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Conditional Statements M260 2.2. Deductive Reasoning Proceeds from a hypothesis to a conclusion. If p then q. p  q hypothesis  conclusion.

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Presentation on theme: "Conditional Statements M260 2.2. Deductive Reasoning Proceeds from a hypothesis to a conclusion. If p then q. p  q hypothesis  conclusion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conditional Statements M260 2.2

2 Deductive Reasoning Proceeds from a hypothesis to a conclusion. If p then q. p  q hypothesis  conclusion

3 Conditional Example If you show up for work on Monday morning, then you will get the job. When is the statement false? Answer--Only when the hypothesis is true and the conclusion is false.

4 Conditional Truth Table pq pqpq TT TF FT FF

5 pq pqpq TTT TFF FTT FFT

6 Conditional is vacuously true when hypothesis is false.

7 Precedence of Logical Operators ~  and   

8 Precedence Examples p  ~q  ~p Order is ~, ,  (p  (~q))  (~p)

9 p  ~q  ~p

10 pq~p~q p  ~q p  ~q  ~p TT TF FT FF

11 pq~p~q p  ~q p  ~q  ~p TTFFTF TFFTTF FTTFFT FFTTTT

12 Logical Equivalence Statement Forms are logically equivalent if, and only if, they have the same truth tables. P  Q

13 Logical Equivalence Example p  q  r  (p  r)  (q  r)

14 Rewriting  p  q  ~p  q Either you get to work on time or you are fired  If you do not get to work on time, then you are fired.

15 Negation of if p then q ~(p  q)  ~(~p  q)  p  ~q

16 Contrapositive Contrapositive of if p then q is if ~q then ~p p  q  ~q  ~p Conditional and contrapositive are logically equivalent.

17 Converse Converse of if p then q is if q then p Converse (p  q) is (q  p) Conditional and converse are NOT logically equivalent.

18 Inverse Inverse of if p then q is if ~p then ~q Inverse (p  q) is (~p  ~q) Conditional and inverse are NOT logically equivalent. Converse and inverse are logically equivalent.

19 Only If p only if q means if not q then not p id est if p then q

20 Only If Example John will break the world’s record for the mile only if he runs the mile in under four minutes.

21 Biconditional p if, and only if, q Abbreviated: p iff q Notation: p  q pq p  q TTT TFF FTF FFT

22 Precedence of Logical Operators ~  and   and  

23 Rewriting  p  q  (p  q)  (q  p)

24 Sufficient Condition r is a sufficient condition for s If r then s r  s

25 Necessary Condition r is a necessary condition for s If not r then not s ~r  ~s s only if r If s then r

26 Necessary and Sufficient r is a necessary and sufficient condition for s r if, and only if, s r  s

27 Practice Necessary/Sufficient Use “John is eligible to vote” and “John is at least 18 years old” to make A conditional statement: A necessary statement: A sufficient statement:

28 Formal vs. Conversational Logic Unrelated conclusions Understood biconditionals

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