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UTAGAWA HIROSHIGUE Juan José Chavarro Naranjo May 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "UTAGAWA HIROSHIGUE Juan José Chavarro Naranjo May 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 UTAGAWA HIROSHIGUE Juan José Chavarro Naranjo May 2013

2 INDEX  Biography  Style  Main works  Influence  Visual language elements  Technique  Concept  Connections  Images of his work  References

3 BIOGRAPHY  Born in Tokyo Japan, probably 1767 and died at the age of 62 in 1858 of cholera  His father was inspector of fire, died in 1809, like her mother.  He was also called Tokubei y Jūemon.  He married twice in 1821 and 1837 had two children a boy in the first marriage and the second a girl.  In 1811 came into the Studio of Utagawa Toyohiro where he did a good job.  In 1812 was the artistic name of Hiroshige.  Career began formally in 1832.  In 1856 became a Buddhist monk.


5  Held within the style ukiyo - "pictures of the floating world" representation of types and popular scenes.  Hiroshige was formed in the characteristic style of the Utagawa school, focusing on the representation of beautiful women (bijin-ga) and Japanese popular theatre kabuki actors.  In 1832-1834 he went to landscaping.

6 MAIN WORKS  Its first series was: fifty-three stages of the Tōkaidō route (Tōkaidō Gojūsantsugi, in 1832-1834 in these works he began his characteristic style, marked by the composition of planes and the inclusion of objects or anecdotal character, often with one certain humorous.  Another series of great relevance was one hundred famous views of Edo (Meisho Edo hyakkei))(, 1856-1858) It has a total of 119 prints of landscapes and landmarks of Edo

7 OTHER WORKS  “Famous views of the Eastern capital works (Tōto Meisho jukkei, 1831)..  Fifty-three stages of the route of Tōkaidō (Tōkaidō Gojūsantsugi, 1832-1834).  Famous views of our country (Honcho meisho, 1832-1837).  Famous views of Kyoto (Kyōto meisho, 1834-1835).  Famous views of Ōsaka (Ōsaka meisho, 1834-1835).  Eight views of the province of Ōmi (Ōmi hakkei, 1834-1835).  Six rivers Tama in the different provinces (Shokoku mutamagawa, 1834-1835).  Sixty-nine stations of the Kisokaidō (Kisokaidō Rokujūkyūtsugi no uchi, 1835-1842), in cooperation with Keisai Eisen.  Restaurants and teahouses of first in Edo (Edo kōmei kaitei zukushi, 1835-1842).  Fifty-three stages of the Tōkaidō route with poems midarezaki (Kyōka Tōkaidō, 1839-1840).  Improvised silhouettes (Sokkyō kageboshi zukushi, 1840)”

8 OTHER WORKS  “Fifty-three stages of the Tōkaidō route with poems midarezaki (Kyōka Tōkaidō, 1839-1840).  Improvised silhouettes (Sokkyō kageboshi zukushi, 1840).  Fifty-three stages of the route of Tōkaidō edit Gyōsho (Gyōsho Tōkaidō, 1841-1842).  Fifty-three stages of the route of the Tōkaidō, Edition Reisho (Reisho Tōkaidō, 1848-1852).  Fifty-three stages of the Tōkaidō route with figures (Jinbutsu Tōkaidō, 1848-1852).  Famous views of Edo (Edo meisho, 1853).  Famous views of the more than 60 provinces (Rokujū yoshū meisho zue, 1853-1858).  Famous views of the 53 stations (Gojūsantsugi meisho zue, 1855).  One hundred famous views of Edo (Meisho Edo hyakkei, 1856-1858). Snow, Moon and flowers (Yuki, tsuki, hana, 1857).  Thirty-six views of Mount Fuji (Fuji Sanjū-Rokkei, 1858-1859), completed by Hiroshige II.”

9 INFLUENCE OF OTHER ARTISTS  Vincent van Gogh: was the most influenced by the Japanese painting European painter. Proof of this are some portraits (Agostina Segatori in the Café de Tambourin or portraits of the Tanguy father, Italian, although accommodated Western fashion), a fan of prints, collected hundreds of which twelve were of Hiroshige.  Claude Monet reproduced prints of the courtesan and Plum Garden in Kameido bridge at Atake Ōhashi in a sudden rain: one of the most obvious evidence is the portrait of his first wife, Camille Doncieux dressed Japanese fashion, but in general took from Japanese artists certain games of color, songs, movement.

10 THE LANGUAGE VISUAL ELEMENTS  The language visual elements: is the language we developed in the brain related to the way how we interpret what we perceive through the eyes.("visually") Is that used images and signs graphics. aims to transmit messages through the image.  These are: shape, Color, texture, lighting

11 VISUAL LANGUAJE ELEMENTS  Shape: Asymmetric provisions, not just completed the work, portrait format  Color scene: Colors are flat and shiny, with the Green and blue  Texture domain: Engraving on wood engraving (xylography)  Lighting: present in all his works with bright colors and the domain of colours

12 TECHNIC  Used the technique of engraving mainly WOODCUT (technique of printing with wooden plank)-, it was a secular and plebeian, eminently urban hairstyle that inspired by anecdotal themes and scenes of genere  Used the technical nishiki-e, a type of cromoxilografía introduced in the century XVIIII towards 1765 allowing color engraving. karazuri, technical printing on paper an iron without ink, to make the relief printed atenashi-bokashi, technique that combines a liquid with the ink and spreads over the entire surface, the kimekomi, technique by which pressing an iron on paperfor lines and contours; and kirakake print brilliant, accomplished with two plates, one color and one of tail bones, on which is placed the paper, which is then sprayed with mica powder

13 CONCEPT  Highlighted stations landscapes and moments of daily life, where the human being is always present.  His landscapes present a colorful that reproduces the atmosphere of nature at different times of the day and during the seasons of the year, with rain, snow and wind, in the dark of the night or in the evening twilight. It is also delicate sheets of flowers and birds.

14 CONNECTIONS  This artist has really big connections with the work of my personal project the reasons are that his content area is also the far east. Also he uses the visual language elements such as the colors and line emphasis. In my project I am going to draw a landscape four times, as he used to draw landscapes.


16 REFERENCES  Dorling Kindersley (2008), Arte la guía Visual definitiva 1800-1900  Trede, Melanie; Bichler, Lorenz (2010). Cien famosas vistas de Edo. Taschen, Colonia. ISBN 978-3-8365- 2148-2  Fahr-Becker, Gabriele (2007). Grabados japoneses. Taschen, Colonia, ISBN 978-3-8228-3480-0  Honour, Hugh; Fleming, John (2002). Historia mundial del arte. ISBN 84-460-2092-0  Satō, Tomoko (2009). Arte japonés. Lisma, Madrid. ISBN 978-84-92447-25-1  Schlombs, Adele (2010). Hiroshige. Taschen, Colonia ISBN 978-3-8365-2357-8  Stanley-Baker, Joan (2000). Arte japonés. Destino, Madrid. ISBN 84-233-3239-X  van Gogh, Vincent (1992). Cartas a Théo. Barcelona: Labor. ISBN 84-335-3505-6

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