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With or Without God – Gretta Vosper. why the way we live is more important than what we believe Appendix A Toolbox With or Without God – Gretta Vosper.

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Presentation on theme: "With or Without God – Gretta Vosper. why the way we live is more important than what we believe Appendix A Toolbox With or Without God – Gretta Vosper."— Presentation transcript:

1 With or Without God – Gretta Vosper. why the way we live is more important than what we believe Appendix A Toolbox With or Without God – Gretta Vosper. why the way we live is more important than what we believe Appendix A Toolbox

2 Part 1 - Media Presentation - 1 Emerging Spirit Testimonials United Church of Canada

3 Part 1 - Media Presentation - 2 What if Starbucks marketed like a church? - United Church of Canada

4 Part 1 - Media Presentation - 3 Living the Hope - Introduction United Church of Canada

5 With or Without God – Gretta Vosper. why the way we live is more important than what we believe - Part 2 Analysis of Toolbox

6 Toolbox - “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost From Mountain Interval Collection 1920

7 Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had warn them really about the same… I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence; Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – I took the one less traveled by, And that made all the difference.

8 Toolbox or Pandora’s Box? Standing at the juncture of “Two Roads” with Robert Frost and Gretta Vosper. We have choices – Supernatural worldview? (or) Transcendent worldview? (or what…) We will live with implications of the worldview we choose. Everything about what we mean by “church” will be affected.

9 Vosper’s Toolbox Public Faith, Private Faith Inclusive Language Worship as Religious Gathering

10 Resources for Religious Gatherings - Creativity Unison Prayers (formal/informal) Symbols Liturgical Garb Sacramental Traditions

11 Resources for Religious Gatherings (cont.) The Service (an ongoing experiment): Centering Time.. Prayers of Confession.. Prayer at Beginning.. At the End of Prayer.. Music.. Readings.. Baptism.. Adult Affirmation of Faith.. Communion.. Prayers of Petition, Intercession, and Thanksgiving.. Unison Prayer Responses.. Segways.. Benediction

12 Insights and Challenges - Inclusive language definitions require deeper understandings.

13 Insights and Challenges - Worship: coming up with things that “fit” takes time.

14 Insights and Challenges - Relying on worship leaders And liturgical experts Versus “Do it yourself” worship.

15 Insights and Challenges - Unison Prayers - Contrived or transformational?

16 Insights and Challenges - Symbols: - Reframing the old (and/or) Creating something new.

17 Insights and Challenges - Liturgical garb: Pro & Con

18 Removing Theism from the Service - Centering – candles replace Bible Confession – to whom? Beginning Prayer – replace “do this for me” (request) with an assertive “I will do this”. Ending Prayer – beyond the perfuctory “amen”.

19 Removing Theism from the Service - Hymns – revisions and new creations. Readings – omit unsubstantiated claims with universal values, lifting up life-enhancing, engaging values.

20 Removing Theism from the Service - Sermon.. Reflection.. Meditation: (missing) is it discarded? (traditionally the centerpiece of a Protestant service).

21 Removing Theism from the Service - Sacraments? What happens? They become celebrations! Baptism.. Affirmation of Faith.. New beginnings Communion – human community

22 Removing Theism from the Service - Prayers: “non-interventionist” auto-suggestion? Benediction: Patriarchal mandate or communal affirmation?

23 The Road Not Taken (redux) - Four Questions: “supernatural” or “transcendent” worldview “discarding” or “reframing” style “Congregational” or “universal” mindset “classic” of “contemporary” focus

24 Break Discussion Questions 1. Bring it home to St. David’s: What do you like / dislike about Vosper’s Tool Box? 2. Worship at St. David’s: What might we be doing more effectively?

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