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TUESDAY DECEMBER 7, 2010 This presentation is designed to help new members and parents to prepare materials for the FFA show book. Lamar FFA Booster Club.

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Presentation on theme: "TUESDAY DECEMBER 7, 2010 This presentation is designed to help new members and parents to prepare materials for the FFA show book. Lamar FFA Booster Club."— Presentation transcript:

1 TUESDAY DECEMBER 7, 2010 This presentation is designed to help new members and parents to prepare materials for the FFA show book. Lamar FFA Booster Club Show Book Guidelines

2 2011 FFA Show and Sale Dates: April 8 and 9, 2011 Auction Book  Senior Page  Student Biography  Ad Sales  Sponsorships

3 Senior Page For FFA Members Graduating in 2011 Given one free page in the Auction Book Purpose of the Page:  Congratulate our Seniors  Overview of their Accomplishments  Highlight graduating members for buyers

4 Senior Page



7 Deadlines If you submit the Senior page as a “hard copy” piece of paper – January 11,2011 If you submit as a digital e-mail attachment or on a CD – January 25, 2011 You may not submit a group of pictures to have made into a senior page

8 Student Biography For all other FFA members participating in the show Submit  Student’s name  Student’s year in high school (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior)  Number of years in FFA Club  FFA Projects (2011 and previous years)  FFA Offices held (if any)  List of other clubs, sports teams, church youth clubs, scouting, etc  Graduation plans  No pictures; limit text to 100 words

9 Student Biography Deadlines If you submit as a “hard copy” piece of paper – January 11, 2011 If you submit as a digital e-mail attachment or on a CD – January 25, 2011 Submissions of more than 100 words will be edited

10 Student Biography Kathleen Jurgens Kathleen is a sophomore in her second year of FFA. She is currently the Chapter Chaplain. Kathleen is raising rabbits for the second year. Kathleen in high functioning Autistic and has worked very hard to be a productive member of the FFA and Lamar High School. She was the youngest presenter in the 2008 Texas State Autism Conference and has also participated in the Katy Disabilities Fair. Kathleen’s hobbies include reading, going to camp and helping other people with Autism Spectrum Disabilities. After graduation, she plans on attending Sam Houston State University and becoming a veterinary technician.

11 Ad Sales All students and families participating in the Show are requested to sell ads. Since we have so many families in the Show this year, we are lowering the requested ad sales to $50.00 per family this year Types  Business Ads  Congratulatory Ads

12 Business Ads Costs  Full page: $100.00  Half page: $ 75.00  Quarter page: $50.00  Business card size: $25.00

13 Business Ads

14 Congratulatory Ads Full page: $100.00 Half page: $75.00 Quarter page: $50.00 Four line: $25.00

15 Congratulatory Ads

16 How to Sale $50.00 of Ads Purchase a quarter page congratulatory ad Go in with family members and purchase congratulatory ads Sell 2 business card ads Prospects  Company you work for  Dentist/Doctors you use  Vets/Pet care businesses you use  Car dealers, car parts, hardware, electricians  People that care about your family/student

17 What To Turn-In With Ads The completed, print ready ad Check, cash or money order for the correct size ad Name, address, contact phone number or e-mail address for the advertiser if not on the ad If submitting digital ad, send to

18 Rules on Ad Sales We MAY NOT advertise the following: Alcohol, bars, liquor stores, etc. Tattoo parlors Guns, gun stores, gun services Any form of pregnancy counseling services All ads will be reviewed by Lamar before placement in the Auction Book. Refunds will be made for ads that do not meet appropriate requirements

19 What if a Company Wants to do More? Advertising  For best exposure, companies should buy a full page ad for $100.00  Sponsorship: For $250.00, $500.00, $1000.00 or $2000.00 Buyer’s Club  If a company wants to help kids directly, they are best to purchase into the Buyer’s Club in $100.00 increments

20 Deadlines for Ad Sales Hard copy business cards, paper ads, anything that needs to be scanned – January 11, 2011 Digital e-mail attachments or CD’s – January 25, 2011 Ad must be submitted in print-ready form. We do not produce ads.

21 Calendar Sat., December 11 – Workday – 8:00 AM Tues., Jan. 11 – FFA Booster Club – 6:30 PM Sat., Jan. 15 – Tentative Workday – 8:00 AM Fri./Sun., Jan. 21-23 – Heifers – Ft. Worth Fri./Sun., Jan. 28-30 – Lambs, goats – Ft. Worth Tues./Thurs. – Feb. 8-10 – Heifers – San Antonio

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