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PLEASE DO NOT DELETE THIS SLIDE There are teachers’ notes pages behind each slide. To view them: Go to VIEW on your menu bar Choose NOTES PAGE.

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Presentation on theme: "PLEASE DO NOT DELETE THIS SLIDE There are teachers’ notes pages behind each slide. To view them: Go to VIEW on your menu bar Choose NOTES PAGE."— Presentation transcript:

1 PLEASE DO NOT DELETE THIS SLIDE There are teachers’ notes pages behind each slide. To view them: Go to VIEW on your menu bar Choose NOTES PAGE

2 PLEASE DO NOT DELETE THIS SLIDE There is a lesson flow in the notes section behind this slide. To view: Go to VIEW on your menu bar Choose NOTES PAGE Lesson Flow Slide 1




6 How are you relating to your thinking in this moment?

7 A Headspace production…

8 Stepping back





13 “I can do it” “Today’s a great day”“They like me”“I’m bad”“I can’t do it”“I’m unattractive”“It’s my fault”

14 What thought-buses have taken you for a ride in the last few days?

15 Thoughts come… But you don’t have to get on the bus! and go…

16 How to stay at the bus stop


18 Which works for you?

19 Home Practice: How is the thought-traffic in your mind? Did any thought-buses really pull you on board? Day 1 Day 2


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