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Let’s Review… 1A) Who could vote by the 1830’s? 1B) Who could NOT vote by the 1830’s? 2A) Describe what happened in the election of 1824. Give specific.

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Presentation on theme: "Let’s Review… 1A) Who could vote by the 1830’s? 1B) Who could NOT vote by the 1830’s? 2A) Describe what happened in the election of 1824. Give specific."— Presentation transcript:


2 Let’s Review… 1A) Who could vote by the 1830’s? 1B) Who could NOT vote by the 1830’s? 2A) Describe what happened in the election of 1824. Give specific details! 2B) What was the result of the election of 1824?

3  John Quincy Adams knew the election angered many Americans  During his term in office, Adams spent money on projects that would help improve the country  Roads and canals  Built an observatory (to study the stars)

4  In which region, did Adams get support?  In which region(s) did Jackson get support?

5 Using pages 363-366, read and fill in the blanks on the sheet

6 President Washington (1 st )President John Adams (2 nd )President Jefferson (3 rd )President Jackson (7 th ) Had a temper, but did not show it in public Had a temperVery simple, not showy Had a temper and dealt with his enemies harshly Wanted to remain neutral in foreign affairs Kept America out of war between Britain & France Kept America out of war with Britain Was a hero in the War of 1812 Was opposed to political parties Was a Federalist (supported a strong federal government) Was a Democratic- Republican (supported states’ rights) Was a Democrat Set many precedents (2 terms) Believed the wealthy should lead the nation Believed the nation’s strength came from ordinary people Was supported by poor frontier farmers in the west and farmers in the south Created the first CabinetBuilt up the navy Cut the federal budget by… reducing the army and navy and decreasing the size of government departments Wanted to spread political power to more people (Jacksonian Democracy) Upheld a tax on liquor (Whiskey Rebellion) Promoted trade and manufacturing Favored farming Wanted Americans to buy goods from Americans, not overseas (tariff) Would use the army to enforce the tariff Oversaw the creation of the Bank of the United States Favored the Bank of the United States Disliked the Bank of the United States, but kept it Hated the Bank of the United States; had it eventually closed Created peaceful relations with natives in the west (LA Purchase) Forced Native Americans off their land (Trail of Tears)

7 Let’s go over yesterday’s Biography on Andrew Jackson You may want to wear sneakers for Monday’s class. Your cool History teacher will be demonstrating the difference between my Spoils System and merit

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