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Nutrition Chapter 5 Lesson 1.

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1 Nutrition Chapter 5 Lesson 1

2 What is Nutrition? Nutrition- The process by which the body takes in and uses food. Calories- Units of heat that measure the energy used by the body and the energy that food supply to the body. Nutrients- Substances in food that your body needs to grow, to repair itself, and to supply you with energy

3 Metabolism, What is it and What does it do?
Metabolism converts the fuel in the food we eat into the energy needed to power everything we do. From moving to thinking to growing.

4 Gaining and Losing Weight
Just as a car stores gas in the gas tank until it is needed to fuel the engine, the body stores calories - primarily as fat. If you overfill a car's gas tank, it spills over onto the pavement. Likewise, if a person eats too many calories, they "spill over" in the form of excess fat on the body.

5 Gaining and Losing Weight
The number of calories a person burns in a day is affected by 1) How much that person exercises, 2) The amount of fat and muscle in his or her body, and 3) The person's Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR).

6 Basal Metabolic Rate Basal Metabolic Rate, or BMR, is a measure of the rate at which a person's body "burns" energy, in the form of calories, while at rest. BMR is the minimal amount of calories the body needs to survive. The BMR can play a role in a person's tendency to gain weight.

7 What factors influence a person’s BMR?
To a certain extent, a person's basal metabolic rate is inherited Exercising more will not only cause a person to burn more calories directly from the extra activity itself, but becoming more physically fit will increase BMR as well. People with more muscle and less fat generally have higher BMRs.

8 Body Mass Index Chart

9 Show Metabolism video

10 Nutrition: Carbohydrates
Chapter 5 Lesson 2 Pg

11 Nutrients Objective 1: Describe the functions of the simple and complex carbohydrates Objective 2: Describe the relationship between glucose and glycogen Objective 3: Identify some of the benefits of fiber

12 What is a Carbohydrate? Carbohydrates (Carbs)- The starches and sugars found in foods. Made up of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen The body’s preferred source of energy Carbs provide, 4 calories per 1 gram

13 Carbohydrates Your body uses the energy from the carbs everyday, for every task. Depending on their chemical make-up there are 2 types; Simple Complex 55-60% of your daily calories should come from complex carbs.

14 Simple Carbohydrates What are simple carbohydrates?
Also know as EMPTY CALORIES Sugars; fructose and lactose Found primarily in fruit and milk Most familiar; Sucrose Found naturally; plants Refined to make table sugar Sucrose is also added to manufactured foods

15 Simple Carbohydrates

16 Videos Splenda

17 Corn, Bad for you? How? Article Read quietly to yourself…
The vast majority of the high fructose corn syrup containing 55% fructose is used to sweeten carbonated soft drinks and other flavored beverages. Minor amounts are used in frozen dairy products. Essentially all foods listing “high fructose corn syrup” as an ingredient contain the syrup with 42% fructose. The 95% fructose corn syrup is becoming more common in beverages, canned fruits, confectionery products and dessert syrups. “Now, a quarter of the 45,000 items in the average supermarket contain processed corn, often in the form of high-fructose corn syrup.” That’s…11,250 products

18 Complex Carbohydrates
What are complex carbohydrates? Starches Found primarily in; whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes and tubers (root veggies) Did you know? Your body must break down complex carbs to simple carbs before it can use them for energy

19 Complex Carbohydrates

20 The Role Of Carbohydrates
Your body converts all carbs to Glucose A simple sugar that’s the main source of energy for our bodies The glucose that is not used is stored in the liver and muscles as a starch-like substance called; glycogen. When your body needs more energy the glycogen is converted back to glucose. Excess carbs taken in and not used are converted to body fat

21 Fiber, What is it? What does it do?
Is an indigestible complex carbohydrate that is found in tough, stringy parts of vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Fiber helps move waste through the digestive system and helps prevent against constipation. Why fiber reduces the risk of early death is unclear. Perhaps it's because fiber lowers levels of "bad" LDL cholesterol, improves blood glucose levels, reduces inflammation, and binds to potential cancer-causing agents, helping to flush them out of the body, says lead author Yikyung Park, a staff scientist at the National Cancer Institute. (article from us

22 Fiber Sources Did you know?
That if you eat enough fiber throughout your life, it can help prevent against heart disease! It can also help control diabetes by reducing your blood glucose levels Eat between grams of fiber a day! Sources Fruit Vegetables w/edible skins Whole grains Bran, cereal, oatmeal, brown rice

23 How to get the Proper amount of Fiber…
Start your day with a whole grain breakfast cereal; Oatmeal! Choose whole fruit instead of fruit juice Eat 5 servings of fruit and vegetables a day! Select high-fiber snacks Popcorn (no butter), raw veggies, nuts, apples, pears, peaches, plums (edible skin)

24 Nutrition: Protein Chapter 5 Lesson 3

25 Analyzing Protein Objective 1: Identify the role of protein in your body Objective 2: Be able to identify where you could obtain the 9 essential amino acids Objective 3: Give an example of how to make incomplete proteins complete by combining foods

26 Review from Lesson 2 What are simple carbohydrates?
Sugars; glucose, fructose, lactose Examples? Fruits, Milk, Cake, Candy, Pop What are complex carbohydrates? Starches Whole grains, seeds, nuts, legumes, tubers The body must break down__________ carbohydrates into ___________carbohydrates before it can use them for energy. Complex/simple

27 Protein, What is it? How does it work?
Nutrients that help build and maintain body cells and tissues Made up of chains called, Amino Acids Your body can manufacture all but 9 of the 20 different amino acids that make up proteins. These 9 amino acids are known as Essential Amino Acids So where do we get them?

