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1 Presentation to the Portfolio Committee Annual Performance Plan of the Department of Home Affairs 2013/ 14 – 2015/16 19 March 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Presentation to the Portfolio Committee Annual Performance Plan of the Department of Home Affairs 2013/ 14 – 2015/16 19 March 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Presentation to the Portfolio Committee Annual Performance Plan of the Department of Home Affairs 2013/ 14 – 2015/16 19 March 2013

2 2 Content 1.Vision, Mission and Value Statement 2.Prioritising government outcomes 3.A vision of a transformed Home Affairs 4.Eight transformation strategies 5.Progress and challenges 2012 – 2013 6.Human Resource strategies 7.Modernisation project 8.DHA Outcomes, Strategic Objectives and Annual Targets for 2013/14 9.Key strategic priorities over next three years

3 3 A safe, secure South Africa where all of its people are proud of, and value, their identity and citizenship. The efficient determination and safeguarding of the identity and status of citizens and the regulation of immigration to ensure security, promote development and fulfil our international obligations The DHA is committed to being:  People-centred and caring  Patriotic  Professional and having integrity  Corruption free and ethical  Efficient and innovative  Disciplined and security conscious VISION, MISSION AND VALUES

4 4 The DHA contributes directly to three of the twelve strategic Outcomes of Government: 3. All people in South Africa are and feel safe 5.A skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path 12. An efficient, effective and development oriented public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship The Performance Agreement signed by the President and Minister of Home Affairs specifies concrete deliverables linked to the above Outcomes, including: Completion of all strategic information and identification projects within already defined budgets and time frames Effective and efficient refugee management strategies and systems Contributing to the level of skills and general economic development in South Africa by realising a positive skills migration trend of around 50,000 migrants…. The registration of every child birth within 30 days of delivery. The issuing of identity documents to every South African 16 years and above. Prioritising government outcomes

5 5 DHA supporting the priorities of government ELECTORAL MANDATEState of the Nation address (SONA) National Development Plan Education – the apex priority Decent work Health Rural development Fight crime Role of the DHA Access to rights and services Building a capable state Enabling economic growth DHA identity systems are essential tools in the fight against crime and corruption SONA – for all of government to support Ensure rapid growth to create decent work Urban planning linked to rural development War against corruption Government must coordinate, integrate, focus National Development Plan Enable skilled immigrants to work in South Africa Consider a single Visa for SADC visitors. Work permits to foreigners who graduate in S.A. DHA can contribute to empowerment, equity and other redress measures Engagement with strategic countries

6 6 Can you imagine …. Every visa and permit is issued on the basis of an effective risk analysis and the identity, business and location of foreign nationals in South Africa is known. Immigration is used to proactively advance national interests; and the entry, stay and exit of legitimate visitors is facilitated rapidly. Ports of Entry are secure, efficient and welcoming of legitimate travellers. The status of asylum seekers is securely and efficiently determined; and genuine refugees are assisted in a coordinated way by relevant Departments and by national and international organisations The corporate image and basic office environment is of the same high standard everywhere. Home Affairs sets the standard for e-government and the cost effective and creative use of many alternative channels for service delivery. And all South Africans have a secure identity and are proud of it, singing praises of Home Affairs! A vision of a transformed Home Affairs

7 7 Can you imagine …. A highly skilled, professional, caring staff that is security conscious and 100% committed to serving the people of South Africa. Technology that is used effectively to secure the identity and the status of every citizen and to render them a quality service. Every citizen has a “smart” ID card with information that is accurate, reliable and visibly protected by committed, patriotic officials. All documents have advanced security features. There is live capture of biometrics and other information and all documents are captured electronically. There are no duplicates. A robust system of monitoring and evaluation, using accurate statistics, is used to manage performance and ensure accountability. Home Affairs is at the heart of a secure identity and immigration system that is trusted, supported and used by all Departments and other partners.

