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إستراتيجية إنتاجية الموضوع الخامس
تخطيط عملاني للسيطرة (الوقت/ الكلفة) Dr.Kasser Naser Mansour- KAU-KSA 21 نيسان، 17
Dr.Kasser Naser Mansour- KAU-KSA
تخطيط عملاني للسيطرة إستراتيجية إنتاجية تكنولوجيا العمليات إدارة المشروع تصميم المنتج/ الخدمة تخطيط عملاني نظام العمل الجدولة تخطيط إجمالي ؟؟ !! Dr.Kasser Naser Mansour- KAU-KSA 21 نيسان، 17
Dr.Kasser Naser Mansour- KAU-KSA
المحتويات 1- عناصر الوقت في النظام الإنتاجي 2- نموذج الترتيب حسب العملية( تحليل التدفق) 3- نموذج الترتيب حسب المنتج( تحليل الفعالية) 4- تخطيط الطاقة الإنتاجية 5- أساليب إتخاذ قرار إختيار المنتج/ الخدمة الجديد أسئلة ومسائل المراجع Dr.Kasser Naser Mansour- KAU-KSA 21 نيسان، 17
مدخل الحوار الإستراتيجي
ما هي وسائل وأساليب المنظمة للمنافسة بالوقت والكلفة؟ ماهي وسائل وأساليب السيطرة العمليانية في منظمات الأعمال؟ Dr.Kasser Naser Mansour- KAU-KSA 21 نيسان، 17
فشل إدارة الموارد البشرية
أسباب الهدر في الوقت تصميم محطات العمل والمناولة ومشكلات تدفق المواد مشاكل إدارة الخط الإنتاجي الجدولة قصيرة الأجل فشل إدارة الموارد البشرية أعطال طارئة في عمل الآلة - أعمال الصيانة الوقائية والطارئة Dr.Kasser Naser Mansour- KAU-KSA 21 نيسان، 17
1- عناصر الوقت في النظام الإنتاجي
وقت العملية وقت الآلات والتجهيزات وقت العمال Dr.Kasser Naser Mansour- KAU-KSA 21 نيسان، 17
Layout Planning Questions مسائل تخطيط الترتيب
قبل أن نتخذ قرار الترتيب المناسب يجب أن نجيب عن الأسئلة التالية: What centers should the layout include? How much space and capacity does each center need? How should each center’s space be configured? Where should each center be located?
Location Dimensions ابعاد الموقع
The location of a center has two dimensions: Relative location: The placement of a center relative to other centers. Absolute location: The particular space that the center occupies within the facility.
How Process Layoutكيف يتم ترتيب العملية fits the Operations Management Philosophy
Operations As a Competitive Weapon Operations Strategy Project Management Process Strategy Process Analysis Process Performance and Quality Constraint Management Process Layout Lean Systems Supply Chain Strategy Location Inventory Management Forecasting Sales and Operations Planning Resource Planning Scheduling
Product Layout Input Data and Activities 1. Flow of Materials
2. Activity Relationships Analysis 3. Relationship Diagram 4. Space Requirements 5. Space Available 6. Space Relationship Diagram 7. Modifying Considerations 8. Practical Limitations Search Involve people most knowledgeable about the process Define process symbols Try to involve anyone who has knowledge of the process. Implementation and ownership are enhanced when people doing the process are involved in the charting and opportunity identification. Fewer people can do it faster - but they may not be as effective. This is the standard efficiency vs. effectiveness issue. Meetings cost money. Trained facilitators are invaluable in getting this process started. 9. Develop Layout Alternatives 10. Evaluation Selection Process Maps - Understanding the Process
Absolute Locations vs. Relative Locations
Original layout Frozen foods Dry groceries Bread Vegetables Meats Frozen foods Dry groceries Bread Vegetables Meats Revised layout Four of the absolute locations have changed but not the relative locations. 2
Strategic Issues Layout choices can help communicate an organization’s product plans and competitive priorities. Altering a layout can affect an organization and how well it meets its competitive priorities in the following ways: Increasing customer satisfaction and sales at a retail store. Facilitating the flow of materials and information. Increasing the efficient utilization of labor and equipment. Reducing hazards to workers. Improving employee morale. Improving communication.
