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Cat 1 Training for Students (27 Jan 2011). Introduction to Cat 1 Projects Cat 1 projects = experimental research projects Data collection is required.

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Presentation on theme: "Cat 1 Training for Students (27 Jan 2011). Introduction to Cat 1 Projects Cat 1 projects = experimental research projects Data collection is required."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cat 1 Training for Students (27 Jan 2011)

2 Introduction to Cat 1 Projects Cat 1 projects = experimental research projects Data collection is required Examples: Effect of cooking methods on the vitamin C content of vegetables Antifungal properties of capsaicin

3 Project ideas Ideas should be: Feasible Preferably have application Addresses current problems of the nation/world Interesting and Novel (if possible)

4 Discussion (1) How to come out with a project idea?

5 Where to find ideas? Online resources - Science Buddies - Science Fair Projects & Experiments - All Science Fair Ideas -How to do successful science fair projects cts.php -Science fair project resource guide

6 Where to find ideas? HCI projects day websites - Web report archives. Browse through to find out what has been done. Project ideas can be obtained by modifying existing ideas or extending them.

7 Where to find ideas? Search engines - google - Google scholar - Pubmed - Elsevier – browse journals by subject - Scirus (

8 Where to find ideas? Science books/magazines/newspaper Brown tap water still safe for drinking Rusty look may be from iron silt in a building's older pipes but is not health hazard: PUB Victoria Vaughan, Straits Times 17 Jul 09; IT JUST looks dirty. On average, two Singapore households a day have been reporting brown or rusty tap water, but the Public Utilities Board (PUB) says it is still safe to drink. Older buildings are more likely to be affected as they could still be using iron water pipes. PUB stopped the use of such pipes in 1980. 'Over time, iron sediment can accumulate in these pipes. Water flowing through the pipes may pick up the sediment,' said a PUB spokesman.Straits Times

9 Where to find ideas? Removal of metal ions using eggshell

10 Where to find ideas? Visit science fairs to get ideas - SSEF (March, annual) - Shell science fair (May, biennial) - Singapore Chemical Science Fair (March, annual) - East zone science fair (July/August, annual) - Biotech fair (august)

11 Feasibility of ideas Rationale - Is there a clear rationale? - Is the project relevant to the target audience? - Does the project increase knowledge in the field? - Is there application/ interest value in your project? - Is there room for future expansion on the project?

12 Discussion (2) How do you assess whether your project idea is feasible?

13 Approach & Methods - Can a workable outline of your methodology be formulated? - Do you have preliminary data/ other research work to support your methodology? - Does the strategy have a strong theoretical or conceptual base? - Can your experiments be performed in our SRC? If cannot, can you get external help? - Do you or the lab technicians/lab managers have the necessary skills, or can you identify and get co-operation from specialists you will need? - Are the equipment and materials required available for your use? Check with lab manager/lab techician/SMTP co-ordinator - Is it possible to collect quantitative data? - Is it possible to collect sufficient data within 3-6 months? Feasibility of ideas

14 Originality - Is your project simply a repetition of others’ work? Did you make any modification? - Have you referred to for similar projects? Feasibility of ideas

15 Safety issue - Have you done risk assessment? Are the chemicals/organisms allowed in our SRC? - Is there a need to obtain SRC approval? (For projects which deal with vertebrates, microoganism) Feasibility of ideas

16 Cost - Have you checked the availability of the chemicals/materials required in your project? - Have you checked the cost of the chemicals/materials? Feasibility of ideas Feasibility Checklist

17 Resources available in SRC Laboratories: Bio: 2 Bio Res Labs Chem: 1 Zonal COE Chem Res Lab, Instrument and Analytical Lab Phy: 1 Phy Res Labs and 1 photonics Lab 1 Engineering Lab 1 Technical workshop 1 Virtual Reality Lab 1General Sci Lab Contact tel. no.: 64680379

18 Biology Research labs The two bio research labs are equipped with Autoclave Bio-safety cabinets Laminar air flow Centrifuge Electrophoresis & gel documentation system iCycler Ultrasonicator Rotary evaporator & vacuum concentrator UV-VIS spectrophotometer

19 Biology Research labs

20 COE Environmental Science lab

21 Chemistry research lab The COE environmental science lab is equipped with Ashing lab furnace AA spectrophotometer UV-VIS spectrophotometer Colorimeter Centrifuge HPLC Ultrasonicator Rotary evaporator & vacuum concentrator Turbidimeter, conductivity meter, pH meter Ultra-pure water system

22 Physics Research Lab The physics research lab is equipped with AFM/STM Nanosurf easyscan Denford 1000 Pro Milling Machine Digital Storage Oscilloscope Digital Photometer Electrospinning set-up Spectrometer,USB 2000 Stroboscope, High Speed

23 Discussion (3) What if your project requires very expensive chemicals which the lab does not have?

24 Funding If you wish to purchase any chemicals, always check with SRC manager, Mdm Lim to see whether we have sufficient budget. If the cost is beyond the budget, can get students to apply for Young Explorer’s Fund (YEF). Capped at $2000 per group.

25 Lab safety Risk assessment required for projects. Lab coat needed Students need to be supervised at all time (by technician or mentor)

26 Asking a question How, What, When, Who, Which, Why, or Where? Examples: How does water purity affect surface tension? Do different cooking methods affect the antioxidant levels of vegetables? science fair project question should involve factors or traits that you can easily measure using a number.

27 Doing Background Research Read up on the theory behind your project idea. Research on the history of similar experiments or invention. Research on the techniques and equipment required to investigate your topic.

28 For research plan, most teachers require students to find at least 3 sources of information. For web report (finals), 5 sources are required. Proper citation of references required. School adopts the APA format. Doing Background Research

29 Discussion (4) – Comment on the following ideas Which brand of detergent is most effective in removing stains? Effect of coloured lights on plant growth Effect of music or talking on plants Effect of running on blood pressure Effect of colours on emotion

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