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LATTICE TECHNOLOGY, INC. For Version 10.0 and later XVL Web Master Advanced Tutorial For Version 10.0 and later.

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Presentation on theme: "LATTICE TECHNOLOGY, INC. For Version 10.0 and later XVL Web Master Advanced Tutorial For Version 10.0 and later."— Presentation transcript:

1 LATTICE TECHNOLOGY, INC. For Version 10.0 and later XVL Web Master Advanced Tutorial For Version 10.0 and later

2 January 2013 Lattice Technology, Inc. 2 Agenda Advanced Features –Importing CSV Data –Command Line Execution Customizing Template –Editing Template Files –Using Template Configuration File –Changing the HTML Frame Layout –Changing the HTML Style –Publishing Properties to the Table –Changing Illustration Line Styles

3 Advanced Features

4 XVL Web Master can import data from CSV files and publish the data to HTML. January 2013 Lattice Technology, Inc. 4 Importing CSV Data 1/2 Creating a CSV File If you do not have a CSV file, you can create one using the following procedure: 1.In the General tab, select the CSV file that you want to create. 2.Execute XVL Web Master. A CSV file will be generated in the output folder. 3.Open the CSV file and input the data for each component. Enter the data in the second column and after that. Save the CSV file. 4 1 2 3

5 January 2013 Lattice Technology, Inc. 5 Importing CSV Data 2/2 Using a CSV File 1.Place the CSV file in the same folder as the XVL file. 2.Execute XVL Web Master. 3.XVL Web Master will automatically read any CSV files that are in the same folder as the XVL file and publish the CSV data to HTML. 3 XVL Web Master publishes CSV part data to the parts list. 1

6 Lattice Technology, Inc. 6 Command Line Execution January 2013 xvlwm.exe [/autoexec] [/english] [/init init_file] [files_dirs...] Basic Format: ArgumentDescription /autoexec Always include this option. /englishShow the English GUI in a Japanese environment. /init init_fileThis option sets the necessary parameters according to the contents of the parameter description file init_file. For details on how to format the parameter description file, refer to XVL Web Master User’s Guide section 12.2: Formatting the parameter description file. files_dirsThis option specifies the target XVL files or directories. If a directory is specified, all the XVL files in the directory will be processed. XVL Web Master can be executed from the command line.

7 Customizing Templates

8 You can change the page layout, styles and table data fields by editing the template. This does not require the Template Customization option. January 2013 Lattice Technology, Inc. 8 Editing Template Files 1.In the XVL Web Master installation folder, find the template folder that you want to edit. 2.Copy and create the new template folder and add a new name. 3.Edit the template file to change the HTML template. For example, you can edit the following template files. TEMPLATE_MAIN_HTML: -Template file for the main page. TEMPLATE_TREE_HTML: -Template file for the assembly tree. TEMPLATE_TABLE_HTML: -Template file for the parts table. TEMPLATE_XVL_HTML: -Template file for the 3D view. Copy

9 Use the template configuration file to specify how templates are listed in XVL Web Master. January 2013 Lattice Technology, Inc. 9 Using the Template Configuration File 1.A sample template configuration file is in the following folder: Installation_Directory\Samples\settings_template.csv 2.Copy the template configuration file to the installation directory to enable it. 3.Edit the template configuration file in MS Excel. 4.Enter the template folder path in the first column. The path can be absolute or relative. 5.Enter the title of the template that you want to show in the template list in the second column. Enter “VOID” if you do not want to show the template in the list. 6.Type “COPYALL” in the third column if you want to copy all files in the template folder to the output folder. This is required to copy resources like image files from the template folder to the output folder. settings_template.csv 3 45

10 January 2013 Lattice Technology, Inc. 10 Changing the HTML Frame Layout 1.Open TEMPLATE_MAIN_HTML file. 2.Find the frameset tags and change the frame layout. Original Template Customized Template

11 January 2013 Lattice Technology, Inc. 11 Changing the HTML Style 1.Open the template file. 2.Find the style tags and edit the CSS. Original Template Customized Template Edit the style.

12 You specify which properties to publish in tables. January 2013 Lattice Technology, Inc. 12 Customizing Tables 1/2 1.Open the table template file, such as TEMPLATE_TABLE_HTML. 2.Edit the table headers and specify the property names. 3.Edit the table data to reference the desired properties. %CL_GRP_PROP[Section_name][Property_name]*% 2 3 Header names Section name Property name

13 January 2013 Lattice Technology, Inc. 13 Customizing Tables 2/2 4.Save the template and publish the HTML using the customized template. 5.The published HTMP includes the specified data. 5 * See “Template Reference Manual” (trefer.pdf) for more detail about template parameters.

14 Illustration line styles are specified in the template file. January 2013 Lattice Technology, Inc. 14 Changing Illustration Line Styles 1/2 1.Open the TEMPLATE_SVG file in the text editor. 2.In the section, change the illustration line parameters. TEMPLATE_SVG Illustration OP

15 January 2013 Lattice Technology, Inc. 15 Changing Illustration Line Styles 2/2 3.For example, to change the trace line style to dash-dot, set the value as follows:.tline {fill:none; stroke:#000000; stroke-width:0.05mm; stroke-dasharray:1mm,0.5mm}.tline {fill:none; stroke:#000000; stroke-width:0.05mm; stroke-dasharray:2mm,0.5mm,0.5mm,0.5mm} Trace line Illustration OP

16 January 2013 Lattice Technology, Inc. 16 Questions? E. T.+1.415.274.1670 F. +1.415.274.1671

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