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初中英语书面表达 重庆一中 张 凤. Teenagers’ colorful life We study. We like listening to music. We play computer games for long. We like reading books. We often play.

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Presentation on theme: "初中英语书面表达 重庆一中 张 凤. Teenagers’ colorful life We study. We like listening to music. We play computer games for long. We like reading books. We often play."— Presentation transcript:

1 初中英语书面表达 重庆一中 张 凤

2 Teenagers’ colorful life We study. We like listening to music. We play computer games for long. We like reading books. We often play Sports. We go to KFC.Sometimes we travel. Sometimes we stay up studying.

3 Teenagers’ healthy life We study all day. We like listening to music. We play computer games for long. We like reading books. We often play Sports. We go to KFC.Sometimes we travel. Sometimes we stay up studying.

4 认真 审题 , 找出文章要表达的中心。 写作第一步 审

5 健康很重要。在学习和 工作的压力日趋增大的 今天,会休息的人才会 有健康的身体。人们是 如何度过假期的呢?国 际健康组织对此作了一 次调查,右图是他们此 次的调查结果。根据你 所得的信息,请为国际 健康组织写一篇完整的 调查报告, 并提倡大家 进行假日休闲。 审 travel stay at home visit friends or parents work

6 用简单的句子或短语 列出 文章要 点。 列 写作第二步

7 根据以下关键词及图表用简单的句 子列出文章的要点 如何度假 调查报告 倡议假日休闲 stay at home work visit friends or parents travel

8 A lot of people travel. Some people stay at home. Some other people visit friends or parents. A few people work. Enjoy your vacation. 列

9 A lot of people travel. Some people stay at home. Some other people visit friends or parents. A few people work. How do people spend their vacation? We made a survey and here is our survey report. Come and enjoy your vacation. People who relax well work well. a nice head a nice tail a nice body

10 加 加首尾 ,使结构完整 。 可以采取总分总结构或者总分结构, 开头或结尾的句子应注意简洁,漂 亮。 写作第三步:

11 1.Second, we should keep quiet in the library. 2.First, we have to wear our uniforms to go to school, though most of us don’t like them at all. 3.Every school has its own rules for students. We have many school rules to follow in our daily life. 4.What’s more, we ought to return books on time. 5.Our school rules are good for us, I will try me best to follow them. 6.Third, we must do lots of homework. 3 2 1 4 6 5

12 How do people spend their vacation? We made a survey and here is our survey report. A lot of people travel. Some people stay at home. They watch TV or surf the internet. Some other people visit friends or parents. A few people work. Come and enjoy your vacation. The people who relax well work well.

13 连 恰当运用关联词句,使得文章层次清 晰,各个部分衔接自然。 写作第四步:

14 1. 表示并列或递进 : and, as well as, both…and, not only…but also, neither…nor; 2. 表示选择 : or, either…or; 3. 表示转折 : but, however, although, though, after all, 4. 表示因果 : because, so, therefore 5. 表示条件 : if, unless 6. 表示对比 : instead, not…but, on the one hand…on the other hand; 7. 表示解释 : for example, for instance, such as, that is to say, in other words; 8. 表示顺序 : to begin with, firstly, first (of all), second(ly), next, later, since then, from then on, finally, in the end; 9. 表示强调 : also, besides, what’s more, actually, in fact, 10. 表示结论 : all in all, altogether, in a word, generally speaking, 关联词

15 Let’s play the game. _____ I am tired, I keep on working till midnight. He didn’t go to movies, he went to the concert _____. We like doing kinds of sports _____ swimming, running and hiking. _____, he stood up. Then he got out. _____, he went back. _____, he smiled.

16 How do people spend their vacation? We made a survey and here is our survey report. According to it, most people travel. And some people stay at home. Also some other people visit friends or parents. However, a few people work. Come and enjoy your vacation. People who relax well work well. 连

17 We interviewed people about the ways to spend the vacation and here is our survey report. According to it, most people choose to travel to get away from the busy world during the holidays. Then some people like to stay at home, watching TV or surfing the Internet to have a good rest. And to visit friends or parents also makes them relaxed. However, a few people have to work. Come and enjoy your vacation. People who relax well work well. 美

18 美 选好词句, 美化 文章。在有把握的情 况下展示自己的语言功底。 写作第五步:

19 Skill One Make your sentences correct Good good study, day day up. We should do sports a week once. Save the environment is our duty. There is going to have a meeting today. I hope I can come true my dream. once a week Saving be achieve

20 Skill Two Express in different ways Our parents really wish us to work hard. Our parents really wish us to put our heart into study. The teenagers like the computers. The teenagers are fond of the computers. We shouldn’t eat junk food. We should stay away from the junk food. When he spoke, he got more excited. The more he spoke, the more excited he got. We should learn English grammar. It’s important to learn English grammar.