8 8 TRANSFORMATION STRATEGYCRITICAL INITIATIVES OVER MTEF 1.Develop a cadre of disciplined, professional officials  Establish a world-class Academy and the culture and practice of constant learning. 2.Develop a leadership collective that can drive transformation  Take steps to ensure there is committed, professional leadership at all levels. 3.Build a platform of and systems that are secure and integrated  Modernisation, driven by the department and based on efficient, secure processes. 4.Implement an operating model that is appropriate and effective  Managers manage their environments.  Establish highly effective support services and monitoring systems Eight Transformation Strategies

9 9 TRANSFORMATION STRATEGYCRITICAL INITIATIVES OVER MTEF 5.Establish a strong M & E function to manage Performance  Build and maintain an accurate data and statistical system and capacitate M & E. 6.Develop partnerships with communities and within government  Build and work with Stakeholder Forums  Build relationships with key Departments 7.Work strategically and smartly within the state and civil society  Build capacity to research and to analyse and use information effectively at all levels 8.Contribute significantly to the fight against corruption  Integrate efforts across DHA and work closely with Security Cluster partners Eight Transformation Strategies

10 10 Human Resource Strategy The HR strategy seeks to reposition the DHA as a highly effective department and employer of choice. The following top five HR priorities are driven to maximise organisational effectiveness. 1.People acquisition:  Improved psychometric evaluation and recruitment methods.  identify critical areas for capacity building.  Identify and fill critical posts.  Strengthen appointment letter in respect of vetting.  On-boarding programme enhanced to orientate newcomers and re-orientate existing staff.  Profile jobs to inculcate competency-based recruitment. 2.Transformation and change:  Employment equity targets in relation to gender, race and disability achieved; a youth development programme rolled out; DHA cadre framework implemented.  Driving organisational effectiveness through streamlining business processes.

11 11 Human Resource Strategy 3.Human resources development:  Critical skills gaps identified and training and coaching programmes implemented.  Leadership forums conducted and leadership capability assessed.  Cadet programme developed and rolled out.  Security awareness programme developed. 4.Performance management:  Compliance to contracting and review processes.  Exceptional performers identified and reward and recognition implemented.  Employee health and wellness programmes implemented. 5.Employee relations strategy:  Zero tolerance to corruption with improved turnaround times to finalise cases with strong focus on corruption and fraud cases and those having financial implications  Application for immigration function to be classified as an essential service.

12 12 BranchTotal PostsPosts Filled (Incl. natural attrition) Posts not filled Posts Advertised Posts Short-listed Posts Interviewed Audit Services826644 Civic Services958402556776627568 Communication Services135811 10 Counter Corruption684028574440 DG Support11101 Finance823844635452 Human Resources905040806652 Immigration Services913231682803526499 Information Services422022393230 Intergovernmental Relations514544 Learning Academy281117191817 Legal Services1055888 Ministry1531211 9 Policy and Strategic Management 110111 Total Funded Posts22448191425188914161304 %100%36%64%84%63%58% Recruitment Status – 2012/13 Financial Year

13 RaceTotal number of employees DHA Status against National Demographics National Demographics (Target) African792986%79.0% Coloured5345.80%8.9% Indian730.80%2.5% White6807.4%9.6% TOTAL RACE9216100% Disability820.89%2.0% EE Targets are communicated to Heads of Branches/Business Unit to ensure targeted recruitment. Employment Equity Status GenderTotal number of employees below SMS level Org. Level Total number of employees @ SMS level SMS LevelPercentage (Target) Total org.Percentage Male367340.51%7852.00%50%375140.70% Female539359.49%7248.00%50%546559.30% Total9066100%150100% 9216100%

14 14 Modernisation Project DHA Integrated Revenue Engine IT and Physical Infrastructure Upgrade Change Management CUBANS New NPR/ National Identificatio n System Executive Management System SARS Live Capture EDMSEQMSEMCS SARS Call Centre Visa and Permits Frequent Traveller System GPW Production of secure documents/ Smart ID Smart ID card printing infrastructure and card design personalisation Legend: White = Not yet started Green = In progress Gijima provides hardware

15 15 Modernisation Project Reduction of paper trail (paperless environment); Automated and secured business processes; Improved turnaround times; Increased accountability; Reduction of identity theft; Improved security; Increased customer satisfaction.

16 16 Some significant achievements 2012 - 2013  The DHA is on track to achieve the annual target of 594, 000 births registered within 30 days; which will represent an increase of 6% compared to the proportion of projected births registered in 2011/ 12.  The annual target of 80 additional health facilities connected for online registration of births and deaths is likely to be achieved. This is a significant expansion of access to services,  The DHA continues to work hard to eradicate late registration of birth (LRB). Between October – December 2012 the DHA finalised 27, 750 LRB cases out of a total of 30, 900 received.  787, 949 IDs were issued to 16 year olds and above by the end of Q3, which represents 79% of the target for the year. Progress was made in terms of developing specifications and testing the ID smart card.  The unabridged birth certificate was launched on the 4 th March 2013.

