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Cultivating CM/Teacher Relationships in a Teacher Team.

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Presentation on theme: "Cultivating CM/Teacher Relationships in a Teacher Team."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cultivating CM/Teacher Relationships in a Teacher Team

2 Welcome and Objectives At the end of this session participants will be able to: 1.Articulate the rationale and benefits of teacher teams, particularly in the DN/TDS model 2.Understand the unique challenges and opportunities of integrating corps members into teacher teams, including strategies deepening teacher/CM relationships within a teacher team 3.Connect with best practices in the field around teacher/CM relationship-building and incorporating instructional supports (coaches and Instructional Facilitators) and systematic supports (EWI) into this process

3 Introductions & Welcome Review Agenda Warm Up Activity Rationale & Philosophy of Teacher/Interdisciplinary Teams Role of CY in Teacher/Interdisciplinary Teams Panel Part 1 Explore Team Supports Panel Part 2 Closing Activity Agenda

4 Warm Up Activity Pair Share! What's the most important thing to do when building a partnership or relationship with someone who works for a different organization/agency than you do?

5 Teaming in Our Schools Rationale and philosophy regarding the importance of teacher/interdisciplinary teams in urban middle and high schools

6 DN schools encourage effective distributed leadership so that those in the school closest to the everyday realities of students and staff have the discretion and responsibility to make timely decisions on their behalf. Teacher Teams

7 One tenet of effective distributed leadership is empowerment of teams of teachers who share a common set of students. Students realize that their teachers know them and care about them. Teacher Teams

8 Teams of teachers work with a common and manageable set of students, with time built into their schedule for collaborative work and receive initial facilitation to guide their efforts. Teacher Teams

9 DN teacher teams must have access to EWI data at least every two weeks so they can work collaboratively on lists of students who are showing signs of falling off track. These teams must also have access to school and community resources so that they can provide the right intervention and/or support service to the right student at the right time. Teacher Teams

10 The Role of City Year in Teacher/Interdisciplinary Teams

11 3 Main Areas of Focus Building the Relationship(s) A Strong Start Regular Collaboration Data-Driven Feedback Loop Hour 1 Teacher/CM Meet & Greets Orientation Sessions Regular Formal Check-ins Utilizing Informal Meetings Co-planning when Appropriate Reviewing Student Data Together Debriefing Regularly Teachers & PMs Using Data to Assess

12 On a Teacher/Interdisciplinary Team, a corps member may have to repeat this process with up to… Rinse & Repeat! 345 Different Teachers!

13 On a Teacher/Interdisciplinary Team, a TEACHER may have to repeat this process with up to… Rinse & Repeat – Again! 345 Different Corps Members!

14 Together – CMs and Teachers should establish goals and benchmarks for each area of focus Best Practices in Building the Relationship A Strong Start Regular Collaboration Data-Driven Feedback Loop Doing this would be a great activity for a CM & Teacher Hour 1, or during the 1 st month of working together

15 Best Practices in Building the Relationship Creating a calendar – and STICKING to it Be extremely thoughtful about the first month Build in as many opportunities as possible for building team, debriefing and catching early challenges/struggles Hold CMs accountable for carrying out the schedule Approach Administration, STF, Instructional Coaches and/or other teachers (if appropriate) if you are having trouble with a teacher sticking to the schedule

16 Common Challenges Short Group Brainstorm / Discussion 1.Get into groups of 3 2.Select a recorder, a timekeeper and reporter 3.Brainstorm / discuss the most challenging issues / situations facing corps members and teachers when building relationships inside a teacher team 4.Select THE MOST challenging from your list 5.Report back on this issue/situation You have 5 minutes!

17 Schedule structure does not allow for CM/Teacher planning time One teacher/CM pair may click really well, while that same teacher or same CM may not click with the others Lack of data to make informed decisions/course corrections Frequency of substitute teachers in classroom prevent CMs from developing strong relationship with certain teacher A Few Others to Consider

18 Panel Part 1 – Building the Relationship

19 Teacher Team Supports – And how to utilize them to support strong Teacher/CM relationships

20 Best Practices in Building Multiple Relationships At the CORE is a Strong Teacher Team, with the Right Supports 75-90 students Teacher Team (4 teachers) Instructional Supports Organizational Supports Professional Development Data Supports Student Supports

21 Utilizing the Venues for Collaboration Amongst All Team Members Best Practices in Building Multiple Relationships Common Planning Time Teacher Team Meetings EWI Meetings Quarterly Data Reviews

22 Best Practices in Building Multiple Relationships Utilizing the Instructional & Organizational Supports Amongst All Team Members Curriculum Professional Development STF & Coaches

23 Panel Part 2 – Utilizing Supports & Venues

24 Closing Activity Get into a group with other people from your site. If you are the only person from your site, sit in with another site that’s in your region Complete two lists: List of questions to be answered before school starts, which – when answered – will help you and your TL foster solid working relationships between your CMs and Teachers Three Ideas you will take back to your site or school and how you will incorporate them into your service or CM experience

25 PITW # 83: Give Immediate Feedback Follow the link in your email to complete the Learning Evaluation Survey. or If you did not receive an email, please go to the Summer Academy 2013 page on cyconnect. Select the “Learning Evaluations” link on the left side of the page and choose the appropriate survey. Learning Evaluation Surveys

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