next GenECA Rule (potential)CDC

11 Applied Pathways Demo by: Paul Arnone 10/11/201111

12 Action Items & Next Steps Begin pilot work!!! Attend next weeks Applied Pathways Training session

13 Meeting Reminder Pilots Work stream meets (next meeting: April 8th, 2013) Every Monday 1-2:30 pm EDT See Wiki homepage for meeting details: 10/11/201113

14 Appendix A: Success Criteria NOTE: This is a work –in-progress we will need to re-evaluate this after Pilot Project Plans Discuss Pilot Success Criteria: Individual Criteria Initiative Criteria EHR Involvement - DONE Production (at least one of each artifact and consumption of those artifacts) –Addressed as part of the Pilot Project Plans (who will be doing which artifacts) Successful implementation of artifacts –EHR involvement »Validate artifact – perhaps Pilots focuses on this ? »Execute the artifact Cross initiative function »Potential Alignment with eDOC and esMD »SDC Alignment with MU 3 objective »10% knowledge based engine (align 402b) »ACTION ITEM: Review MU3 Criteria »Determine the delivery model we want to pilot External (i.e. cloud service) Assets are portable (can be run locally) Discuss this with the group 10/11/201114

15 Appendix B In Scope/Out of Scope 10/11/201115

16 Scope of Use Case 1 This Use Case defines the requirements to build a standard for the contents of CDS Knowledge artifacts. The use case focuses on the following artifact types: Event Condition Action (ECA) Rules, Order Sets, and Documentation Templates. To support this purpose the Use Case has one scenario: A CDS Knowledge Artifact Supplier makes computable CDS Knowledge Artifact available to CDS Artifact Integrator (From HeD Use Case: CDS Artifact Sharing) 10/11/201116

17 In Scope Standards to structure medical knowledge in a shareable and executable format for use in CDS In Scope Artifact Types (definitions for these artifact types can be found in Appendix A) –Event Condition Action Rules –Order Sets –Documentation Templates 10/11/201117

18 Out of Scope Tools: –Authoring tools, source “content” management. –Terminology server and mapping tools including management of concept coordination. –Semantic processing of text, including structured string processing and natural language processing. System Functions –Messaging Layer –Means of sharing –Security Authoring, creation and maintenance of clinical decision support knowledge Knowledge Repository Design Search and query mechanisms Implementation in systems User presentation, Transport layers Market factors: regulatory incentive/mandate, liability shield, IP shield (patent/licensing litigation), certification body, marketplace design, test procedures, FDA rules Clinical Decision Support Services (this will be covered in Use Case 2 CDS Guidance Services) CDS Content Development Activities, including the distribution and sharing of artifacts Context-Aware information retrieval (HL7 Information Button) – This will be covered in UC 2 (CDS Guidance) 10/11/201118

19 Pre and Post Conditions Pre-Conditions –CDS Artifact Supplier makes CDS artifacts available for search and consumption by CDS Artifact Integrators _ ACTION ITEMS (Clarify this –what is a precondition for this to be useful) –CDS Artifact integrator has the means to obtain the knowledge artifact from a CDS Repository (e.g. they have either browsed or queried the CDS Repository for available artifacts) –CDS Artifact Integrator Selects Artifacts of Interest to Use in their CDS System Post Conditions –The CDS Knowledge Artifact Supplier has sent the CDS Knowledge Artifact to the requesting CDS Artifact Integrator –CDS Artifact has been received by CDS Integrator and is available for processing –CDS Artifact is available for mapping, structural transformations and local adaptation –Strategy 10/11/2011 19 Decision: In the pilot activities we will not directly address these as part of our pilot. We will focus the pilot activities on those tasks which occur between the pre and post condition

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