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Maximizing Presentation Skills for Teachers Presented by: Claudia Huff & Les Smee Georgia Tech Research Institute “The mind is a wonderful thing. It begins.

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Presentation on theme: "Maximizing Presentation Skills for Teachers Presented by: Claudia Huff & Les Smee Georgia Tech Research Institute “The mind is a wonderful thing. It begins."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maximizing Presentation Skills for Teachers Presented by: Claudia Huff & Les Smee Georgia Tech Research Institute “The mind is a wonderful thing. It begins working the moment you're born and never stops until you get up to speak in public.” -anonymous

2 The Eight Step Process 1.Audience/Situation Analysis 2. Developing the Objective Statement 3. Connecting Benefits with Audience Needs 4. Developing the Presentation Itself 5. Rehearse and Imagine the Talk in Detail 6. Confirming and Moving the Audience 7. Facilitating the Discussion 8. Debriefing for Action

3 Audience Analysis Who is the audience? How big is the audience? What do they hope to gain? What level of detail is appropriate? Is attendance optional?

4 Situation Analysis How is the location physically arranged? What time of day is it? What mood do the surroundings promote?

5 Developing the Objective Statement Clearly defines the purpose of the presentation Tells the audience what to expect Should include measurable outcomes

6 Connecting Benefits with Audience Needs “What’s in it for me?” Need to know basis Match purpose with determined audience needs

7 Developing the Presentation Grab audience attention Obtain credibility Use logical progression Reference research

8 Keep audience engaged KISS Limit main points Use aids Developing the Presentation

9 Rehearse and Imagine the Talk in Detail Talk to the audience Estimate time Anticipate questions

10 Confirming and Moving the Audience Confirm audience analysis Transition audience from listening to speaking Use open-ended questions

11 Facilitating the Discussion Repeat questions for audience benefit Don’t evade questions Question the audience Have prepared FAQs

12 Debriefing for Action Be self-critical Seek and use feedback Review purpose

13 Elements of Persuasion EvidenceDeductionInductionAuthorityAnalogy Problem Solving Two-Sided

14 Visual Aid Guidelines Title each visual Use a simple design Use a clear color scheme throughout Use landscape instead of portrait

15 Single point with 4-5 bullets max Avoid laser pointers Talk about a visual as soon as you show it Remove/cover it when finished Be ready to go on w/o visuals Visual Aid Guidelines

16 General Tips Be mobile to keep attention Avoid monotone Be excited about your topic

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