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The Story So Far! Wythenshawe Hospital Diabetes Transition Team.

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Presentation on theme: "The Story So Far! Wythenshawe Hospital Diabetes Transition Team."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Story So Far! Wythenshawe Hospital Diabetes Transition Team

2 Our Successes Improved communication between the paediatric and young persons team. Using motivational interview techniques with patients. Psychological input in to young persons clinic

3 Challenges Difficulty getting together as a whole team for meetings. Additional time constraints due to staff shortages DSN’s meet every 2-3 weeks to share information and forward plan.

4 Positive Response Team members have successfully used motivational interviewing with challenging patients

5 Patient Groups Date set for a social and information gathering evening with the diabetes team and young people from both clinics..

6 Next Steps Transition Nurse appointed To add ‘Hello’ to Ready, Steady, Go. Development of information leaflet including clinic passport.

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