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Inclusive Worship Creating a Language and Multisensory Options Where All Can Participate Presenter: Barbara Newman.

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Presentation on theme: "Inclusive Worship Creating a Language and Multisensory Options Where All Can Participate Presenter: Barbara Newman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inclusive Worship Creating a Language and Multisensory Options Where All Can Participate Presenter: Barbara Newman

2  How I started this work:


4 Getting to know the individual

5  How does the Individual take in information? For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him will have eternal life.

6  How does the Individual get information out?

7  What Movements Can the Person Do?

8  Does the individual have sensitivities to sensations? ◦ Sounds ◦ Sights ◦ Touch

9  What equipment or supports might be needed for this individual?


11 The Vertical Habits Story


13 Praise Confession Lament Illumination Petition Thanksgiving/Gratitude Service Blessing Love You Sorry Why? I’m listening Help Thank you What can I do? Bless You

14 Love You Praise – Psalm 47:6, 7  Saying “I Love You” to God is on each heart, not only on the hearts of those who have a voice to speak it.


16 I’m Sorry Confession - Psalm 51

17 I’m Sorry Cornerstone Christian Reformed Church Young Kim, Project Director Online devotional Feb 13, 2006

18 Cornerstone Christian Reformed Church Devotional February 13, 2006

19 Cornerstone Christian Reformed Church Devotional, February 13, 2006






25 Sorry I forgive you Expectations for behavior

26 I’m Listening Prayer for illumination - Psalm 119:9-11,15-16

27  Multi-Sensory  BIG IDEA  Adapted Curriculum  Friendship Ministries Curriculum

28  Story Stick  Story Apron  Speech Buttons  YouVersion and YouVersion Kids

29  Lighthouse Christian Ministries


31 Vertical Habits Showcase  library/showcase-vertical-habits-worship-and- our-faith-vocabulary/ 

32 Connect with Us /CLCNetwork @CLCNetwork /company/clc-network /user/CLCNetworkorg

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