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Introduction to Information Systems. Data, Information and Knowledge  How do “Information” differ from “Data”?  There is also things such as “Knowledge”.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Information Systems. Data, Information and Knowledge  How do “Information” differ from “Data”?  There is also things such as “Knowledge”."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Information Systems

2 Data, Information and Knowledge  How do “Information” differ from “Data”?  There is also things such as “Knowledge”. How are they related?

3 Data, Information and Knowledge Data Information Transformation Process (selecting, organizing, manipulating) Knowledge Practical Use

4 Translating Data to Information  Grouping  Lebelling  Sorting  Graphing  Statistics  Etc.

5 Data InOutCustomerOrderIncome 160016311 M 1 Chocolate 20.- 161216251 F 1 M 2 Strawberry, 1 Coconut 60.- 161517254 M 2 Chocolate, 1 Lemon, 2 Strawberry, 1 Banana 105.- 165917341 F 3 Coconut 60.- 170818122 F 1 M 1 Chocolate, 1 Vanilla, 1 Coffee 60.- 172217511 F 2 M 3 Coffee, 1 Wafer 70.- 172317491 M 1 Coconut, 1 Chocolate, 2 Strawberry 80.- 173018151 M 2 Vanilla 40.- 220122401 M 1 Coffee 20.-

6 Information  Customers  12 Male - 5 Female  Peak period  1600-1815  Income  515.-  Payment  300.-  Financial statistics  1 day + 10%  1 week + 20%  1 month + 20%  Popular menu  Strawberry - 6 (7, 2, 4, 6, 8)  Vanilla - 6 (10, 5, 8, 7, 6)  Chocolate - 5 (4, 7, 4, 5, 5)  Coconut - 5 (6, 2, 9, 6, 7)  Unpopular menu  Lemon - 1 (0, 0, 0, 1, 0)  Guava - 0 (0, 0, 1, 1, 0)  Red bean - 0 (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

7 Knowledge  Promote and stock more strawberry and chocolate  Terminate guava, red bean and lemon menu  Change closing time to 1900  Replace the male staff

8 System  A set of elements or components that interact to accomplish goals

9 Components of A System  Inputs  Processing mechanisms  Outputs  Feedback

10 Concept of A System InputOutput Processing Feedback

11 Performance of A System  Efficiency  Proportion of outputs and inputs  Effectiveness  Achievement of objectives

12 Performance of A System FDCBA Class 1 FDCBA Class 2 FDCBA Class 3 Efficiency – OK Effectiveness – OK Efficiency – Poor Effectiveness – OK Efficiency – Good Effectiveness – ?

13 Information Systems  A set of interrelated components that collect, manipulate, and disseminate data and information, and provide feedback to meet an objective (Stair & Reynolds, 2010)  Complementary networks of hardware and software that people and organizations use to collect, filter, process, create and distribute data (Wikipedia, 2014)

14 Components of An Information System  Inputs  Gathering and capturing of raw data  Processing mechanisms  Converting data into useful outputs  Outputs  Useful information  Feedback  Information that is used to make changes to the input and processing components Inputs Process Outputs Feedback

15 Concept of An Information System Data Information System Information System

16 Components of Computer-Based Information Systems  Hardware  Software  People  Telecommunications  Databases  Procedures

17 Development of Business Information Systems TPS Transaction Processing System MIS Management Information System DSS Decision Support System Specialized business information systems & Electronics Commerce & Inter-Organization information exchange systems

18 Types of Internal Information Systems Executive Support Systems (ESS, EIS) Executive Support Systems (ESS, EIS) Office Automation Systems (OAS) Office Automation Systems (OAS) Decision Support Systems (DSS) Decision Support Systems (DSS) Transaction Processing Systems (TPS) Transaction Processing Systems (TPS) Management Information Systems (MIS) Management Information Systems (MIS)

19 Types of Internal Information Systems ISInputsProcessingOutputsUsers ESS Aggregate data, External, internal Graphics, Simulation ProjectionsSenior management DSS Low volume data, Analytic models Interactive, Simulation Special reports, Decision analyses Staff manager MIS Transaction data, High volume data Routine reportSummary, Exception reports Middle manager OAS Office documents, Schedule Word processing, Storage Documents, Schedule Managers TPS Transaction, Events Sorting, Listing Detail report, List Operation personnel

