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Imperialism (late 1800s- early 1900s). Imperialism-a country takes over another country. Isolationism-a country has little to do with other countries’

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1 Imperialism (late 1800s- early 1900s)

2 Imperialism-a country takes over another country. Isolationism-a country has little to do with other countries’ affairs. Expansionism-a country extends its national boundaries.

3 Purchase of Alaska U.S. Secretary of State William Seward bought Alaska from Russia. Many Americans called the move “Seward’s Folly” because they believed Alaska was simply a land of frozen ice and fish.

4 Opening Up Trade Britain, Japan, France, Germany and Russia divided China into Spheres of Influence. A sphere of influence was an area where only one nation could trade. The U.S. convinced the nations to have an Open Door Policy in China (any nation could trade in the spheres of others.) The Open Door Policy protected U.S. trading rights in China

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