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Mutagenic MOA Carcinogens: How High is the Burden of Proof ?

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1 Mutagenic MOA Carcinogens: How High is the Burden of Proof ?
RASS Telecom 09/10/08 Rita Schoeny, Ph.D. Senior Science Advisor Office of Water, U.S. EPA

2 Disclaimer The views expressed in this presentation are those of the author and do not represent the policy of the U.S. EPA. Some of this is EPA policy

3 Risk Assessment is constantly evolving
Science and Judgment Describe all defaults Ensure they are health protective, documented, departures are warranted Cancer Guidelines 2005 Use data before defaults Rather than determine how much data needed to depart from default Including default procedures such as linear low dose risk

4 Mode of Action and Cancer Assessment
MOA is the keystone to all aspects of the assessment process True for other endpoints and is the major factor in harmonization among risk assessments

5 Why Do You Care about MOA ?
MOA is key in Hazard Identification Helps describe circumstances under which agent is carcinogenic (High dose? Route?) Relevance of data for humans MOA determines choice of Low Dose Extrapolation Life stage risk Examples of relevance – alpha2 u –globulin, atrazine hormonal interaction. Keystone of the revised Cancer Guidelines Determine relevance of data for humans Determine conditions of risk Choose low dose extrapolation process Expect to see more use in harmonizing “cancer vs. non-cancer” assessment Affects the bottom line choices for risk management

6 Mode of Action Exposure Key event
“. . . a sequence of key events and processes, starting with interaction of an agent with a cell, proceeding through operational and anatomical changes, and resulting in cancer formation. . . Mode of action is contrasted with “mechanism of action,” which implies a more detailed understanding and description of events, often at the molecular level, than is meant by mode of action” Key event I Key event Toxicity

7 Mode of Action Frameworks
U.S. EPA IPCS Postulated mode of action (theory of the case) Key events Concordance of dose-response relationships Temporal association Strength, consistency and specificity of association of tumour response with key events Biological plausibility and coherence Other modes of action Uncertainties, Inconsistencies, and Data Gaps Assessment of postulated mode of action Hypothesized MOA: summary description and identification of key events Experimental support: Strength, consistency, specificity of association Dose-response concordance Temporal relationship Biological plausibility and coherence Consideration of the possibility of other MOAs Relevance to humans EPA’s framework is consistent with others, e.g., the International Programme on Chemical Safety and by the International Life Sciences Institute

8 MOA/Human Relevancy ILSI/IPCS
NO Is the weight of evidence sufficient to establish a mode of action (MOA) in animals? Proceed with risk assessment YES Can human relevancy of the MOA be reasonably excluded on the basis of fundamental, qualitative differences in key events between animals and humans? YES MOA not Relevant NO Can human relevancy of the MOA be reasonably excluded on the basis of quantitative differences in either kinetic or dynamic factors between animals and humans? YES NO MOA not Relevant Proceed with Risk assessment 8

9 Key Event A “key event” is an empirically observable precursor step that is itself a necessary element of the mode of action or is a biologically based marker for such an element. Key event is necessary, but not sufficient If a key event doesn’t occur, there is no cancer If one key event occurs, there may or may not be cancer Necessary (but not sufficient)

10 Postulated Mode Of Action
Chloroform CYP2E1 Metabolism Oxidative Phosgene Sustained Toxicity Lots of data for phosgene production, cell death and proliferation In rodent bioassay studies, Chlorofom has been shown to result in liver and kidney tumors. The postulated MOA to explain these tumor responses involves bioactivation through CYP2E1 oxidative metabolism as the rate limiting step in chloroform’s mode of action. Metabolism by this pathway produces cytotoxic metabolite within the target organ, in particular phosgene that injures and kills cells, cytotoxicity is followed by regenerative cell proliferation, and it cytotoxicity/regenerative proliferation is sustained, eventually tumor development. So,these are the key sequence of events that will be considered with respect to chloroform;s included tumorigenesis in the rodent kidney and liver. Regenerative Cell Proliferation Key Events Tumor Development

11 MOA and Kids Supplemental Guidance for Assessing Susceptibility from Early-Life Exposure to Carcinogens Effects observed in childhood Early life exposures that contribute to later life effects MOA determines whether quantitative adjustment is made If applied with exposure adjustments comes out to about 1.6 x.