17 17  South Africa continues to be a premier destination for international events with the DHA contributing to the successful hosting of AFCON.  In spite of challenges, officials were able to facilitate large numbers of travelers through ports of entry over the festive season.  Steps have been taken to strengthen coordination, security and efficiency at Cape Town harbour with the design and renovation of a building that will house all departments that function in the marine environment. This will assist in developing a management model for all ports of entry.  The Learning Academy, working with providers, has delivered several certificated courses of high quality to officials. This includes a National Certificate Home Affairs Services which has been piloted with 272 officials.  The settlement of invoices within 30 days has increasing from 54% to 86% following the introduction of an invoice/payment tracking register. Some significant achievements 2012 - 2013

18 18 The Annual Performance Plan is grounded on three Outcomes Outcome 1: Secured South African citizenship and identity Outcome 2: Immigration managed effectively and securely in the national interest including economic, social and cultural development Outcome 3: A service that is efficient, accessible and corruption free

19 19 Outcome 1: Secured South African citizenship and identity Strategic Objectives To ensure that registration at birth is the only entry point for South Africans to the National Population Register (NPR) To issue Identity Documents (IDs) to citizens turning 16 years of age and above To ensure the registration and identification of all South African citizens and foreign nationals to enhance the integrity and security of identity

20 20 Outcome 2: Immigration managed effectively and securely in the national interest including economic, social and cultural development Strategic Objectives To ensure a secure, responsive and flexible immigration regime in support of national security, priorities and interests To implement effective and efficient asylum seeker and refugee management strategies and systems To facilitate the efficient movement of bona fide travellers to support national interests and priorities, and to prevent and prohibit the movement of undesirable persons in the interest of national security To contribute towards realising a positive skills migration trend of around 50 000 migrants annually

21 21 Outcome 3: A service that is efficient, accessible and corruption free Strategic Objectives To transform the culture of the organisation in support of securing identity, citizenship and international migration To ensure ethical conduct and a zero tolerance approach to corruption To obtain a clean audit report To ensure secure, effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to clients

22 22 Outcome 1: Secured South African citizenship and identity Strategic Objective 1.1: To ensure that registration at birth is the only entry point for South Africans to the National Population Register (NPR) Annual Targets 2013/14 per strategic objective: 642 000 births registered within 30 calendar days of the birth 40 additional health institutions with maternity facilities operational for online birth registration 8 additional stakeholder forums launched and functional Strategy and plan implemented nationally and in 9 provinces to reduce late registration of birth

23 23 Outcome 1: Secured South African citizenship and identity Strategic Objective 1.2 To issue Identity Documents (IDs) to citizens turning 16 years of age and above Annual Targets 2013/14 per strategic objective: ID smart card issued to 100 000 citizens Strategic Objective 1.3 To ensure the identification and registration of South African citizens and foreign nationals to enhance the integrity and security of identity Live capture functionality for passports and IDs rolled out (installed and functional) to 70 offices Scanning capability (equipment and human resources) created for minimum of five hundred thousand manual documents as per project plan Annual Targets 2013/14 per strategic objective:

24 24 Strategic Objective 2.1: To ensure a secure, responsive and flexible immigration regime in support of national security, priorities and interests Annual Targets 2013/14 per strategic objective: Immigration and refugee policies further developed and approved for consultation on: Management of asylum seekers and refugees. Economic migrants within SADC. Attracting and retention of migrants with critical skills Outcome 2: Immigration managed effectively and securely in the national interest including economic, social and cultural development.

25 25 Strategic Objective 2.2: To implement effective and efficient asylum seeker and refugee management strategies and systems Annual Targets 2013/14 per strategic objective: One (1) Status Determination Committee (SDC), with a minimum of 2 sub-committees, established and operational in three (3) refugee reception offices Outcome 2: Immigration managed effectively and securely in the national interest including economic, social and cultural development.