Performance Criteria Customer satisfaction Level of capital investment
Requirements for materials handling Ease of stock picking Work environment and “atmosphere” Ease of equipment maintenance Employee and internal customer attitudes Amount of flexibility needed Customer convenience and levels of sales
Types of Layouts Flexible-flow layout: A layout that organizes resources (employees) and equipment by function rather than by service or product. Line-flow layout: A layout in which workstations or departments are arranged in a linear path. Hybrid layout: An arrangement in which some portions of the facility have a flexible-flow and others have a line-flow layout. Fixed-position layout: An arrangement in which service or manufacturing site is fixed in place; employees along with their equipment, come to the site to do their work.
A Flexible Flow Layout A job shop has a flexible-flow layout. Foundry
Milling machines Lathes Grinding Painting Drills Office Welding Forging 5
نموذج الترتيب حسب العملية
المسألة هنا هي مسألة تكاليف( النقل والمناولة)، وطرائق حلها هي: 1- طريقة المخططات البسيطة 2- طريقة تحليل تتابع العملية 3- طريقة تحليل العبء في المسافة المقطوعة 4- طريقة التحليل بستخدام الحاسب Dr.Kasser Naser Mansour- KAU-KSA 21 نيسان، 17
A Absolutely Necessary
E Especially Important I Important O Ordinary Closeness O.K. U Unimportant X Undesirable A and X > E > I > O > U X A O E
Layout Designتصميم الترتيب
Three concepts:ثلاثة مفاهيم: Layout Evaluationتقييم الترتيب Layout Construction تشكيل الترتيب Layout Improvement أهمية الترتيب What to use as input data?ماذا نستخدم بيانات كمدخلات؟ Relationships – closeness ratingsعدد العلاقات المغلقة بين الأقسام والشعب وأماكن العمل Subjective May take long time to prepare Flow data تدفق البيانات Objective May not be very stable How to Evaluate the Layout Plans? – Objective Functionكيف نقيم خطط الترتيب Distance Based Adjacency Based
Layout Evaluationتقييم التريتب
An Algorithm عملية التقيم تقارن بين خطط جيدة وآخر قائم سيء s = g (X ) نطوَر نموذج كما يلي: Adjacency-based scoring (Komsuluk Bazli Skorlama) Based on the relationship chart and diagram Xi is the number of times an adjacency i is satisfied, i=A, E, I, O, U, X Aldep uses (wi values) A=64, E=16, I=4, O=1, U=0, and X=-1024 Scoring model has intuitive appeal; the ranking of layouts is sensitive to the weight values. Layout “B” may be preferred to “C” with certain weights but not with others. Therefore, the specification of the weights is very important. The weights wi can also be represented by the flow amounts between the adjacent departments instead of scores assigned to A, E, I, O, U, X. wi is the weight for class i. Xi is the number of adjacencies in class i.
Example 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I O E I U O U A E 4+1 =5 =20 1+0 =1 ---- 64 =64 16 =16 Total Score 106 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 U I E O A Receiving Milling Press Screw Machine Assembly Plating Shipping 3 Press 7 Shipping 2 Milling 4 Screw Machine U U E E I I 6 Plating 5 Assembly 1 Receiving O A O
Exercise: Find the score of the layout shown below
Exercise: Find the score of the layout shown below. Use A=8, E=4, I=2, O=1, U=0 and X=-8. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 U I E O A Receiving Milling Press Screw Machine Assembly Plating Shipping 3 Press 7 Shipping 6 Plating 4 Screw Machine 1 Receiving 2 Milling 5 Assembly
Layout Evaluation (cont’d)
Distance-based scoring (Mesafe Bazli Skorlama) Approximate the cost of flow between activities Requires explicit evaluation of the flow volumes and costs cij covers both the i to j and the j to i material flows Dij can be determined with any appropriate distance metric Often the rectilinear distance between department centroids Assumes that the material flow system has already been specified (cij=flow required* cost /flow-distance) Assumes that the variable flow cost is proportional to distance Distance often depends on the aisle layout and material handling equipment
Layout Evaluation – Distance Based Scoring
Example Initial Layout Flow Data Total Cost Distance Data
Layout Evaluation – Distance-Based Scoring
Impact of aisle layout and direction of travel
Warehouse Layouts Out-and-back Pattern
The most basic warehouse layout is the out-and-back pattern. The numbers indicate storage areas for same or similar items. Dock Aisle Storage area
Warehouse Layouts Zone System
Click to add title Zones Control station Shipping doors Tractor trailer Overflow Feeder lines 59
Office Layouts تخطيط المكتب
Most formal procedures for designing office layouts try to maximize the proximity of workers whose jobs require frequent interaction. Privacy is another key factor in office design. Four common office layouts: Traditional layouts Office landscaping (cubicles/movable partitions) Activity settings Electronic cottages (Telecommuting)
Line Flow Layout A production line has a line-flow layout. Station 1
Group Technology (GT) Group Technology (GT) is an option for achieving line-flow layouts with low-volume processes; this technique creates cells not limited to just one worker and has a unique way of selecting work to be done by the cell. The GT method groups parts or products with similar characteristics into families and sets aside groups of machines for their production.
