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人教修订版 高中一年级 ( 下 ) Unit 19. Integrating Skills Warming up farming.

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Presentation on theme: "人教修订版 高中一年级 ( 下 ) Unit 19. Integrating Skills Warming up farming."— Presentation transcript:

1 人教修订版 高中一年级 ( 下 ) Unit 19

2 Integrating Skills

3 Warming up farming

4 大棚种菜 彩椒

5 香蕉园


7 keeping sheep

8 keeping cows

9 keeping fish

10 Pre-reading

11 Who is the man in the picture? He’s Jia Sixie. What do you know about him? Jia Sixie, author of China’s first agricultural encyclopedia ( 百科全书 ), was one of the leading agronomists in Chinese history. In the late years of the Northern Wei Dynasty (386-534),

12 he wrote Qimin Yaoshu (Essential Skills for the Common People). It is the earliest and most complete agricultural encyclopedia still in existence in China.


14 Reading What advice does Jia Sixie give farmers? 1. Farmers should do things at the right time of the year. 2. Farmers should examine the soil carefully. 3. If the conditions of the soil is not good, farmers should improve it.

15 4. Before sowing or planting crops, farmers should clean rough ground and remove weed. 5. Farmers should let sheep or cattle (cows) walk on the land before sowing or planting crops. 6. Farmers should plough the land, so weeds are destroyed.

16 7. When ploughing the land, farmers should plough deep the first time and less deep the second time. 8. Farmers will get the best results if they change crops in their fields. 9. If farmers plant rice in a field one year, and wheat in that field the following year, they will harvest good crops.

17 10. If farmers plant wheat close together, they will have better results than when they plant wheat leaving space between the plants. 11. It is good to grow different plants next to each other in the same field.

18 Post-reading Imagine you have a vegetable garden and you want to grow beans, cabbages, onions, tomatoes and sunflowers. Write a plan for your vegetable garden. What will you do in each month of the year?

19 MonthWhat will be done November It’s in November when we have to plough the land for the first time. The ploughing has to be done deep. Spread manure and old leaves on the land and plough them under.

20 MonthWhat will be done December It’s in December when we should make a plan for our vegetable garden for next year. Check the seeds left over from last year. Repair tools and make a list of new tools to buy.

21 MonthWhat will be done January It’s in January when we should buy enough seed to plant for two or three crops. Check the condition of the soil. If the soil is not good, you should improve it. Put manure and dead leaves on the land if you did not do this in November. You can also use fertilisers to the soil. Get the seedbeds or seed boxes ready for growing plants such as tomato, pepper and eggplant.

22 MonthWhat will be done February It’s in February when you should plant the seedbeds. Prepare the land for planting. Let sheep or cows walk on the land. Their manure will improve the soil and they will destroy weeds or eat them. Also prepare seeds for planting in April.

23 MonthWhat will be done March It’s in March when you should give some attention to the early- planted crops. Add a little fertiliser to young crops. Thin the young plants to give them more room to grow. Plough the land a second time to prepare it for the warm-season vegetables.

24 MonthWhat will be done April It’s in April when you should plant beans, corn, eggplant, peas, peppers, tomatoes and watermelons. Remove weeds and grass.

25 MonthWhat will be done May It’s in May when you have to watch out for insects. Fight insects and disease when you see them. Water the plants when needed. Build a frame of wood or bamboo for beans to climb on.

26 MonthWhat will be done June It’s in June that you have to harvest vegetables such as beans and peas, onions and potatoes. Store onions and potatoes dry and cool. Prepare the land for planting new crops. Take care of irrigation.

27 MonthWhat will be done July It’s in July when you should make a plan for the crops you want to plant in autumn. Fight drought with enough irrigation of the land. Remove weeds. Plant second crops for tomatoes, corn and beans. In July it’s also the time to plant big pumpkins for Halloween!

28 MonthWhat will be done August It’s in August when we have to plant broccoli, cabbage, carrots and onions. Make sure to water the plants enough. Harvest ripe fruit and vegetables.

29 MonthWhat will be done September It’s in September when we harvest green peppers and tomatoes before the cold of winter comes. Water and weed the crops that were planted in August.

30 MonthWhat will be done October It’s in October when the last crops are harvested. Put dead plants, old leaves and other materials together. Store animal manure for use as fertiliser next year. Start thinking about your garden plans for next year.