12 Supplemental Guidance
Use age-specific values for exposure and potency When data permit, develop separate potency estimates for childhood exposure In risk characterization, mutagenic MOA risk is increased by age-dependent adjustment factor (used with exposure info for age group) <2 yrs old, 10 fold 2 to < 16yrs, 3 fold No MOA, linear extrapolation without ADAF; non-linear MOA, no ADAF If applied with exposure adjustments comes out to about 1.6 x. “When MOA cannot be established, the policy choice would be to use linear extrapolation to lower doses such that risk estimates are based on a lifetime average daily exposure without further adjustment. EPA expects to issue additional guidance to address moa other than mutagenicity when sufficient data are available and analyzed.

13 Framework for Determining a Mutagenic Mode of
Public Comment completed 12/07 Framework for Determining a Mutagenic Mode of Action for Carcinogenicity Using EPA’s 2005 Cancer Guidelines and Supplemental Guidance for Assessing Susceptibility from Early-Life Exposure to Carcinogens External peer review completed 05/08 In the process of revising the document. Aiming for end of October. Then reviewed by the RAF, SPC and OMB. www. osa/mmoaframework/ pdfs/MMOA-ERD-FINAL pdf

14 Framework on Default MOA
“ It should also be noted that there is no ‘default MOA.’ The Cancer Guidelines offer some default procedures to use when no MOA can be determined.” MOA determinations follow Cancer Guidelines Framework If insufficient data to support MOA, use low dose linear extrapolation and no ADAF Determination of mutagenic MOA is as scientifically rigorous as any other MOA

15 What is a mutagen? A chemical that induces biologically relevant mutations in any one of a number of validated mutation assays Mutation assays detect the induction of mutants Mutants are cells with genetic alterations that can be passed to viable daughter and granddaughter cells -- heritable

16 What is “Mutagenic”? EPA does not have a standard definition of “mutagenic” Operationally for use in “mutagenic MOA for cancer” “. . . capacity of either the carcinogen or its metabolite to react with or bind to DNA in a manner that causes mutations. In this context, mutagens usually (though not always) produce positive effects in multiple test systems for different genetic endpoints, particularly gene mutations and structural chromosome aberrations, both in vitro and in vivo.” The peer reviewers hated it This definition is for cancer MOA only. New definition focusses on distinction between geno toxic and mutagenic. Focus on mutation as a permanent change in DNA, one that is heritable. Germ cell mutagenicity Guidelines mostly lists test that are relevant. Doesn’t really define mut. Panel chose not to try to parse out differences between genotoxic and mutagenic.

17 Framework: Multi-step Process
Risk assessment is an iterative process Visualize the Framework as series of linear steps Step 1 is assemble relevant data Genetic toxicity testing, tumor data, pk, SAR, etc. Framework describes test batteries

18 Step 2: Evaluate Data Quality
Look at primary papers Judge against current acceptability criteria e.g. were tests done at cytotoxic levels Cites publications for evaluating quality (e.g. Cimino 2006, OECD, ICH, IWGT, DHHS 2006) Keep, but weigh International Conference on Harmonization. Note that older studies in particular may have used conditions of testing no longer considered acceptable. Important when faced with contradictory results.

19 Gene- tox Tests Measure Different Events
Cancer Hazard ID Gene- tox Tests Measure Different Events Genotoxicity Assays Type of Damage Mouse Lymphoma Chromosome Aberrations CHO cells Ames Bacterial Mutagenicity Point mutation Yes No Oligonucleotide insertion or deletion Allele Loss Small Chromosome alteration ? Large Chromosome alteration Aneuploidy And a lot of DNA interactions are not on this particular chart. One point is that DNA damage is not mutation. TERA’s Dose-Response Assessment Boot Camp Adapted from M. Moore (2004) TERA's Dose-Response Assessment Boot Camp 19

20 Step 3: WOE for Mutagenic Activity -- 1
Evaluation requires someone expert in gene-tox (all tests don’t measure same things) Categorize data – suggest use of our table in Appendix A. Put in all data with notes on quality Use consistent terms for assay types or endpoints: positive, negative, inconclusive, contradictory Present summary of database Categorize data – suggest use of our table in Appendix A. Put in all data with notes on quality Conclusion for each assay type (e.g. Salmonella) Conclusion for each type of effect (e.g. point mutation or clastogenicity) Inconclusive refers to the data set of test results that cannot be definitively termed sufficient or insufficient due to any of the following: borderline responses; insufficient number of test strains, or poor performance of the test organisms; inadequate testing of exogenous metabolic activation for in vitro assays; inadequate doses or concentrations (either too high or too low); inadequate dose spacing; inadequate sampling time(s); positive responses observed only at unacceptable levels of cytotoxicity; or statistical significance in the absence of biological significance. OECD 1997