20 Transaction Processing Systems (TPS)  ระบบประมวลผลรายการเปลี่ยนแปลง  A software system, or software/hardware combination, that supports transaction processing (Wikipedia, 2014)  Features  Rapid response  Reliability  Inflexibility  Controlled processing  Example  Point-of-Sale  Library loan

21 TPS: Examples

22 Office Automation Systems (OAS)  ระบบสำนักงานอัตโนมัติ  Varied computer machinery and software used to digitally create, collect, store, manipulate, and relay office information needed for accomplishing basic tasks (Wikipedia, 2014)  Example  Work flows  Project scheduling

23 OAS: Examples

24 Management Information Systems (MIS)  ระบบสารสนเทศเพื่อการจัดการ  A system which provides information that organizations require to manage themselves efficiently and effectively (Wikipedia, 2014)  Example  Flight information system  Student information system

25 MIS: Examples

26 Decision Support Systems (DSS)  ระบบสนับสนุนเพื่อการตัดสินใจ  A system that supports business or organizational decision-making activities (Wikipedia, 2014)  Example  Price evaluation system  Potential drilling sites

27 DSS Examples

28 Executive Support Systems (ESS)  ระบบสนับสนุนผู้บริหารระดับสูง  Also-called Executive Information Systems (EIS)  A type of management information system that facilitates and supports senior executive information and decision-making needs (Wikipedia, 2014)  Example  Market and sales analysis system  A.C.M.E (Agent Call Monitoring & Evaluation)

29 ESS: Examples

30 Structure of An Information System Source:

31 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)  ระบบการวางแผนทรัพยากรองค์กร  A business management software that a company can use to collect, store, manage and interpret data from many business activities (Wikipedia, 2012)

32 Examples of ERP Packages  Tier I  SAP  Oracle  Microsoft Dynamics  Tier II  Epicor  Sage  QAD  Ross  Tier III  ABAS  Baan  Syspro Source: Panorama Consulting Group, 2014,

33 ERP Statistics (See Panorama Consulting Group Report 2014)

34 Costs of Implementing ERP Packages VendorAverage Project Cost Oracle$5.0 million SAP$6.7 million Microsoft Dynamics$1.8 million Tier II$3.1 million Tier III/Other$1.1 million Source: Panorama Consulting Group, 2010

35 SAP Tryout!  SAP Online Configurator: ang=en&campaign=CRM-US08-HUB-TC_FSTWEB&cntry=us

36 Specialized Business Information System  Knowledge Management System (KMS)  Organized collection of people, procedures, software, databases, and devices to create, store, share, and use the organization’s knowledge and experience  Artificial Intelligence (AI)  Computer system takes on characteristics of human intelligence

37 Specialized Business Information System  Expert Systems  Give computer ability to make suggestions and function like an expert in a particular field  Virtual reality  Simulation of a real or imagined environment that can be experienced visually in three dimensions  Augmented reality

38 Electronics Commerce  Often called as “e-Commerce”, “eCommerce”, “e-comm” or “e-Business”.  Trading in products or services using computer networks, such as the Internet (Wikipedia, 2014)

39 Information Systems in the Supply Chain ACTIVITIES Supplier Internal Supply Chain Customer Purchasing Production Distribution Raw materials Inbound logistics/ Warehouse/ Storage Production Packing/ Outbound logistics Customer service INFORMATION SYSTEMS Inbound tracking system/ Inventory control system Process control system Automated packing and retrieval system Customer service tracking and control system Supplier database

40 Functions of Information Systems in Logistics  Collaborative planning  Forecasting  Inventory management  Order management  Transport management  Etc.

41 Challenges  Standards  Culture and language  Time and distance  Technology and infrastructure  Currency and exchange rates  Laws and legal aspects  Privacy, permission and confidentiality

42 In-Class Assignment

43 Critical Thinking  Form four groups  Discuss and criticize connections between the following challenges and information systems in Thailand  Three minutes presentation Group 1  Laws Group 2  Culture Group 3  Infrastructure Group 4  Language

44 Assignment

45 Information Engineering  Spilt into four groups.  Build a Facebook page with an objective of anything.  Promote your page. Aim for the highest likes as possible.  Present your strategy on 25 September 2014.

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