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NEXT-TELL Next Generation Teaching, Education and Learning for Life Assessment for learning Prof. Barbara Wasson og fagkonsulent Cecilie Hansen, Uni Helse,

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Presentation on theme: "NEXT-TELL Next Generation Teaching, Education and Learning for Life Assessment for learning Prof. Barbara Wasson og fagkonsulent Cecilie Hansen, Uni Helse,"— Presentation transcript:

1 NEXT-TELL Next Generation Teaching, Education and Learning for Life Assessment for learning Prof. Barbara Wasson og fagkonsulent Cecilie Hansen, Uni Helse, Uni Research

2 Who? EU-project with 12 partners from 7 different countries Started in September 2010 and lasts until 2014 Partners: JOANNEUM RESEARCH (Coordinator) (Austria), UNI RESEARCH AS (Norway), Institut für Wissensmedien - Knowledge Media Research Center (Germany). Technische Universität Graz (Austria), Copenhagen Business School (Denmark), University of Birmingham (GB), London Knowledge Lab (GB), eXact learning solutions S.p.A. (Italy), Verein Offenes Lernen – Sektion talkademy (Austria), BOC Asset Management GmbH (Autria), BOC Information Technologies Consulting Sp. z o.o. (Poland), MTO Psychologische Forschung und Beratung GmbH (Germany)

3 What? An environment that supports teachers and students in the use of various sources for information gathering in both the classroom and at home, as well as for the teacher in educational decision making Examine how formative assessment can be supported through the use of information and communication technology (ICT) 21st Century Classroom Learning NEXT-TELL

4 To …... find innovative technology systems, which can be used by teachers for continuity in, and collaboration for, formative assessment... assist teachers in precise and quick decisions to encourage and promote learning... identify the infrastructure that can provide better teaching, diagnosis, workflow and productivity... strengthen the culture for learning, collaboration and communication between students, teachers, parents and school management.... strengthen teachers' assessment competences and enable them to facilitate the practice of adaptive teaching through assessment Participation in the project, will enable teachers and students to collaborate with teachers and students in several European countries

5 NEXT-TELL vision

6 Research Questions? How do teachers assess? How do a teacher select assessment criteria? What tools are in use? How are assessment competences transferred from one teacher to another? How do teachers collaborate on assessment? How is experience on assessment shared? How can we use ICT for formative assessment?

7 1.Baseline studies Researcher driven Interviews with teachers and school leaders Start: April/Mai 2.Design studies Research initiated – teacher controlled Scenario Science(computer visualisation ), English (co-writing, oral in Second Life) Film and sound recording Interviews with teachers, students, school administrators and parents Start: September/October How?

8 Teacher support tools: overview Applications in schools Applications in schools Physically captured Physically captured On-line PCs IDW Tabl e top s LMS Web 2.0 Mobile Pictures Videos Recor- ding Recor- ding Planner Learning Activities Assess- ments Assess- ments Analysis Visualisation (Task Progress, OLM) Visualisation (Task Progress, OLM) that get automatically* delivered to students. Teacher uses to specify and *) When based on software Student information Learning activities

9 All data are kept confidential when stored Only researchers in the project will have access to data All researchers are subject to confidentiality Only de-identified, transcribed data, will be stored for research and use after the project is ended, and all film and audio will be destroyed Data from Norway will be shared with international partners Participation is voluntary and consent may be withdrawn during the research period without reasons The project is reported to the Privacy Ombudsman for Research and the Norwegian Social Science Data Services Ethics

10 Research based methods that produce data for understanding how students can become better learners, must be based on their own experiences from school and home, as well as input from teachers, parents and school leadership. Research based school development

11 Thank you for your attention!

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