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Harviala school cooperation program Cooperation program between pre-school, 1 st and 2 nd grades of the primary school 2012 – 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Harviala school cooperation program Cooperation program between pre-school, 1 st and 2 nd grades of the primary school 2012 – 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Harviala school cooperation program Cooperation program between pre-school, 1 st and 2 nd grades of the primary school 2012 – 2013

2 Background of the cooperation The nursery school consists of the kindergarten and the pre-school Participating in this project are: 17 Pre-school pupils, age 6 22 First grade pupils, age 7 19 Second grade pupils, age 8

3 Since the beginning, we have tried to carry out several types of cooperation and aim to work tightly together in the future Cooperation so far: –Mutual participation in festivities and activities –The 1 st grade and the pre-school pupils attend music and PE lessons together –Pedagogical workshops since spring 2010

4 How does the cooperation work? The workshops are instructed by the classes' teachers, the nursery school teachers and staff, the school instructor and a special education teacher The pupils form teams → we aim to bring forward their individual strengths and make sure that everyone may experience feelings of succes in these small teams

5 The idea behind this cooperation The educational content of pre-school goes hand in hand with the teaching in the first two primary school grades We try to make the transition from a pre- school pupil to a primary school pupil as easy as possible To break the boundaries of the different subjects

6 The idea behind this cooperation To develop coordination in subjects (handling a common theme in different school subjects at the same time – only from slightly differing point of views) To improve both the childrens' and the teachers' teamwork skills To create interaction between the pupils, letting the youger ones learn from the older children

7 Pedagogical workshops The workshops are held twice a week, lasting 90 minutes each The main method is cooperative learning The pupils are divided into three groups based on their learning style The teachers guide the groups and are responsible for the planning of the themes and how they are being handled

8 The teachers go around from group to group - they have to take the the different learning styles into account while teaching Most of the themes focus mainly on science, but also on arts and crafts, Finnish and mathematics

9 Groups based on learning style Pupils have their own ways and styles of learning The different learning styles show how a child approaches, analyses and structures the subject Individuality is taken into account The groups are not ability groups The division is made by testing the pupils and basically by getting to know them The pupils are divided into three colour groups: blue, yellow and red

10 The Blue Group Verbally talented Active Quick and efficient Show their intellect in practical tasks, hands-on Like to work in a group Do not like rules, restrictions or too specifically instructed assignments Learn by doing

11 The Red Group Consider and contemplate Ask ”Why?” theoretical organised Carry out their plans Prefer working alone Like challenge Do not get distracted by surrounding noises etc. Do not get nervous in new situations

12 The Yellow Group careful deliberate Need a peaceful environment Get easily nervous in new situations Think before acting Need extra support from adults

13 Tulevaisuuden visiot toimintatapa vakiinnuttaa paikkansa esi- ja alkuopetuksessa oppimistyyliryhmittelyä siirretään vähitellen myös ylempien luokkien toimintaan erilaisten yhteistyömuotojen ja toiminnan kehittäminen edelleen joustava esi- ja alkuopetus pysyvä henkilökunta Harvialan yksikkö tarjoaa luonnollisen jatkumon lapsen kasvulle varhaiskasvatuksesta perusopetuksen kuudennelle luokalle asti

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