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Welcome to Year 5 Mrs Capper. Year 5 Curriculum Homework Behaviour and expectations Year 5 Curriculum Homework Behaviour and expectations.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 5 Mrs Capper. Year 5 Curriculum Homework Behaviour and expectations Year 5 Curriculum Homework Behaviour and expectations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 5 Mrs Capper

2 Year 5 Curriculum Homework Behaviour and expectations Year 5 Curriculum Homework Behaviour and expectations

3 Numeracy  Practical and written maths  Key objectives  To know all times tables to 10  Multiply and divide by 10, 100 or 1,000  Add/subtract decimals  Doubling and halving of whole and decimal numbers

4  Key objectives continued:  extend and practise mental maths methods  Use knowledge of rounding, place value, number facts and inverse operations to estimate and check  Properties of shape eg. symmetry, parallel lines, angles

5 Literacy / Creative Curriculum Literacy / Creative Curriculum  Choose topics that will develop Literacy skills, through learning History, Geography and Science. Autumn Term:  The Ancient Greeks – Myths and Legends  The Piano – Film Narrative (Autumn 2)

6 The Ancient Greeks  Oral retelling of a story  Identifying features of Myths  Written version of own Myth ending History and Art (using clay)  How did the Greeks live  Spartans versus Atheneans  Gods and Goddesses  Making clay pots

7 Literacy Through this topic, we will be focusing on:  Extended sentences; complex or compound  The use of mythical language, particularly adjectives and adverbs  Variety of punctuation  Ordering writing into paragraphs  SPaG – Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar- BIG focus!

8 Spelling  Daily phonics interventions for some children  Weekly spelling tests for all  Weekly times tables tests for all

9 Reading  Guided Reading  Shared reading – teacher modelling  Independent reading  Weekly library visit  Class Novel for Autumn term – Danny the Champion of the World by Roahl Dahl VERY IMPORANT - Read anything!  Books, comics, newspapers, on-line books etc

10 Science  Keeping healthy  Earth, sun and moon  Changing states, gases around us  Changing sounds  Life cycles

11 Homework  Selection of numeracy and literacy skills to be handed out on Friday, for completion by Tuesday.  Tests on Thursdays  On-going learning  High frequency words and general spellings  Times tables

12 Expectations  My responsibility to provide high quality, exciting learning opportunities.  Children’s responsibilities to try their best, listen in class, follow instruction and participate.  Rewards and sanctions.  Updates to parents.

13 Any questions?

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