31 Explanation 1. Much of the wisdom discovered by early Chinese scientists is still useful for farmers and gardeners today. 中国古代科学家所发现的大量知识 和经验, 对于今天的农民和艺工仍 然有用。

32 此处 discovered by early Chinese scientists 是过去分词短语作后置定语, 相当于 much of the wisdom which was discovered by … 。又如:

33 The man injured by the bullet was taken to the hospital. =The man who was injured by the bullet was taken to the hospital. 被子弹打伤的那个人被送往了医院。

34 One of the houses wrecked by the storm belonged to my grandfather. =One of the houses that had been wrecked by the storm belonged to my grandfather. 被暴风雨袭击的其中一间房子是我祖父 的。

35 2. He spent his time on research into agriculture. 他专心研究农业。 research 在此处为名词, 意为 “ 研究, 探 讨 ; 调查 ”, 后常跟介词 into 或 on 。如 : a starting piece of research into the causes of cancer 研究致癌的一项惊人成果

36 3. But if you go against nature and do things at the wrong time of year, you will have to do more work and the results will not be so good. 如果违背自然规律, 不按时耕作, 就会事 倍功半。 go against 意为 “ 反对或违反某事 ; 与某 事冲突 ” 。如 :

37 His thinking goes against all logic. 他的思维完全不符合逻辑。 此外, go against 还有 “ 对某人不利 ; 抵抗 或反对某人 ” 的意思。如: The war is going against us. 这场战争对我们很不利。

38 Don’t go against your parents’ wishes. 不要违背父母的意愿。 He went against the advice of his colleagues and resigned. 他不顾同事的劝告辞了职。

39 5. condition a state of being of general health 状态, 健康状况 The astronauts soon got used to the condition of weightlessness. 4. guide to sth. 英语入门 a guide to English 中国旅行指南 a guide to China

40 out of condition 身体不好 in good condition 情况良好 in poor condition 情况不好 (pl.) the state of affairs at a particular place or time 环境, 情况 常用复数 housing conditions 住房条件

41 6. deep/deeply deep 用于具体的深度, 包括时间和空间 They dived deep in the sea. They talked deep into the night. deeply 用语抽象的, 比喻的意义 We were deeply moved by this film. deeply 可以修饰形容词和过去分词。

42 7. Jia Sixie’s book is a practical guide to farming. 贾思勰的书是实用的农耕指南。 practical 意为 “ 实用的, 有用的 ”, 此外 它还意为 “ 实际的 ; 功利的 ; 事实上的 ; 实质上的 ” 。

43 He made practical use of his knowledge of English. 他实际使用他的英语知识。 practical advice 有用的忠告 practical wisdom 生活的智慧 He is the practical president of this company. 他是这家公司实际的总经理。

44 8. Before sowing or planting crops, rough ground must be cleaned and weeds removed. 在播种、插苗之前必须平整高低不 平的田地, 除掉杂草。 before 意为 “ 在 …… 之前 ”, 作介词用。 此句可以改写成: before you sow or plant crops (before 是连词 )

45 After you finish your homework, you can help me with the farm work. 完成作业后, 你可以帮我干些农活。 这句话也可以说成: After finishing your homework, you can help me with the farm work.

46 Farmers’ proverbs and sayings No weather is ill, if the wind be still. Yellow sky at sunset, wind in the morrow. Rain before seven, clear by eleven. April showers bring May flowers. Tips

47 Deeds are fruits, words are but leaves. The best ground bears weeds as well as flowers. Never cackle unless you lay.

48 Look at the pictures below. Put them in the right order and write two sentences for each to describe what you can see in the picture and what will happen. Reading on P111

49 The correct order of the pictures: 3-4-1-2

50 Sample sentences 1. The hills surrounding the villages are green and covered with trees and grasslands. Farmers use the land, but also take care of the environment.

51 2. The trees are cut down in large numbers. The whole forest has disappeared, and no new trees are planted. 3. When it rains, the soil is washed away. The barren hills cannot be used for agriculture.

52 4. Local people start to repair the damage that was done to the environment. By planting trees, the barren hills will be turned green again.

53 Write down five possible rules of what people should and should not do in the woods.

54 1. WALK on the paths or roads. 2. PLANT new trees when cutting down any. 3. PROTECT young trees from being eaten by deer or rabbits. Five rules of what people should do in the woods.

55 4. WATER young trees and give left-over fertiliser to trees near the village. 5. RESPECT nature and care for the trees.

56 Five rules of what people should not do in the woods. 1. DON’T make any fires in the wood. 2. DON’T throw away any cigarettes. 3. DON’T damage or cut down young trees.

57 4. DON’T throw away any rubbish. 5. DON’T kill birds or other animals in the wood.

58 1. Trees grow everywhere ___ all the hills ______ the village. 2. _______________, there may be problems, such as floods, sand storms or droughts. 3. The time has ____ to repair the damage ____ was done to the environment. Do the following exercises. on around As a result of this come that

59 4. That does not always have to be difficult __ expensive. 5. After about three years, her work planting trees __________ barren land green again. 6. To the villagers’ great joy, the tree and tea crops are also __________ money to them. or had turned bringing in

60 Homework Go over the texts after class and try to preview Writing on Page 112.

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