21 WOE for Mutagenic Activity -- 2
Conclusions across endpoints: some endpoints carry more weight than others e.g. Sperm head morphology may be caused by modification of protein structure Morphologic cell transformation does not measure mutation Hierarchy of data utility DNA interaction ≠DNA damage ≠mutation e.g. most useful are mutations in relevant genes in humans WOE for mutagenic activity: negative, data are inadequate, data are of questionable quality, data are equivocal, data are positive No Checklist No Minimum Data Set Cell transformation doesn’t measure a genetox effect. Aneuploidy is often a late stage observation in tumors. Positive results in one or more in vivo test(s) in mammalian systems and/or positive results in multiple species in vitro

22 How to Weigh the Evidence as to Whether a Chemical Causes Specific Tumors by a Mutagenic Mode of Action (Mutation is THE Key Event) (Listed in decreasing order of relevance/importance) Cancer relevant oncogene/tumor suppressor gene mutations can be detected in the target tissue following chemical exposure Surrogate gene mutations can be detected in the target tissue following chemical exposure DNA adducts (known to be mutagenic adducts) can be detected in the target tissue following chemical exposure Primary DNA damage can be detected in the target tissue following chemical exposure Gene mutations and/or DNA adducts or other measures of primary DNA damage can be detected in vivo. Evidence that the chemical can induce mutations, cytogenetic damage, DNA adducts and/or primary DNA damage in vitro.

23 Not Finished yet Mutagenicity + carcinogenicity ≠ Mutagenic MOA Step 4
Apply MOA Framework Hypothesized MOA Experimental support: Dose-response concordance Strength, consistency, specificity of association Temporal relationship Biological plausibility and coherence Consideration of the possibility of other MOAs Relevance to humans Step 4

24 Key Events DNA changes resulting in mutation
“ For a chemical to act by a mutagenic MOA, either the chemical or its direct metabolite is the agent inducing the mutations that initiate cancer.” “This is contrasted with a MOA wherein mutagenicity occurs as an indirect effect of another key event in carcinogenesis.” Properties for mutagenicity as the key event Long list in Guidelines: early tumor response, initiator, target tissue is exposed to DNA-reactive chemical, mutation is early event, mutation in oncogenes, etc Indication of types of data supporting WOE Consistency across assays Induction of ≥ type of effect Effects in vivo Mutation in absence of cytotoxicity Belongs to a class of compounds with established mutagenic MOA Including the “Kid Guidance 12”

25 Tumor Induction: Time-related Accumulation of Events
Mutagenic Carcinogen Multiple events Initiating Mutation Tumor Nonmutagenic Carcinogen Toxicity Altered Gene Expression Cell Proliferation Initiating Mutation Multiple events Tumor

26 Applying the MOA Framework
Types of data supporting WOE Consistency across assays Induction of ≥ 1 type of effect Effects in vivo Mutation in absence of cytotoxicity Belongs to a class of compounds with established mutagenic MOA Including the “Supplemental Guidance 12” Positive in at least one in vivo mutagenicity assay Observation of multiple genetic effects (point mutations, chromosome aberrations) Positive in vitro results at noncytotoxic concentrations in somatic cells from a diverse range of phylogenetically distinct species (bacteria, yeast, fungi, plants, insects mammals or humans). DNA reactivity or ability to bind to DNA (e.g. DNA adduct formation, UDS, DNA strand breaks)

27 Cyclophosphamide Cytotoxic, alkylating Alkylating Cytotoxic
Pharmaceutical – antineoplastic, (Hodgkin’s, non-Hodgkin's, leukemia, multiple myeloma, neuroblastomas, ovarian adenocarcinomas, some lung). Used as immunosuppressant in arthritis treatment, scleroderma, glomerulonephritis, chronic hepatitis, multiple sclerosis, organ transplants. Given orally or i.v.. Associated with bladder cancer and leukemia. Animals – rat: bladder, hematopoietic, neurological sarcomas, reticulum cell sarcomas, hemangioendotheliomas, osteosarcoma, neoplasms of lung, liver, testis, mammary. Mice: mammary, pulmonary sarcomas and adenomas, liver tumors, skin. Carcinogenic transplacentally. Carcinogenic in animals transitional-cell carcinomas of the urinary bladder in ♂ rats & malignant tumors at numerous sites: bladder, lung, liver, testis, ovaries in rats & mice Carcinogenic in humans, causing bladder cancer (IARC, 1998) Alkylating Cytotoxic

