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“Information Seeking Strategies” & “Location and Access” By Mrs. Fisher Biography.

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Presentation on theme: "“Information Seeking Strategies” & “Location and Access” By Mrs. Fisher Biography."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Information Seeking Strategies” & “Location and Access” By Mrs. Fisher Biography

2 Follow the “Big6” Know your project “inside out” Brainstorm where to look for information Types of information needed Know how to locate & access

3 “Brainstorm where to look for information” As in this example from Art Wolinsky’s book, Internet Power Research Using the Big6 Approach...

4 Blue Whale Sources Email Experts CD ROMS Web Sites Magazines Sea World Movies and TV Shows Internet Discussion Groups Library Books School Ecology Club Newspapers Email Friends Environmental Protection Agency Fishermen

5 Determine the types of information sources needed ? Web Sites Library Resources Encyclopedias Library Books Other Print Resources Subscription Databases eLibrary Other Online Resources Evaluated Web Sites Official Web Sites

6 Determine the types of information needed And how best to access that info And how best to access that info What “key words” and phrases to search for What “key words” and phrases to search for

7 Know how to locate & access Do you know how to use the library’s OPAC? When you get a book, do you know how to find the information that you are looking for in the book? Do you know how to use ODIN? Do you know how to find the subscription databases? Do you know how to use them? Do you know how to conduct good searches? Do you know how to evaluate web sites?

8 A word about search engines... Different search engines to consider: Google Yahoo Ask Dogpile Metacrawler Webcrawler DogpileMetacrawlerWebcrawler Grokker KartOO GrokkerKartOO

9 Good Luck With Your Research! Let us know how we can assist you.

10 Credits Slide #1 Slide #1 Bio Magazine: Book: Poster: Slide #2 Slide #2 Biography Assignment: Slide #3 Slide #3 Brainstorm Image: Slide #4 Slide #4 Blue Whale: /1024/whale-shark-with-fish.jpg

11 Credits Slide #5 Slide #5 Female Silhouette gifBook gifBook Male Silhouette Slide#6 Slide#6 Girl Reading Book media/img/reading-hi.jpgSlide Slide #9 Slide #9Librarian:

12 Works Cited Wolinsky, Art. Internet Power Research Using the Big6 Approach. Enslow Publishers, Inc. 2005.

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