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CIS 375—Web App Dev II XSLFO. 2 XSLFO IntroductionIntroduction XSLFO stands for Extensible Stylesheet Language ___________________. XSLFO is an _____-based.

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Presentation on theme: "CIS 375—Web App Dev II XSLFO. 2 XSLFO IntroductionIntroduction XSLFO stands for Extensible Stylesheet Language ___________________. XSLFO is an _____-based."— Presentation transcript:

1 CIS 375—Web App Dev II XSLFO

2 2 XSLFO IntroductionIntroduction XSLFO stands for Extensible Stylesheet Language ___________________. XSLFO is an _____-based markup language. XSLFO is a W3C Recommendation and is now formally named _____. “XSL” consists of three parts: XSLT (a language for transforming XML documents) XSL (a vocabulary for formatting XML documents) XPath (a language for defining parts of an XML document) This may sound a little confusing, but sometimes life IS a little confusing.

3 3 XSLFO DocumentsDocuments XSLFO documents are stored in files with a *.fo or a *.____ extension. They can also have the *.____ extension, because this makes them more accessible to XML editors. XSLFO documents start with an XML ___________: The element contains the XSLFO document and declares a namespace. To make XML elements unique, “fo” is given an XML namespace, such as

4 4 XSLFO Document Structure

5 5 XSLFO AreasAreas The XSL formatting model defines a number of ___________ areas to display output. One such area is called a _______. Each XSL-FO Page contains a number of _______: region-body, region-before (header), region-after (footer), region-start (left sidebar), and region-end. XSLFO Regions contain _______ areas. XSLFO Block areas most often contain _____ areas. XSLFO Line areas contain _______ areas. XSLFO Inline areas define _____ inside Lines (bullets, single character, graphics, and more).

6 6 Simple XSLFO Document "Blocks" of content “______" into "Pages" and then to the output media. Hello, world!

7 7 in an XSL Formatter (see

8 8 XSLFO Flow XSLT-FO pages are filled with ________ from the element. The element contains all the elements to be printed to the page. When the page is full, the same page _______ will be used until all the text is printed. The element has a "flow-name" _______. xsl-region-body (into the region-body) xsl-region-before (into the region-before) xsl-region-after (into the region-after) xsl-region-start (into the region-start) xsl-region-end (into the region-end)

9 9 XSLFO Pages XSLFO uses page templates called "Page ________" to define the layout of pages. The following illustrates page masters for odd and even page numbers:

10 10 Example Page Master <fo:simple-page-master master-name="A4" page-width= "297mm" page-height= "210mm" margin-top= "1cm" margin-bottom="1cm" margin-left="1cm" margin-right= "1cm"> Example Page Master

11 11

12 12 XSLFO Blocks XSL-FO output is normally nested inside elements, nested inside elements, nested inside elements. Blocks can have many formatting attributes such as, margin, border-width, border-color, padding, background-color, font-family, etc.

13 13 Example of XSLFO Blocks This code would be placed within the ______ element: <fo:block font-size="14pt" font-family="verdana" color="red" space-before="5mm" space-after="5mm“ padding="2mm"> W3Schools <fo:block text-indent="5mm" font-family="verdana" font-size="12pt" space-before="5mm" space-after="5mm"> At W3Schools you will find all the Web-building tutorials you need, from basic HTML and XHTML to advanced XML, XSL, Multimedia and WAP.

14 14 Example from Previous Slide

15 15 XSLFO List Blocks The following code creates a bulleted list: • Volvo • Saab

16 16 Example from previous slide:

17 17 XSLFO Tables The hierarchy of XSLFO table elements (each element contains the listed sub-elements). (optional)

18 18 XSLFO Table Example Car Price Volvo $50000 SAAB $48000

19 19 Output from Table Example

20 20 Generate XSLFO from XML (1) XML document: W3Schools At W3Schools you will find all the Web-building tutorials you need, from basic HTML and XHTML to advanced XML, XSL, Multimedia and WAP.

21 21 Generate XSLFO from XML (2) XSL document : <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl=" XSL/Transform" xmlns:fo=" XSL/Format"> <fo:simple-page-master master-name="simple" page-width="150mm" page-height="200mm"> <fo:block font-size="14pt" font-family ="verdana" color="red" space-before="5mm" space- after="5mm"> <fo:block font-size="10pt" font-family ="verdana" space-before="5mm" space-after ="5mm">

22 22 XSLFO from XML Output

23 23 PDF Output

24 XSLFO Table w/ XSLT (cd_xslfo.xsl) xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:fo=""> <fo:simple-page-master master-name="my-page" page-width="150mm" page-height="200mm"> <fo:block font-size="10pt" font-family ="verdana" color="red" space-before="5mm" space-after="5mm">

25 25 Output from cd_xslfo.xsl

26 26 XSLFO Software Special software is required to format XSL documents. This software can produce output as _____.

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