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Presentation on theme: "AN IDEA WHOSE TIME HAS COME… CONGREGATIONAL TRANSFORMATION."— Presentation transcript:



3 ITS FOUNDATION… 1 John 4:19 First we were loved, now we love. He loved us first. (The Message) We love because he first loved us! first loved us!(RSV)

4 Office of Congregational Transformation Rev. Kendall Taylor Director

5 Some things to remember... Jesus gave us, the Church, one primary command: “ Make Disciples! ” Matthew 28:16-20 Acts 1:8 2 Corinthians 5:16-21

6 Some things to remember... Faithful, obedient congregations seek God in prayer... cultivating the identify and connect with the people to/with whom God calls them to minister.

7 Some things to remember… Healthy congregations express what they discern through prayer in… CONCISE VISION & MISSION STATEMENTS

8 QUESTIONS TO SHAPE VISION… Why do people need Jesus? Why do people need Church? Why do people need this Church?

9 Some things to remember… The five ”P’s” … in this order… guide planning/decision making PrayerPurposePeopleProgramProperty

10 Some things to remember... Healthy congregations are communities of “MIRACULOUS EXPECTATION!”

11 Some things to remember... Healthy congregations… FALL IN LOVE WITH THEIR NEIGHBORS! FALL IN LOVE WITH THEIR NEIGHBORS!

12 Some things to remember... Healthy congregations make sure the love and friendship shared with their community are genuine and Christ-motivated.

13 Some things to remember... Ministry motivated by loving your neighbor looks very different from ministry motivated by survival of your congregation. (ref Mark 8:35)

14 The Difference Between “Survival” and “Mission” For whoever wants to save his life will lose it. But whoever loses his life for me and for the Gospel will save it. Mark 8:35 (NIV)

15 Some things to remember... Worshiping is connecting people to personal experiences of God. EXCELLENTINDIGENOUS Style is not the critical issue!

16 Some things to remember... Healthy congregations strive constantly for excellence and quality.

17 Some things to remember... Healthy congregations measure and evaluate the effectiveness of their ministry. …Their Disciple Making! …Their Disciple Making!

18 Characteristics of Healthy Congregations 1.Empowering leadership 2.Gift-oriented ministry 3.Passionate spirituality 4.Functional structures 5.Inspiring Worship

19 Characteristics of Healthy Congregations 6.Holistic small groups 7.Need-oriented evangelism 8.Loving relationships from: NATURAL CHURCH DEVELOPMENT Church Smart Resources

20 Categories of Congregations

21 Categorías de Congregaciones

22 Tips de Kongregasyon

23 Categories of Congregations Beginning -chronological infancy, clarifying and adopting its mission or or -in decline, rediscovering its mission

24 Categories of Congregations Transforming -primary mission: making disciples -in their community -devotion to and growth in Jesus -congregational life is love

25 Categories of Congregations Reproducing - a transforming congregation choosing to initiate the formation of new faith communities

26 Categories of Congregations Maintaining -primary ministry orientation: care for members care for members -inward focus of congregational life process -no foreseeable change

27 Categories of Congregations Dying -process of congregational decline is irreversible -District Superintendent may so designate with or without agreement of the congregation

28 Demands of the times... Healthy congregations accept and embrace the reality of inevitable, rapid and unpredictable change.

29 Demands of the times... There is a basic irreducible core process that defines Church. A. Inviting/Welcoming B. Worshiping/Educating C. Equipping D. Sending (deploying)

30 MAKING DISCIPLES A.INVITE / WELCOME - intentional with specific people - inclusion in the church family - hear and see what a relationship with Jesus can be and do

31 MAKING DISCIPLES B.NURTURE -worship is connecting with God in public worship and private devotion -education is teaching how a disciple believes and behaves - a major goal is a decision to follow Jesus as Lord and Savior

32 MAKING DISCIPLES C.EQUIP - God calls Disciples to a ministry - they prepare to fulfill this calling - disciples bring to ministry: Talent… Personality… Talent… Personality… Passion…Spiritual gifts Passion…Spiritual gifts

33 MAKING DISCIPLES D.SEND - disciples minister with excellence to people in many kinds of need - ministry flows from hearts of love and is not manipulative - gains privilege of inviting people to a relationship with Jesus.

34 Demands of the times... How do we keep faithful to what the Church is while adapting to the inevitable changes? Remember the main thing… Making Disciples Move ministry focus from… Inward …to Outward!

35 Demands of the times... The process of Transforming (Adapting) is normal and on-going for a faithful obedient congregation.

36 What is Congregational Transformation? Congregational Transformation is people… moving evermore completely… moving evermore completely… to embrace with clarity and passion… to embrace with clarity and passion… the mission Jesus gave the Church! the mission Jesus gave the Church! MAKING DISCIPLES!

37 The Role of the Office of Congregational Transformation Helping congregations discern their way forward as faithful followers of Jesus Assisting congregations in deciding what to do and then helping them do it.

38 We do NOT dictate to congregations or try to control them. Initiative always remains with the congregation.

39 Congregational Transformation It is not a program… It is fundamental change in the congregation’s lifestyle… Its CORE PROCESS! A DNA TRANSPLANT!

40 Some things to do... See to your personal spiritual growth and devotional habits.

41 Some things to do... Make practice of spiritual growth disciplines a congregational core value Expected of all… Expected of all…

42 Some things to do... Be zealous in assessing your personal faithfulness and your congregation’s faithfulness to the Great Commission and the Great Commandment. Are new directions called for in either case?

43 Some things to do... Study and learn from: booksbooks audio resourcesaudio resources video resourcesvideo resources internet resourcesinternet resources

44 Books to read “Reclaiming the Great Commission” by Bishop Claude Payne “Natural Church Development” By Christian A. Schwarz

45 More books… “The Purpose Driven Church” “The Purpose Driven Life” By Rick Warren “Church for the Unchurched” “The Celtic Way of Evangelism” By George Hunter By George Hunter

46 Some things to do... Learn about the world about the world about your community about your communityGBGM: PERCEPT: www.link2lead

47 Some things to do… Learn skills necessary to lead your congregation in a new direction.

48 THREE IMPORTANT SKILLS… - Effective vision casting - Leading and training leaders - Dealing creatively with conflict

49 GUNG HO! Spirit of the Squirrel Spirit of the Squirrel “worthwhile work” Way of the Beaver Way of the Beaver “in control of achieving the goal” Gift of the Goose Gift of the Goose “cheering others on” By Ken Blanchard & Sheldon Bowles

50 Surfing the Edge of Chaos Understand Church as organism… Its response to stimuli is non-linear… Prolonged equilibrium is dangerous… by Richard Tanner Pascale & Mark Milleman & Mark Milleman

51 A Last Thought... What have you experienced of Jesus that the world cannot do without?

52 Office of Congregational Transformation Rev. Kendall Taylor Director

53 Contact us P.O. Box 3767 Lakeland, FL 33802 1-800-282-8011, ext 109 863-680-1912 (fax) ktaylor@flumc.org




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