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New Member Value Stream The Journal Rik McNeill - Florida Jamie Chapman - Virginia Cyndi Menzel - Kansas.

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1 New Member Value Stream The Journal Rik McNeill - Florida Jamie Chapman - Virginia Cyndi Menzel - Kansas

2 First 24 Hours Partners in Teaching Success Turned my form in and I got an Instant Rebate! $$$! Tight! Tonight’s the night! There was an e-mail waiting for me from the president of my local. She said I just made the best decision of my professional career. I now belong to NEA.

3 Day Two Partners in Teaching Success I got a big hug (real-time visit) from a teacher who is my association rep. I got a Survive and Thrive Kit from NEA. It even had aspirin and a staff happy hour invite for Friday night. My Association lanyard is tight.

4 Day Three Partners in Teaching Success My Association Rep brought me my new member packet of tight stuff and congratulated me for joining NEA. He encouraged me to check out the “It’s All About Kids” CD and pointed out the “get the year off to a good start” section in the student section. I found a tight association cartoon in my mail box. It made me laugh. My AR said there were lots more on my “Kids” CD.

5 Day Four Partners in Teaching Success I got an e-mail from my UniServ Director. She said she was there to help and worked for me around the clock. Whatever. She invited me to a Q&A for first year teachers. Tight!

6 Day Five Partners in Teaching Success The Association has a set of pretests for my kids that match up to the state required high-stakes tests. This is going to save me time and document that my kids are learning. I downloaded them from the State’s web page. I got a note from My Head Rep to enjoy the weekend.

7 Week Two Partners in Teaching Success “Very Good” stickers were delivered by my Association communicator. Tight! She said she’d be back. I got an e-mail from the State President. In the e-mail there was a hot-link to NEA’s Gateway to Education Materials. Very tight! I got an e-mail reminding me of the New Teacher Q&A.

8 Week Three Partners in Teaching Success I got a hot link e-mail to It’s About Kids - Classroom Organization. It suggested I might want to re-arrange my room to meet my students’ needs and improve discipline. My Association Rep saw me in the hall and asked if I wanted to attend the Q&A this Friday with another new teacher in my school.

9 Week Four Partners in Teaching Success I got a “we missed you” e-mail from the UniServ Director. She said that I don’t have to wait for the next association activity for new teachers to get support. She congratulated me on completing my first month of teaching. I received a letter from the local president asking me to evaluate my mentor experience for the school superintendent.

10 Week Five Partners in Teaching Success I subscribed to the “Works4Me” network. It was easy because I got the hot link in my president’s e- mail message. An association member brought me the state magazine and NEA Today. Tight information. I got a hot tip on sample letters to build parent support. It’s all ready to go in my New Teacher Book and on the NEA Safe Schools home page.

11 Week Six Partners in Teaching Success I was invited to attend the October Association Rep meeting. I begged off. My Association communicator gave me the drill on doing the nine-week grading period. My name was listed in the local association newsletter. It was handed to me this morning. Tight!

12 Week Seven Partners in Teaching Success Wow! I received a week’s worth of lesson plans from an association member in my department/grade level. This will really help -- I need sleep. Each week I am getting an e-mail from my State President with a web site hot link. This week it was member benefits.

13 Week Eight Partners in Teaching Success I get a free chair massage if I attend the November Association Rep meeting. Ouuuiieee! I got a telephone call from an Association volunteer making a pitch for voting for the Association’s state delegate on election day. The Association credits me with licensure points just for working with my educational projects team. Very Tight!

14 Week Nine Partners in Teaching Success An Association member is covering my class so I can observe a nationally board certified teacher on Wednesday. I get observed next week and my Association Rep asked me if I wanted a pre-observation before my observation. She referred me to my Association’s New Teacher Booklet about being observed. I subscribed to a chat room for new teachers through the state’s web site.

15 December Partners in Teaching Success My Head Rep put a bunch of Association thank you notes in my mail box to give to parents who have helped out. I got more “Very Good” stickers from my Association Rep. I am being recognized at the December AR meeting. It is an open house for new members.

16 January Partners in Teaching Success Semester exams made easy! I can get a ready-made test from a member in my department. This will save me time. Tight I signed up to be a cyber-lobbyist at the urging of my state legislator. She says the Association member’s views are important to her. She wants me to visit her during the session.

17 February Partners in Teaching Success Quality Tools in the Classroom -- another great hot link from my state president. “Death by Chocolate” all this week from the Association. Good food. Met a fun teacher in the association chat room. We teach the same grade level. Interesting!

18 June Partners in Teaching Success Concert Tickets 50% off to see Sloop Doggie Dog. Wow! Membership pays. Summer networking just got easier through the NEA Portal. FREE E-MAIL is coming this month. I’m getting wired at home. Tight! I got an e-mail from the school board chairperson and my Association president congratulating me on a successful year. Whew! I made it!

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