Before Group Technology
Jumbled flows in a job shop without GT cells Drilling D Grinding G Milling M Assembly A Lathing Receiving and shipping L 14
Applied Group Technology
Line flows in a job shop with three GT cells Cell 3 L M G Cell 1 Cell 2 Assembly area A D Shipping Receiving 18
Designing Flexible-Flow Layouts
Step 1: Gather information Space requirements by center Available space Closeness factors: which centers need to be located close to one another. Closeness matrix: A table that gives a measure of the relative importance of each pair of centers being located close together. Step 2: Develop a Block plan: A plan that allocates space and indicates placement of each department. Step 3: Design a detailed layout.
Gather Information Example : Office of Budget Management 100' 150' 3 6
Department Area Needed (ft2) 1. Administration 3,500 2. Social services 2,600 3. Institutions 2,400 4. Accounting 1,600 5. Education 1,500 6. Internal audit 3,400 Total 15,000 Space Requirements 100' 150' 3 6 4 1 2 5 Current Block Plan 23
Closeness Matrix Example 8.1 Office of Budget Management
100' 150' 3 6 4 1 2 5 Example Office of Budget Management Trips between Departments Department 1. Administration — 2. Social services — 3. Institutions — 4. Accounting — 5. Education — 6. Internal audit — 8 1 1 3 9 2 1 Departments 2 and 3 have next priority. Departments 3 and 5 have the next highest. Departments 1 and 6 have the most interaction. 23
Proposed Block Plan First put departments 1 and 6 close together
100' 150' 3 6 4 1 2 5 First put departments 1 and 6 close together 1 6 Next put departments 3 and 5 close together 5 3 Then put departments 2 and 3 close together 2 100' 150' 4 23
Applying the Weighted- Distance Method
Weighted-distance method: A mathematical model used to evaluate flexible-flow layouts based on proximity factors. Euclidean distance is the straight-line distance, or shortest possible path, between two points. Rectilinear distance: The distance between two points with a series of 90 degree turns, as along city blocks.
Distance Measures Euclidian Distance dAB = (xA – xB)2 + (yA – yB)2
Rectilinear Distance dAB = |xA – xB| + |yA – yB|
Calculating the WD Score
© 2007 Pearson Education Calculating the WD Score Example 2 : Load Distance Analysis Current Plan Proposed Plan Dept Closeness Distance Distance Pair Factor, w d wd Score d wd Score 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, ld = ld = 82 23
Designing Line-Flow Layouts
Line balancing is the assignment of work to stations in a line so as to achieve the desired output rate with the smallest number of workstations. Work elements are the smallest units of work that can be performed independently. Immediate predecessors are work elements that must be done before the next element can begin. Precedence diagram allows one to visualize immediate predecessors better; work elements are denoted by circles, with the time required to perform the work shown below each circle.
Line Balancing Example 8.3
Green Grass, Inc., a manufacturer of lawn & garden equipment, is designing an assembly line to produce a new fertilizer spreader, the Big Broadcaster. Using the following information, construct a precedence diagram for the Big Broadcaster. 63
Line Balancing Green Grass, Inc.
© 2007 Pearson Education A Bolt leg frame to hopper 40 None B Insert impeller shaft 30 A C Attach axle 50 A D Attach agitator 40 B E Attach drive wheel 6 B F Attach free wheel 25 C G Mount lower post 15 C H Attach controls 20 D, E I Mount nameplate 18 F, G Total 244 Work Time Immediate Element Description (sec) Predecessor(s) Line Balancing Green Grass, Inc. 40 D 20 H 30 B 6 E 40 A 25 F 50 C 18 I 15 G 64
Desired Output and Cycle Time
Desired output rate, r must be matched to the staffing or production plan. Cycle time, c is the maximum time allowed for work on a unit at each station: 1 r c =
Designing Line-Flow Layouts
Line balancing is the assignment of work to stations in a line so as to achieve the desired output rate with the smallest number of workstations. Work elements are the smallest units of work that can be performed independently. Immediate predecessors are work elements that must be done before the next element can begin. Precedence diagram allows one to visualize immediate predecessors better; work elements are denoted by circles, with the time required to perform the work shown below each circle.