21 中考作文评分标准 第四档 (12—15 分)覆盖所有内容要点。准确使用丰富的词汇和语 言结构。全文结构紧凑,有效地使用了语句间的连接成份,符合 英语交际习惯;具备较强的语言运用能力。 第三档 (8—11 分)覆盖所有内容要点。恰当使用较丰富的词汇和语 言结构。适当运用了语句间的连接成份,较好地达到了交际的目 的。 第二档 (4—7 分)没能覆盖所有内容要点。词汇和语言结构不能完 全满足写作任务的要求。文章不够连贯,影响对写作内容的理解。 第一档 (0—3 分)漏掉较多内容要点或写的内容与规定任务无关。 词汇和语言结构错误较多。内容不连贯,无法传达有效信息。

22 作文 试题回放( 2006 年上海市) 以 “I have a dream” 为题写一篇不少于 60 个 词的短文, 标点符号不占格。 Sentence patterns for reference( 以下句型 供参考) My dream is to be…/to do…/to go… I enjoy /like/prefer… To make my dream come true, I … If my dream comes true…

23 I have a dream Have you ever watched a bike racing? The riders are cool! Yeah, it’s my dream to be a professional bike rider. I fell in love with bike rider for the first time I rode. Since that, I’ve been riding for 5 years. Some people think it’s dangerous, I don’t think so. During a bike riding, you will be in a high speed and feel the wind rushes quickly. Exciting? That is! To make my dream come true, I’ll practice more after middle school. Also, I’ll watch more bike racing to learn from the riders. I hope my dream will come true, if so, I can enjoy the life I like best. Passage One

24 I have a dream Anybody has a dream. But different people have different dreams. Most people always dream to be popular or rich. But my dream is very special, I just want to be a bird. Why I have such a dream? Just because I admire they’re free, they can do everything they want. When they’re flying in the sky, they look beautiful, even they’re the most beautiful animals. I really want to enjoy the feeling of flying in the sky. However, I know it won’t be achieved any more. It’s just a dream, in my heart. Passage Two

25 Passage Three I have a dream My dream is to be a basketball player. I like it because I think it very interesting. It can make me become very happy and healthy. To make me dream come true. I need try to do it. And I need take some time to do it. I need practice every day.If my dream come true, I will more thy to do it.

26 by Meng Yuan I Have A Dream by Meng Yuan My biggest dream is to see the reality through my own eyes but not through the books. Since I had the dream, I’ve fallen in love with history and math. History is the truth and math will open a door. To make my dream come true, I shall study hard. Someday, a strange machine that can turn back time will be built by me. If my dream comes true, I’ll sail across the ocean time. I’ll watch Jesus rise if he ever did. What if it’s a fake? I’ll come back as the fire to lead people who’re blinded by the old beliefs. I’ll be great because I have a dream and dreams will help mankind to reach the reality and be wise.

27 I Have A Dream by Xiang Mulan I Have A Dream by Xiang Mulan Everybody day dreams. Every time I feel depressed or lonely, I just dream off. I’d like to turn into a book worm, my home would be in a beautiful garden. I’d sleep in flower buds at night and I’d sit in the sunshine and read books during the day. (After all, I am a book worm.) Tests, marks and grades wouldn’t exist in this world. There would be just me, my books, a little sunshine and some flowers. Now that’s what I call life. I know that my dream can’t possibly come true. And I also know that I sound like being afraid of facing life. But actually, I always feel at peace every time I think of my dream. I’ll keep on dreaming, because it makes life simpler and more carefree.


29 All of us have holidays in our daily life, but how do people spend their holiday? We did a survey and here are the results. — from Huang Jingyi It’s nothing better than having a rest after working ! So how do people rest themselves on vacation? According to our survey, there are several ways. — from Meng Yuan

30 All in all, different people have different ways to relax themselves. But I suggest that we should enjoy the holiday, then we may work better. — from Liu Cheng So this year, why not consider going outside? Spend your healthy holiday and then get more energy for work or study. — from Wu Yi

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