28 Complete Proteins Complete Proteins
Contain adequate amounts of all nine essential amino acids. Found in animal products Fish Meat Poultry Eggs Dairy Products; milk, cheese, yogurt

29 Videos “Milk the Deadly Poison”
“Pink Slime” Cows Fed Candy Superbug found in Chicken

30 Vegetarians Do not eat meat
There is a difference between vegetarians and vegans. What is it? May have a challenge getting protein, so how do they? Eggs, Milk, Cheese, Yogurt Beans, legumes, grains, nuts, seeds Combining foods carefully is the key Ex: Legumes + Grains Ex: Nuts + Seeds

31 Incomplete Proteins Incomplete Proteins
Lack one or more of the essential amino acids Sources Beans, peas, nuts, and whole grains If you were to combine peanut butter and bread, that would give you a complete protein You don’t have to combine the incomplete proteins in one meal, you just need to eat them over the course of the day!

32 Role of Proteins Proteins have many functions including;
During major growth periods such as; adolescence, puberty, & pregnancy, the body builds new cells and tissues from the amino acids in proteins. Throughout your life your body replaces damaged or worn-out cells by making new ones from protein.

33 Role of Proteins Your body also produces enzymes, hormones and antibodies from proteins. Proteins help supply your body with energy, even though they are not the main source. Proteins, like carbs, provide 4 calories per every 1 gram. Excess protein is converted to body fat

34 Nutrition: Fats/Vitamins/Minerals
Chapter 5 Lesson 4

35 Fats/Vitamins/Minerals
Objective 1: Compare and contrast saturated, unsaturated and trans fatty acids Objective 2: Understand cholesterol and the difference between HDL and LDL Objective 3: Identify the two types of vitamins and their benefits Objectives 4: Identify and explain the benefits of minerals

36 Fats Fats are a type of lipid
Lipid- A fatty substance that does not dissolve in water Fats provide more than TWICE the energy of carbs or proteins 9 calories = 1 gram

37 Fats The building blocks of fats are called fatty acids
Fatty acids that your body needs but cannot produce are called essential fatty acids Classified as 2 types depending on their chemical composition Saturated Unsaturated Most fats are a mixture of both types

38 Saturated Fatty Acids Saturated fatty acids hold all the hydrogen atoms they can, meaning they are solid at room temperature Examples: Animal fats/tropical oils Palm oil, Coconut oil Beef, pork, egg yolks, and dairy foods are higher in saturated fat than chicken and fish. High intake of saturated fat = increased risk of heart disease

39 Unsaturated Fatty Acids
Unsaturated fatty acids have 1 unsaturated bond, meaning they have room to add hydrogen. Examples: Vegetable fats Olive, canola, soybean, corn and cottonseed oils Typically liquids (oils) at room temperature Increase in unsaturated fatty acids = lower risk of heart disease

40 2 Types of Unsaturated Fat
Monounsaturated Have only one unsaturated bond Are liquid at room temperature Solidify when refrigerated Examples Olive Oil Canola Oil Polyunsaturated Have more than one unsaturated bond Liquid at room temp and in the refrigerator Examples Safflower Oil Corn Oil

41 Trans-Fats/ Hydrogenated Oils
Trans fatty Acids Trans fats (or trans fatty acids) are created in an industrial process that adds hydrogen to liquid vegetable oils to make them more solid.  Another name for trans fats is “partially hydrogenated oils."  Trans fats give foods a desirable taste and texture.  Inexpensive to produce and lasts a long time Examples: Fried Foods (Fries, Doughnuts, Chicken) Baked Goods (Pie crust, cookies, crackers, margarine)

42 Cholesterol Cholesterol
A waxy lipid-like substance that circulates in blood. Cannot dissolve in your blood, carried by lipoproteins 2 major types LDL- Low Density “bad” HDL- High Density  “good” A high intake saturated fat can lead to an increase in cholesterol

43 Video Trans-Fats “ How Trans-Fats have became our Enemy”

44 Role of Fats Fats are essential to transport vitamins, A,D,E, and K in your blood. They serve as sources of linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid that is needed for growth and healthy skin. Fats add texture and flavor to foods Help satisfy hunger longer than carbs and proteins No more than 20-30% of your daily caloric intake

45 Vitamins Vitamins Are compounds that help regulate many vital body processes including; Digestion, absorption, and metabolism of other nutrients. 2 types: Water or Fat soluble Water- Dissolve in water, and pass easily into the blood during digestion. (figure 5.1) Ex: Vitamins C, B1, B2, Niacin, B6, B12, Folic Acid Fat- Absorbed, stored and transported in fat (Fig 5. 2) Ex: Vitamins A, D, E, and K

46 Minerals/Water Minerals
Substances that the body cannot manufacture but are needed to form healthy bones and teeth. Ex: Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Iron Water Vital to our everyday body function Lubricates your joins and mucous membranes Drink 8 cups a day Some beverages (caffeine, juice) cause us to lose some of the water through increased urination. Some fruits and vegetables contain water

47 Radiating Lettuce and Spinach

48 Continued… Arsenic in rice BPA in canned goods
BPA in canned goods

49 Interactive Study Guide

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