28 Postulated Mode Of Action
CP Metabolism Cyt p 450s Phosphoramide mustard, PAM Acrolein DNA damage Metabolism to phosphoramide mustard (PAM) DNA damage (e.g.,DNA adduct formation) Induction of multiple adverse genetic events (mutation and/or chromosomal aberrations) and/or cytotoxicity Regenerative proliferation ( cell proliferation, organ weight, hyperplasia) Bladder tumors Tumor Development Mutations

29 Cyclophosphamide GAP GAP developed by Mike Walters horizontal line divides + from - results; looking from left to right, assays are categorized according to species. As you can see, CP is positive in multiple systems at multiple endpoints across phylogeneticallt distinct species. Starting at the very left, we see that CP is + for gene mutations in bacteria (S.typhimurium& E.coli),yeast (S. cerevisiae), insects(somatic cell mutations in Drosophilia melanogaster) & mammalian cells (mouse lymphoma),+ for chromosome aberrations in Pink lines represent germinal cell assays+ sex-linked recessive lethals, heritable translocations, dominant lethal mutations in Drosophilia & dominant lethal mutations, heritable translocations in rats &/or mice Positive results in multiple systems at multiple endpoints across many species both in vitro & in vivo. In vitro, need S9

30 CP In Vivo Tests: Animals
Gene Mutation Assays Positive Mouse Spot Test ( mg/kg) Positive Muta Mouse (lacZ) 100 mg/kg x 5 days in bone marrow B6C3F1 mouse (lacI) 100 mg/kg MF increased in lungs and urinary bladder No transgenic studies in rats The assay showing increased MFs in the urinary bladder will be important for site concordance when we get to the framework analysis.

31 CP In Vivo Tests: Humans
Micronuclei peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) & buccal epithelials 26/26 nurses handling CP Structural chromosome aberrations & SCE, gene mutations or DNA damage (Comet assay) in PBL or bone marrow, patients Structural chromosome aberrations in children Mutation of p53 in bladder tumors (cumulative doses of mg/kg) 6-Thioguanine-resistant T lymphocytes from multiple sclerosis patients (750 mg/m2)

32 So CP Is Mutagenic And it’s carcinogenic Apply MOA Framework

33 Dose Resp Concordance Mutation is key event
Expect mutations and / or DNA interaction at lower dose than tumors Mutation is not the key event Expect increased mutation at doses higher than those required for tumor induction (the increase in mutations likely results as a secondary effect of cytotoxicity or cell proliferation)

34 CP Dose / Resp Concordance
Rodents Lowest effective dose [induction of SCE in rat bone marrow (0.62 mg/kg)] Consistent with data showing significant tumor formation in the urinary bladder of male rats at 1.25 and 2.5 mg/kg/day (488 mg total) Humans Chromosome aberrations & SCEs 2 hrs after dosing mg/kg p53 mutations at a cumulative dose of 6 g Cohort of 6171survivors of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma; 48 developed cancer of the urinary tract – those receiving a total dose of 20g had a 2.4-fold  risk of bladder cancer; 20-49g, a 6-fold  risk

35 Temporality: Evaluate time-to-mutation
Mutagenic carcinogens would be expected to show a positive mutation response after relatively short treatment periods Mutant Frequency Time in Weeks Nonmutagenic carcinogens would be expected to be negative after long chronic treatment, or show a positive response only after long chronic treatment

SCE bone marrow of Fischer 344 rats dosed with 20 mg/kg (ip) CP after 30 min. (1 hr after 5 or 10 mg/kg) Chromosomal aberration & micronuclei in human bone marrow 24 hrs post therapeutic dose of 40 mg/kg (iv) Cytotoxicity & regenerative proliferation in the rat also occur early: Bladder damage (ulceration of mucosa, necrosis of bladder epithelium)—1 day Regeneration of bladder epithelia – 36 hrs Hyperplasia of bladder epithelia – 48 hrs Malignant bladder tumors — weeks (Dearfield et al., 1985) SCE increase beginning at 30 min. Evaluated up to 6 hours post treatment. (Bochkov et al., 1986) Cab and MN

37 CP Database Plausibility & Coherence
Qualitative & quantitative data for key events leading to tumors Concordance of most key events in animal models & humans No stop/recovery studies found, but there is evidence suggesting that CP-associated cancers may occur up to several years after drug treatment has ceased. Gaps in human data (e.g., DNA adducts & cell proliferation) do not compromise the analysis

38 MOA Relevance Rats Humans PAM generation Yes Yes
DNA adducts Yes Plausible Mutagenicity Yes Yes Bladder cytotoxicity Yes Yes Epithelial regeneration Yes Plausible Hyperplasia Yes Yes Bladder tumors Yes Yes Therapeutic dose range from mg/kg, iv; 3X weekly orally: 1-5 mg/kg/day; iv doses of mg/kg have been given over 4 days for bone-marrow transplants

