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Success in North Staffordshire

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1 Success in North Staffordshire
Evidenced based model MEND Right delivery partner Time4Sport Investment by PCT North Staffs PCT Right delivery partner Model of success in West Midlands Wayne Glover Time 4 Sport UK Ltd

2 Delivery Partner Actively involved with schools and the community
Enthusiastic delivery team Pro-active Forward Planning Close partnership working Long term Investment of time, energy and money

3 1+2=3 Recruitment Retention Results

4 Recruitment School Newsletters School Assemblies
School Leaflet/Poster Drop off GP/School Nurse tele/ update, leaflet and poster drop off NCMP referral Entry on MEND Facebook page Advert in local community magazines School/Leisure Centre computer display screen advertisement Supermarket Partnership (Sainsbury’s) Banner, Once a month Stand/Flyer handout, Local press cover supermarket tour. YMCA Magazine interview with MEND staff School Banners (Landscape and Pop Up) Childhood Obesity Workshop Stand and flyer handout Van Signage MEND Healthy Lifestyle Quizzes Local Press Case Studies


6 Retention Pre MEND Select the correct venue
Programme Manager will brief the leaders on each family prior to them attending the first session. Text/ families prior to first session During MEND: Setting the rules. Brief families who miss sessions Progression and increase in intensity week by week T4S delivery team being qualified in both theory and exercise roles MEND champion family Post MEND: MEND follow on programme

7 Results After mend Kept engaged with 60 % children post programme
Average recruited 9 families per programme Average attendance 90% Drop out at 10% Delivered Stoke PCT programme (April-July 2010) Recruitment increased from 6 to 11 4 week turn around After mend Kept engaged with 60 % children post programme Made possible by investment from PCT Six month data

8 Mean reductions

9 Comments Victoria Mum: “Cam was able to make new friends and try lots of different sports. I learnt about nutritional values in certain foods. We are looking forward to the follow on programme” Harvey said: "My eyes have gone sparkly and my hair is shinier. I feel fitter. Doing the rock climbing has been the best bit. "I've also done swimming, dodgeball, cricket and rounders. I prefer eating healthy stuff.“ Dietician Caroline Hill said: "One of the nicest things is we've seen how positive children are after doing the programme."


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