26 26 Strategic Objective 2.3: To facilitate the efficient movement of bona fide travellers to support national interests and priorities, and to prevent and prohibit the movement of undesirable persons in the interest of national security Annual Targets 2013/14 per strategic objective: Operating model for BMA developed for submission to cabinet for approval Draft Bill for BMA developed for submission to cabinet for approval Structures to implement BMA established Infrastructure development programme rolled out to 11 priority ports of entry for improved residential and office accommodation as per set standards e-Permitting system design completed and approved by DHA User and technical specifications for trusted traveller programme approved by DHA Additional 13 ports of entry equipped with current enhanced movement control system Biometric technology (fingerprint and facial recognition solutions) integrated with EMCS and piloted at ORTIA as per project plan specifications Outcome 2: Immigration managed effectively and securely in the national interest including economic, social and cultural development.

27 27 Strategic Objective 2.4: To contribute towards realising a positive skills migration trend of around 50 000 migrants annually Annual Targets 2013/14 per strategic objective: Strategy approved by DHA to facilitate and support the attraction and retention of foreign migrants with critical skills 20 000 permits issued to foreign migrants with skills as per approved skills list Outcome 2: Immigration managed effectively and securely in the national interest including economic, social and cultural development.

28 28 Strategic Objective 3.1: To transform the culture of the organisation in support of securing identity, citizenship and international migration Annual Targets 2013/14 per strategic objective: 600 newly appointed officials enrolled and trained in National Certificate: Home Affairs Services 100 Managers at senior, middle and junior management levels enrolled and trained in outbound management and leadership development programmes Ambassador programme implemented amongst an additional 200 employees at head office and provinces Integrated monitoring and evaluation system designed and phase 1 implemented (concept paper approved, data systems designed, structure approved) Outcome 3: A service that is efficient, accessible and corruption free

29 29 Strategic Objective 3.2: To ensure ethical conduct and a zero tolerance approach to corruption Annual Targets 2013/14 per strategic objective: Reports, compiled on security evaluations performed on a further 4 (four) processes, signed off by Director-General DHA Investigations Case Management System, which provides integrated reports on counter corruption cases, customised and tested (ready for implementation) for accessibility to all JCPS stakeholders Draft policy and legal framework document submitted for approval by DHA, cluster and cabinet Anti-corruption awareness campaign conducted with one or more communication and awareness products undertaken in identified offices nation- wide 85% of misconduct cases finalised within 60 working days Outcome 3: A service that is efficient, accessible and corruption free

30 30 Strategic Objective 3.3: To obtain a clean audit report Annual Targets 2013/14 per strategic objective: Unqualified audit report for 2013/14 financial year. 100% of valid invoices settled within 30 days of certification of invoices Outcome 3: A service that is efficient, accessible and corruption free Strategic Objective 3.4: To ensure secure, effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to clients Annual Targets 2013/14 per strategic objective: 15 offices refurbished to achieve uniform standards Vacant funded posts filled within 6 months 95% of IDs (First issues) issued within 54 working days for applications collected and processed within the RSA 95% of IDs (Re- issues) issued within 47 working days for applications collected and processed within the RSA

31 31 Outcome 3: A service that is efficient, accessible and corruption free Strategic Objective 3.4: To ensure secure, effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to clients Annual Targets 2013/14 per strategic objective: 95% of machine readable passports issued within 24 working days (manual process) for applications collected and processed within the RSA. 97% of applications for machine readable passports issued within 13 working days (live capture process) for applications collected and processed within the RSA. 50% of permanent residence permits issued within 8 months for applications collected within the RSA 85% of temporary residence permits (critical skills) issued within 8 weeks for applications processed within the RSA and abroad.

32 32 1. MANAGE IMMIGRATION2.CLEAN AND PROTECT THE NPR New policy & legislation on immigration Asylum seeker management Border Management Agency Permit transformation Infrastructure at ports of entry Eradicate LRB and duplicates – essential to cleaning the NPR Ensure all citizens of 16 years and older apply for and receive IDs. The DHA and its officials to take visible steps to protect the NPR Key strategic priorities over the next three years

33 33 3. MODERNISE THE DHA 4. ERADICATE POOR SERVICE DELIVERY Implement modernisation programme, including: Live capture SMART Card E-document management and a paperless environment National Identity System All necessary controls, processes and systems in place Requires establishing sound leadership, management and organisational discipline at all levels Building a strong M&E function supported by reliable management information Key strategic priorities over the next three years

34 34 5. ACHIEVE A CLEAN AUDIT All necessary controls, processes and systems in place Requires establishing sound management and organisational discipline at all levels Appropriate delegations Key strategic priorities over the next three years

35 35 THANK YOU Questions Comments

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