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WHAT IS THE IMPACT? Glenn Talbot Managing Director Verified.

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Presentation on theme: "WHAT IS THE IMPACT? Glenn Talbot Managing Director Verified."— Presentation transcript:

1 WHAT IS THE IMPACT? Glenn Talbot Managing Director Verified

2 BCA Condition Report Australian Standards Fire Contractor Owner Fines Frequencies Records REG’s Legal Survey OH &S Risk COMPLIANCE Defects Safety Cost Budget Dates FM Sign Off Tolerances

3 Maintenance Contracts Change references in your contracts - schedules Do we change the frequency? - Specific asset information required Eg: Sprinklers - weekly to monthly requires enclosure, valve monitoring, secured valves, auto jacking pump - Capital costs may be required - Cost justification? - New installations still require modifications! Financial Impact - Asset survey – base system data -More rigorous testing regime – increased man hours -System interface test - Skills of the contractor – design - Cost increase – guess? Applying contract KPI’s now easier

4 Workloads of the Building Manager Increase in management of documentation / reporting - Maintenance – specific process to be followed - Defects – notification and subsequent action - Annual survey – appraisal against design standard - Condition report - System interface test – you are the co ordinator Analysis of testing results - Interpretation (transfer of responsibility) - Large increase in information recorded - Logbook sheets more complicated (Sprinkler - old vs new)oldnew Record management is vital - No record = No test… someone has to sign off all is OK! Tolerances / Anniversary date tracking Anniversary dates need to be supplied to new contractors

5 Reporting / Sign off Condition Report - Summary of activity reports - Missed tests - Outstanding defects (dates) - Required for each section of standard - Eligibility for regulatory safety statement Defects - Date tracking & re-test on rectification Verifying the information? - You have the logbook record - The Maintenance tags are on your equipment “The use of maintenance record tags or labels shall not preclude the need for a separate maintenance record system” Item 1.15.3

6 Conclusion “Ultimately, the best defence to any potential criminal or civil liability consists of the ability to produce sufficient evidence to demonstrate compliance with the relevant statutory requirements” Greg Campbell – Partner, Maddocks Lawyers Rigorous recording and reporting regimes ensure proper maintenance is achieved and documentation is available. make sure you have it!

7 Thank you Glenn Talbot Managing Director Verified

8 New Back

9 Old Workloads


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