Line Balancing Example 8.3
Green Grass, Inc., a manufacturer of lawn & garden equipment, is designing an assembly line to produce a new fertilizer spreader, the Big Broadcaster. Using the following information, construct a precedence diagram for the Big Broadcaster. 63
Line Balancing Green Grass, Inc.
© 2007 Pearson Education A Bolt leg frame to hopper 40 None B Insert impeller shaft 30 A C Attach axle 50 A D Attach agitator 40 B E Attach drive wheel 6 B F Attach free wheel 25 C G Mount lower post 15 C H Attach controls 20 D, E I Mount nameplate 18 F, G Total 244 Work Time Immediate Element Description (sec) Predecessor(s) Line Balancing Green Grass, Inc. 40 D 20 H 30 B 6 E 40 A 25 F 50 C 18 I 15 G 64
Theoretical Minimum Theoretical minimum (TM ) is a benchmark or goal for the smallest number of stations possible, where total time required to assemble each unit (the sum of all work-element standard times) is divided by the cycle time. It must be rounded up Idle time is the total unproductive time for all stations in the assembly of each unit. Efficiency (%) is the ratio of productive time to total time. Balance Delay is the amount by which efficiency falls short of 100%.
Output Rate and Cycle Time Example.4
Green Grass, Inc. Desired output rate, r = 2400/week Plant operates 40 hours/week r = 2400/40 = 60 units/hour Cycle time, c = 1/60 = 1 minute/unit = 60 seconds/unit 1 r
Calculations for Example.4 continued
Theoretical minimum (TM ) - sum of all work-element standard times divided by the cycle time. TM = 244 seconds/60 seconds = 4.067 It must be rounded up to 5 stations Cycle time: c = 1/60 = 1 minute/unit = 60 seconds/unit Efficiency (%) - ratio of productive time to total time. Efficiency = [244/5(60)]100 = 81.3% Balance Delay - amount by which efficiency falls short of 100%. (100 − 81.3) = 18.7%
Line Balancing D H B 20 30 E S1 S3 6 A S2 F 40 C 25 50 I 18 G 15
Big Broadcaster c = 60 seconds/unit TM = 5 stations Efficiency = 81.3% 40 6 20 50 15 18 E 30 25 H I D B F C A G S1 S3 S1 A A 40 20 S2 B,C C 50 10 S3 B,F,G B 30 30 E,F,G F 55 5 Cumm Idle Station Candidate Choice Time Time S2 And this completes work station S3. 96
Green Grass, Inc. Line Balancing Solution
© 2007 Pearson Education Green Grass, Inc. Line Balancing Solution The goal is to cluster the work elements into 5 workstations so that the number of work-stations is minimized, and the cycle time of 60 seconds is not violated. Here we use the trial-and-error method to find a solution, although commercial software packages are also available. S5 S4 6 E 20 H 18 I 40 D 30 B 25 F 50 C A 15 G S3 S1 S2 c = 60 seconds/unit TM = 5 stations Efficiency = 81.3%
Other Considerations In addition to balancing a line, managers must also consider four other options: 1. Pacing: The movement of product from one station to the next as soon as the cycle time has elapsed. 2. Behavioral factors of workers. 3. Number of models produced: A mixed-model line produces several items belonging to the same family. 4. Cycle times depend on the desired output rate, and efficiency varies considerably with the cycle time selected.
Tiderna för att utföra monteringsoperationerna
är enl. följande: M1, Delmontering D1, D2 och D3: 12 min M2, Delmontering D4 och D5: 20 min M3, Delmontering A och B: 10 min M4, Delmontering D6 och D7: 8 min M5, Delmontering D8 och D9: 16 min M6, Delmontering C och D: 22 min M7, Slutmontering E och F: 16 min a) Åskådliggör de olika stegen i monteringen enligt strukturen i ett precedensdiagram (nätverk). Kalla monteringsaktiviteterna M1, M2, ..., M7. b) Minimera antalet monteringsstationer om cykeltiden tillåts vara högst 28 min. Använd "längsta operationstid först" c) Bestäm balanseringsförlusten.
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