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Vocational Rehabilitation Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education September 9, 2015 Climbing Mountains and Metaphors Kathy Kelly, Bert.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocational Rehabilitation Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education September 9, 2015 Climbing Mountains and Metaphors Kathy Kelly, Bert."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocational Rehabilitation Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education September 9, 2015 Climbing Mountains and Metaphors Kathy Kelly, Bert Schulte Missouri Vocational Rehabilitation

2 Vocational Counseling  Importance  Feeling heard and understood  Minimize resistance 2

3 Mission  Put people to work 3

4 Vision  Everyone deserves a great VR experience 4

5 Operating Principles  Act with a sense of urgency  Provide quality customer service  Maximize our resources  Do the right thing  Put people first  Continuously evaluate our practices and processes 5

6 “Spirit” of MI  Partnership  Acceptance  Compassion  Evocation 6

7 Motivational Interviewing  Beginnings  Demand  Response 7

8 MVR’s Journey  Training Cohorts  Management/Staff buy-in  Motivational Interviewing Team  Collaboration  Supervisor Training  Proficiency and Skill Building  Cultural shift 8

9 MI Impact  Client centered – Equipoise  Initial meetings  Values/Goals/Behaviors clarification  Client’s choose own path to mountain top with counselor assistance Client’s write their own plan  Determination of VR assistance  Addressing relapse/derailment 9

10 Discoveries on the Journey  Unexpected and unanticipated…  What gets measured gets done…  Risk and reward  Organizational Impact 10

11 Measuring Stuff 11 I am willing to put in the extra effort to assist my clients and coworkers.9.37 I am proud of what MVR does to help people.9.32 I recommend my organization as a good agency from which to receive services.8.98 I am constantly looking for ways to do my job better.8.97 I utilize MVR’s Operating Principles as a guide in my work.8.93 MVR’s mission and vision make me feel that my job is important.8.75 My supervisor promotes a work environment that fosters quality customer service.8.50 I understand how my individual performance contributes to MVR’s success.8.50 My supervisor seems to care about me as a person.8.44 I feel a sense of pride when I tell people that I work for this organization.8.35 My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment.8.30 My supervisor promotes a work environment that fosters productivity.8.25 I believe I have a career with this organization.8.14 In the past two years, MVR has provided me opportunities to learn and grow.8.02 I recommend my organization as a good place to work.8.00 My work environment supports a balance between work and personal life.7.81 I can see myself working for this organization five years from now.7.70 In my organization, leaders generate high levels of motivation and commitment in the workforce.7.58 My creativity and innovation are rewarded.6.80 MVR provides me with opportunities for career advancement and promotion.5.92

12 Discoveries on the Journey Vocational Counseling 12

13 Questions?? 13

14 Contact Us 14

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