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The IVO for Informal Science Centers, Planetaria, Schools, including and Remote and Local Telescopes: The Real Astronomy Experience - - RAE’ Building Meaningful.

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Presentation on theme: "The IVO for Informal Science Centers, Planetaria, Schools, including and Remote and Local Telescopes: The Real Astronomy Experience - - RAE’ Building Meaningful."— Presentation transcript:

1 The IVO for Informal Science Centers, Planetaria, Schools, including and Remote and Local Telescopes: The Real Astronomy Experience - - RAE’ Building Meaningful Use and Understanding of IVO Data through Use of Telescopes and Image Processing in Science Centers and Planetaria brought to you by the: US National Science Foundation Education and Human Resources Elementary, Secondary and Informal Sciences Education Program

2 IVO: A Revolutionary Development. Arguably Unprecedented in Civil Society. Why not meaningfully reach 1 billion people, (instead of just 10,000) with high quality data? Professional Quality Data Humans, students Interfaces,training, activities,communities you! Just putting stuff On the web bombs

3 RAE: An Opportunity for Science Centers and Astronomy World of Images, Data, etc. Science Center Visitors Hands-On Universe has some answers

4 Hands-On Universe Tools -- see

5 Rick Hessman Speaks Friday at 14:50 on HOU in General HOU Summary: Software Global Partners (and eager to expand!!) Web Site Teacher trainers and on-going communities and bonds Internet Mediated On-line training 1000 Teachers around the world trained in HOU They are starved for data They are savvy, as are their kids

6 Good Global Partners

7 JAHOU (Subaru SuPrime Camera Data is on its way!!)

8 France (Global HOU Meeting, Paris, July 24-29)

9 Obsatacles/Pitfalls Things are delivered to slowly (moderate hyperbolae) Teachers are not trained Teachers have no connection with scientists Teachers and others have no resources Kids don’t want archival (read “dead”) data

10 Of great interest to teachers and Students: Real Research Non-analyzed data (save a portion of the sky for kids?? Quark Net will probably save a trigger for kids) Sense of adventure and discovery Light Curves!!! Transient Objects Seamless to real telescopes (Aussie VO ideas) FTS not Jpeg!!

11 Some Underpinnings of Hands-On Universe (courtesy of NSF ESIE) People learn science best by doing aspects of science with modern tools The least powerful deserve the most powerful tools Scientists can share their sense of exploration, their sense of joy with students and the public There is always an opportunity to make a small or large discovery.

12 HOU Pre-IVO and new technology High Bandwidth Networking -- video conferencing experiments Resources that genuinely need computing to succeed Data bases Automated Telescopes CCD Image Cameras Teacher support networks using the internet On-Line courses

13 Three Dark Clouds Over Astronomy and Education Students lack of achievement in Science -- TIMSS, Pisa, etc. -- US and Europe are not so hot. US Public’s lack of enthusiasm and understanding of Science (and funding) -- decreasing science funding since Nixon. Students lack of engagement in physical sciences -- particularly women and minorities -- (look around the room!) None of us want this to be the EOWMIVO!!

14 Optimistic Signs Teachers like astronomy and others are eager to change Students know computers and networking are the future We have many resources that are available and are working IVO!!!! Small remote telescopes (RTML) Internet enables unprecedented level of –Access –Communication –Collaboration -- if we do it right and carefully

15 Why Astronomy #1? Survey of Museum Visitors at Boston Museum of Science: Dinosaurs #1, Astronomy #2 (apologies to Luis Alvarez)

16 Why Astronomy 2 They like it better than other sciences in school 1= HOU provided Less, 5= HOU provided more:

17 Why Astronomy 3 : From Master’s Thesis of Curtis Craig, early in HOU -- young women thrived at it. HOU is thriving in some inner cities of US and France with a diverse audience.

18 IVO/HOU Opportunities Ubiquitous access to these data bases Get teachers and students to work more closely together Huge Audience of Teachers and Students to Work with -- we know it is the right thing, and laterally millions waiting! Exciting, engaging, and rigorous and challenging resources we can bring into many classrooms July 11-12 meeting at STSCI with NVO team! HOU is there!

19 Resources to Supplement IVO for Public Venues: HOU/RAE to the Rescue HOU IP Software HOU On-line and face to face workshops -- scalability! Web-site ( Data Base Video Conferencing Growing world of small telescopes, too (Monet, etc.)

20 Ladder of Cognition: Narrabri Remote Telescope in Australia at ANTF

21 Some System Architecture

22 Visitor Software Maxim DL (easy version) Image Processing Starry Night Planeataria software for requests and understanding sky and interacting with IVO Instant Telescope Control Software Data Base (HOU and IVO!) Video Conferencing with remote telescopes Control of Observatory Cameras Take home images, software, etc.

23 Starry Nights



26 Visitor Image Processsing Software

27 Supernova and HOU IP! Before After

28 Powerful but Easy to Understand Image Processing Tools:

29 Data Base on-line images, requests, learning, etc.!

30 Example: Asteroid Discovery by Young Women! These materials are not esoteric to kids! FS144:


32 Asteroid Search Download Page

33 Kids and Supernovae Important Objects (in the California standards!) They create all of the matter of the universe -- you and I are star children Kids and Teachers love them They teach science and math kids have to learn anyway Kids have found them

34 Use in Classrooms and RAE Students rediscover a supernova in existing data Slowly building a student-based supernova search Use supernova images to find asteroids Connect with Berkeley supernova groups and science Scale to AGN’s and all other transient objects

35 Small Telescopes Can Supplement IVO Data! Follow up asteroids, variable AGN’s, stars, etc. Make science more valuable and immediate Exciting Teaches more inquiry- based science RTML (Remote Telescope Markup Language

36 The Future is Incredibly Bright There will be hiccups We can prove stuff works and succeeds better than “normal” informal science education soon! It will be a great journey together

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