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Operation Glenmerry Single gender learning is different but not exactly what we think!!

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1 Operation Glenmerry Single gender learning is different but not exactly what we think!!

2 Background Glenmerry Elementary has 330 students Community school 18 Staff 13.5 out of 14 on the vulnerability scale Started with zero district money and started applying for grants to pilot a single gender classroom Started single gender classroom with a $1000.00 grant Started single gender classroom to address academic issues Continued single gender classroom because of increase in academics of students and decrease in behaviour issues of students


4 Language Consistent language in every classroom in all subjects and for all social expectations This was consistent in the single gender rooms and co ed rooms

5 Relationships Each teacher/paraprofessional/administrator ranked this as the single most import factor in their teaching Respectful relationships between student and teacher Respectful relationships between the student, school and home

6 Collaboration Zero collaboration time set aside during instructional hours Borrowed from prep, after school, lunch hours, recess The teachers said that team teaching and collaboration was IMPERATIVE to the success of the program

7 Teaching Teaching style changed Curriculum did not Activities were geared to each gender BUT what we saw was not always what we expected

8 Learning Students recognized their learning changed Students recognized their academic success increased even though the work was harder Students and teachers recognized the students’ learning was more engaged and focussed Learning time was increased Teaching and learning were not interrupted by distractions Teachers recognized there was less “transition time” and “wasted time”

9 Leadership Unexpected and unpredicted leaders showed up in each gender room Boys recognized that the girls would take over this role in a co ed environment Girls recognized that they would do the “work” and leadership role in a co ed environment

10 Connection Boys/Girls were very self aware and were willing to express it Recognized the difference between single gender learning and co ed learning Preferred the single gender learning Grade five class petitioned to have their grade moved to single gender in grade six as well as grade seven

11 Boys Self Awareness Fewer distractions No whining I can be myself I get more work done Our marks are better

12 Boys Discussion on Differences of Learning Together with the Girls and Apart from the Girls Apart Less distractions Work harder Can be myself I am not intimidated to answer questions No gossip We don’t have to smell the girls stinky stuff (perfume) Girls can’t watch every move we make Together More aware of the girls More reluctant to answer questions – “girls might think we are dumb” Girls want to take over and be the leaders We fool around more and show off more The girls flirt with us

13 Girls Self Awareness It is okay to be wrong (no one will laugh at us) We dress differently (more conservatively/no makeup) Boys make math distracting When in groups we have to do all the work while they fool around We can be ourselves Boys can’t make fun of us I am not embarrassed to answer questions Our marks are better

14 Girls Discussion on Differences of Learning Together with the Boys and Apart from the Boys Apart We can be silly without judgement We can be ourselves/differences are accepted We can talk about things that we can’t talk about when the boys were around Not embarrassed to try new things Not afraid to express who we are Together The boys make fun of us, especially when we get answers wrong They disturb us They are loud Girls take charge of groups but boys never listen They throw things and hit all the time They smell gross They get us in trouble all the time They are messy

15 What We Miss from a Co Ed Classroom Girls The challenges - competition in PE the girls are not as competitive as the boys Boys Seeing some of my girl friends Making fun of them Different opinions and points of view

16 What We Do Like About Single Gender Learning Girls In grade six we didn’t always get to know everyone and now we do We all get along and if we don’t we fix it We can change in the portable without worrying because no boys are allowed Boys We can say whatever we want There is no gossiping We get more work done

17 Rating the Experiences: Students We are better prepared for grade eight More connected to our teachers and school More involved in our own learning We get along better and have more respect for one another Preferred single gender but also knew they were better prepared to go back to co ed classrooms

18 Rating the Experiences: Teachers Ms. McQuiggan had 30 years of experience and was one year away from retirement. After half a term with a single gender classroom she decided not to retire. She has remained teaching single gender even though she could have retired three years ago. She has strongly stated that if she had to go back to co ed teaching she would retire. Carolyn is a young teacher with less experience. She started the position as a full time sub who took over the Language Arts teacher’s position. She had to follow another teacher’s routines when starting the position. She has also stated that if given the choice she would prefer to be in a single gender classroom.

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