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Maintenance Malfunction Information Report (MMIR) & Event Reporting Ed DiCampli Helicopter Association International.

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Presentation on theme: "Maintenance Malfunction Information Report (MMIR) & Event Reporting Ed DiCampli Helicopter Association International."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maintenance Malfunction Information Report (MMIR) & Event Reporting Ed DiCampli Helicopter Association International

2 Summary of Salient Points Helicopter Association International provides an maintenance,malfunction Information reporting system and event reporting which is web based. This system allows for sharing of defect data with alert notification. It also has the ability to record events aiding in proactive reporting. This system aids in voluntary reporting of defects for broader dissemination by uploading reports to the FAA.

3 Proposed Safety Initiatives Sharing of information about parts malfunctions is good for safety. Event reporting can be the basis of your SMS or a useful addition to your existing program.

4 The Influence of Engine Maintenance and Overhaul on Rotorcraft Safety Gary Souza Rolls Royce

5 Summary of Salient Points This paper provide insight into current problems related to RR Engine failures. 15 common events resulted in 56% of the failures.

6 Proposed Safety Initiatives Understanding of future safety event rates and associated risks can be gained by assessment of past fleet events and causes. Proper maintenance in accordance with manufacturers recommendations is essential to the safety of engines installed in rotorcraft.

7 P&WC Service Investigation Doug Hardy Pratt & Whitney Canada

8 Summary of Salient Points This paper provided an overview of the P&WC service investigation department and its function. Development of safety culture within the P&WC organization improves performance by integrating different areas presently not covered.

9 Proposed Safety Initiatives Promote development of a safety culture to prevent accidents and improve performance. Product Support has an “Insights from the Field” meeting with engine designers and users twice per year to inform designers of field issues.

10 Method and System for More Accurately Predicting Service Life Dr. Stephen Zaat Advanced Logistics Services The Boeing Company

11 Summary of Salient Points Current installed sensors and specifically designed software can be used to more accurately predict true service life of a component. Thereby, Improving safety, reducing risk and maximizing equipment investment.

12 Proposed Safety Initiatives Use existing signals intended for the purpose of vehicle attitude reference or navigation as a means to augment current best practices to enhance vehicle safety by monitoring loading thereby reducing risk.

13 Managing Rotorcraft Safety During Frequently Performed Unique Missions Philip Potts Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation

14 Summary of Salient Points Maintaining Fleet Airworthiness presumes that the aircraft is operated within certificated mission profiles. Some unique missions regularly expect aircraft to frequently perform at or beyond certified limitations.

15 Proposed Safety Initiatives 1.Measure significant load and frequency events of all primary drive components. 2.Incorporate vibration condition monitoring of primary drive shaft components.

16 Integrated Support Information System Serge Maille Turbomeca

17 Summary of Salient Points Turbomeca has an R&D program to capture FADEC data and allow this information to be down loaded via the WEB back to them. They will be able to determine engine configuration and provide a maintenance plan to address any events that may have occurred. They would like to use satellite link at some point.

18 Proposed Safety Initiatives Engine manufacturers require more accurate data to provide effective maintenance to address an operating event and to optimize maintenance requirements.

19 Safety Concerns with Occupant Protection Where Successful Autorotation is Not Assured. Bogdan Gajewski Transport Canada

20 Summary of Salient Points Some industrial applications of helicopters have them operating frequently in the not recommended area of the H-V diagram where safe autorotation is not assured.

21 Proposed Safety Initiatives Improved crashworthiness and occupant protection is required for rotorcraft that frequently operated in the H-V not recommended area.

22 Emergency Egress from a Transport Category Helicopter Resting on Its Side Chris Schofield Transport Canada

23 Summary of Salient Points Transport Category Rotorcraft do frequently come to rest on their side making egress very difficult. Transport Canada has a unique airworthiness requirement which requires an egress evaluation.

24 Proposed Safety Initiatives Need to ensure that there is a means to egress when the rotorcraft comes to rest on its side.

25 Simulation Based Design for Helicopter Safety Marshall Loewenstein ESI Group

26 Summary of Salient Points Numerical crash and safety simulation are mature and validated technologies. Benefits: less costly then actual testing, allows for inexpensive R&D and optimization of the design.

27 Proposed Safety Initiatives Use of existing modeling technologies can aid in design and assuring performance of safety attributes. Use automotive safety technology lessons learned.

28 The Implications of handling Qualities in Civil Helicopter Accident Involving hover and Low Speed Fight Daniel Dugan NASA Ames

29 Summary of Salient Points Evaluation of civil rotorcraft accidents have identified a concern with poor handling qualities in a hover or at low speed. Simple stability augmentation system could address these HQ issues and prevent accidents.

30 Proposed Safety Initiatives A potential for significant reduction in accident rate is possible with the development of low cost and light weight stability augmentation systems

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