39 Postulated Mode Of Action
Chloroform CYP2E1 Metabolism Oxidative Phosgene Sustained Toxicity Lots of data for phosgene production, cell death and proliferation In rodent bioassay studies, Chlorofom has been shown to result in liver and kidney tumors. The postulated MOA to explain these tumor responses involves bioactivation through CYP2E1 oxidative metabolism as the rate limiting step in chloroform’s mode of action. Metabolism by this pathway produces cytotoxic metabolite within the target organ, in particular phosgene that injures and kills cells, cytotoxicity is followed by regenerative cell proliferation, and it cytotoxicity/regenerative proliferation is sustained, eventually tumor development. So,these are the key sequence of events that will be considered with respect to chloroform;s included tumorigenesis in the rodent kidney and liver. Regenerative Cell Proliferation Key Events Tumor Development

40 CCl3 Genetic Activity Profile
Here is a genetic profile that displays results of all the assays, each line is a study and it is presented by phylogenetic order from left to right bacteria to whole mammal assays. Top are positive and bottom are negative Predominantly negative responses i n particular for assays that are most indicative of DNA reactivity and mutagenesis, gene mutation tests. Although a few positive reported, they must be interpreted carefully, some are inconclusive due to study design and conduct issues, or they may be in conflict with negative tests conducted in the same organism/assay, some are from assays that are not necessarily indicative of DNA reactivity and mutageneis, yeast recombination SCEs, and tend to yield a high frequency of false positives,

41 Mutagenicity: Lines of Evidence
Negative in vitro Conflicting evidence in vivo Initiation-Promotion Studies CCl3 is not an initiator Molecular Based Approaches Negative for tumors in p53 +/- transgenic mouse cancer bioassay Negative for mutations in LacI transgenic B6C3F1 mice Negative for mutation in rat GST transfected bacteria Additional key lines of evidence that reinforces the conclusions for ruling out mutagenicity as a mode of action : Chloroform lack initiating activity in initiation-promotion tests Using molecular based models Negative for any tumors in the p53 mouse transgenic cancer assay, which most effectively responds to mutagenic carcinogens at doses (up to 240mg/kg) and conditions (co gavage) similar to those that tumors are found out in the traditional bioassay. (IS P53 DERVIVE FROM B6 STRAIN?) And also negative in a mutation mouse transgenic model where one can measure mutation induction in the relevant target tissue. Lastly adding support that other metabolic pathways do not lead to mutagenicity, was negative in a Ames assay where the bacteria were genetically engineered to have multiple copies of rat Glutathione s transferase and thus GST catalyze conjugation would be favored.

42 Mutagenicity CCl3: Conclusions
Weight of Evidence Mutagenicity is not a component of chloroform induced neoplasia Highlight the genetox and related metabolism data – suffice it say that there are sufficient data linking cell tox and regenerative hyperplasia to the kidney and liver tumors. Given that cancer is a genetic disease, and thus there must be a genetic alteration in genes controlling cell proliferation or differentiation, it is important to determine in a mode of action analysis whether the agent can produce mutations through its direct DNA reactivity. Chloroform has been subject to a large number of genetic toxicology assays and the WOE indicates mutagenicity is not…. Although reductive metabolism might lead to mutagenic metabolites, the reductive metabolism of chloroforms not major pathway.

43 Metabolism: Conclusions
Predominate pathway P450 (CYP2E1)-mediated oxidative pathway Phosgene key reactive metabolite The following play little, if any role in chloroform induced tumors-- Reductive P450 metabolism & free radical production GST catalyzed conjugation Three possible metabolic pathways, two play little if any role Predominant is oxidative via CY2E1 Phosgene is produced by this pathway as the only quantatitively significant metabolite, which would react with cellular macromolecule to injure or kill cells.

44 MOA Conclusions for Chloroform
Hypothesized MOA Well Supported Other MOAs NOT Well Supported Human Relevance Presumed (also epidemiological data on chlorinated water) Applies to Children (but not more susceptible) Consistent with Nonlinear Dose Response Risk Approach Based on Protection Against Sustained Toxicity/Proliferation

45 Consider What data are available? What data are optimal?
Screening genetox data, batteries of test designed for hazard identification What data are optimal? Real, live MOA data (e.g. time course studies in relevant human genes) What data are practical? Something less than what was available for cyclophosphamide Requires some strategic thought in test design.


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